Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure: Empower users by managing and protecting identities and data, Second Edition

Mastering Identity and Access Management with Microsoft Azure: Empower users by managing and protecting identities and data, Second Edition

By Jochen Nickel


BookEllipseFeb 2019Ellipse698 pagesEllipse2nd Edition






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Book description

Microsoft Azure and its Identity and access management are at the heart of Microsoft's software as service products, including Office 365, Dynamics CRM, and Enterprise Mobility Management. It is crucial to master Microsoft Azure in order to be able to work with the Microsoft Cloud effectively. You’ll begin by identifying the benefits of Microsoft Azure in the field of identity and access management. Working through the functionality of identity and access management as a service, you will get a full overview of the Microsoft strategy. Understanding identity synchronization will help you to provide a well-managed identity. Project scenarios and examples will enable you to understand, troubleshoot, and develop on essential authentication protocols and publishing scenarios. Finally, you will acquire a thorough understanding of Microsoft Information protection technologies.

Who is this book for?

This book is a perfect companion for developers, cyber security specialists, system and security engineers, IT consultants/architects, and system administrators who are looking for perfectly up–to-date hybrid and cloud-only scenarios. You should have some understanding of security solutions, Active Directory, access privileges/rights, and authentication methods. Programming knowledge is not required but can be helpful for using PowerShell or working with APIs to customize your solutions.

What you will learn

Apply technical descriptions to your business needs and deployments Manage cloud-only, simple, and complex hybrid environments Apply correct and efficient monitoring and identity protection strategies Design and deploy custom Identity and access management solutions Build a complete identity and access management life cycle Understand authentication and application publishing mechanisms Use and understand the most crucial identity synchronization scenarios Implement a suitable information protection strategy

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Product Details

Publication date :

Feb 26, 2019

Length :

698 pages

Edition :

2nd Edition

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Product Details

Publication date :

Feb 26, 2019

Length :

698 pages

Edition :

2nd Edition

Language :


ISBN-13 :


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Product Details

Publication date :

Feb 26, 2019

Length :

698 pages

Edition :

2nd Edition

Language :


ISBN-13 :


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Table of Contents

23 Chapters

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Mr. Jochen Nickel
Jochen Nickel is a Cloud, Identity and Access Management Solution Architect with a clear focus and in-depth technical knowledge of Identity and Access Management. He is currently working for inovit GmbH in Switzerland leading and executing projects in the field of Identity and Access Management including Data Classification and Information protection. Jochen is focused on Microsoft Technologies, especially in the Enterprise Mobility + Security Suite, Office 365 and Azure. He is an established speaker at many technology conferences like Azure Bo...

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