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You're reading from  C++ High Performance - Second Edition

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Published inDec 2020
Reading LevelIntermediate
Edition2nd Edition
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Authors (2):
Björn Andrist
Björn Andrist
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Björn Andrist

Björn Andrist is a freelance software consultant currently focusing on audio applications. For more than 15 years, he has been working professionally with C++ in projects ranging from UNIX server applications to real-time audio applications on desktop and mobile. In the past, he has also taught courses in algorithms and data structures, concurrent programming, and programming methodologies. Björn holds a BS in computer engineering and an MS in computer science from KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
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Viktor Sehr
Viktor Sehr
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Viktor Sehr

Viktor Sehr is the founder and main developer of the small game studio Toppluva AB. At Toppluva he develops a custom graphics engine which powers the open-world skiing game Grand Mountain Adventure. He has 13 years of professional experience using C++, with real-time graphics, audio, and architectural design as his focus areas. Through his career, he has developed medical visualization software at Mentice and Raysearch Laboratories as well as real-time audio applications at Propellerhead Software. Viktor holds an M.S. in media science from Linköping University.
Read more about Viktor Sehr

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After covering lazy evaluation and proxy objects in the last chapter, we will now explore how to write concurrent programs in C++ using threads with shared memory. We will look at ways to make concurrent programs correct by writing programs that are free from data races and deadlocks. This chapter will also contain advice on how to make concurrent programs run with low latency and high throughput.

Before we go any further, you should know that this chapter is not a complete introduction to concurrent programming, nor will it cover all the details of concurrency in C++. Instead, this chapter is an introduction to the core building blocks of writing concurrent programs in C++, mixed with some performance-related guidelines. If you haven't written concurrent programs before, it is wise to go through some introductory material to cover the theoretical aspects of concurrent programming. Concepts such as deadlocks, critical sections, condition variables, and mutexes...

Understanding the basics of concurrency

A concurrent program can execute multiple tasks at the same time. Concurrent programming is, in general, a lot harder than sequential programming, but there are several reasons why a program may benefit from being concurrent:

  • Efficiency: The smartphones and desktop computers of today have multiple CPU cores that can execute multiple tasks in parallel. If you manage to split a big task into subtasks that can be run in parallel, it is theoretically possible to divide the running time of the big task by the number of CPU cores. For programs that run on machines with one single core, there can still be a gain in performance if a task is I/O bound. While one subtask is waiting for I/O, other subtasks can still perform useful work on the CPU.
  • Responsiveness and low latency contexts: For applications with a graphical user interface, it is important to never block the UI so that the application becomes unresponsive. To prevent unresponsiveness...

What makes concurrent programming hard?

There are a number of reasons why concurrent programming is hard, and, if you have written concurrent programs before, you have most likely already encountered the ones listed here:

  • Sharing state between multiple threads in a safe manner is hard. Whenever we have data that can be read and written to at the same time, we need some way of protecting that data from data races. You will see many examples of this later on.
  • Concurrent programs are usually more complicated to reason about because of the multiple parallel execution flows.
  • Concurrency complicates debugging. Bugs that occur because of data races can be very hard to debug since they are dependent on how threads are scheduled. These kinds of bugs can be hard to reproduce and, in the worst-case scenario, they may even cease to exist when running the program using a debugger. Sometimes an innocent debug trace to the console can change the way a multithreaded program...

Concurrency and parallelism

Concurrency and parallelism are two terms that are sometimes used interchangeably. However, they are not the same and it is important to understand the differences between them. A program is said to run concurrently if it has multiple individual control flows running during overlapping time periods. In C++, each individual control flow is represented by a thread. The threads may or may not execute at the exact same time, though. If they do, they are said to execute in parallel. For a concurrent program to run in parallel, it needs to be executed on a machine that has support for parallel execution of instructions; that is, a machine with multiple CPU cores.

At first glance, it might seem obvious that we always want concurrent programs to run in parallel if possible, for efficiency reasons. However, that is not necessarily always true. A lot of synchronization primitives (such as mutex locks) covered in this chapter are required only to support the parallel...

Concurrent programming in C++

The concurrency support in C++ makes it possible for a program to execute multiple tasks concurrently. As mentioned earlier, writing a correct concurrent C++ program is, in general, a lot harder than writing a program that executes all tasks sequentially in one thread. This section will also demonstrate some common pitfalls to make you aware of all the difficulties involved in writing concurrent programs.

Concurrency support was first introduced in C++11 and has since been extended into C++14, C++17, and C++20. Before concurrency was part of the language, it was implemented with native concurrency support from the operating system, POSIX Threads (pthreads), or some other library.

With concurrency support directly in the C++ language, we can write cross-platform concurrent programs, which is great! Sometimes, however, you have to reach for platform-specific functionality when dealing with concurrency on your platform. For example, there is no...

Lock-free programming

Lock-free programming is hard. We will not spend a lot of time discussing lock-free programming in this book, but instead I will provide you with an example of how a very simple lock-free data structure could be implemented. There is a great wealth of resources — on the web and in books (such as the Anthony Williams book mentioned earlier) — dedicated to lock-free programming that will explain the concepts you need to understand before writing your own lock-free data structures. Some concepts you might have heard of, such as compare-and-swap (CAS) and the ABA problem, will not be further discussed in this book.

Example: A lock-free queue

Here, you are going to see an example of a lock-free queue, which is a relatively simple but useful lock-free data structure. Lock-free queues can be used for one-way communication with threads that cannot use locks to synchronize access to shared data.

Its implementation is straightforward because of...

Performance guidelines

I cannot stress enough the importance of having a concurrent program running correctly before trying to improve the performance. Also, before applying any of these guidelines related to performance, you first need to set up a reliable way of measuring what you are trying to improve.

Avoid contention

Whenever multiple threads are using shared data, there will be contention. Contention hurts performance and sometimes the overhead caused by contention can make a parallel algorithm work slower than a single-threaded alternative.

Using a lock that causes a wait and a context switch is an obvious performance penalty, but what is not equally obvious is that both locks and atomics disable optimizations in the code generated by the compiler, and they do so at runtime when the CPU executes the code. This is necessary in order to guarantee sequential consistency. But remember, the solution to such problems is never to ignore synchronization and therefore introduce...


In this chapter, you have seen how to create programs that can execute multiple threads concurrently. We also covered how to avoid data races by protecting critical sections with locks or by using atomics. You learned that C++20 comes with some useful synchronization primitives: latches, barriers, and semaphores. We then looked into execution order and the C++ memory model, which becomes important to understand when writing lock-free programs. You also discovered that immutable data structures are thread-safe. The chapter ended with some guidelines for improving performance in concurrent applications.

The next two chapters are dedicated to a completely new C++20 feature called coroutines, which allows us to write asynchronous code in a sequential style.

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C++ High Performance - Second Edition
Published in: Dec 2020Publisher: PacktISBN-13: 9781839216541
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Authors (2)

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Björn Andrist

Björn Andrist is a freelance software consultant currently focusing on audio applications. For more than 15 years, he has been working professionally with C++ in projects ranging from UNIX server applications to real-time audio applications on desktop and mobile. In the past, he has also taught courses in algorithms and data structures, concurrent programming, and programming methodologies. Björn holds a BS in computer engineering and an MS in computer science from KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Read more about Björn Andrist

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Viktor Sehr

Viktor Sehr is the founder and main developer of the small game studio Toppluva AB. At Toppluva he develops a custom graphics engine which powers the open-world skiing game Grand Mountain Adventure. He has 13 years of professional experience using C++, with real-time graphics, audio, and architectural design as his focus areas. Through his career, he has developed medical visualization software at Mentice and Raysearch Laboratories as well as real-time audio applications at Propellerhead Software. Viktor holds an M.S. in media science from Linköping University.
Read more about Viktor Sehr