Developing IoT Projects with ESP32: Unlock the full Potential of ESP32 in IoT development to create production-grade smart devices, Second Edition

Developing IoT Projects with ESP32: Unlock the full Potential of ESP32 in IoT development to create production-grade smart devices, Second Edition

By Vedat Ozan Oner


BookEllipseNov 2023Ellipse578 pagesEllipse2nd Edition






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Key benefits

    • Build IoT projects from scratch using ESP32
    • Customize solutions, take them to cloud, visualize real-time data, implement security features
    • Practice using a variety of hands-on projects such as an audio player, smart home, and more

Book description

ESP32, a low-cost and energy-efficient system-on-a-chip microcontroller, has become the backbone of numerous WiFi devices, fueling IoT innovation. This book offers a holistic approach to building an IoT system from the ground up, ensuring secure data communication from sensors to cloud platforms, empowering you to create production-grade IoT solutions using the ESP32 SoC. Starting with IoT essentials supported by real-world use cases, this book takes you through the entire process of constructing an IoT device using ESP32. Each chapter introduces new dimensions to your IoT applications, covering sensor communication, the integration of prominent IoT libraries like LittleFS and LVGL, connectivity options via WiFi, security measures, cloud integration, and the visualization of real-time data using Grafana. Furthermore, a dedicated section explores AI/ML for embedded systems, guiding you through building and running ML applications with tinyML and ESP32-S3 to create state-of-the-art embedded products. This book adopts a hands-on approach, ensuring you can start building IoT solutions right from the beginning. Towards the end of the book, you'll tackle a full-scale Smart Home project, applying all the techniques you've learned in real-time. Embark on your journey to build secure, production-grade IoT systems with ESP32 today!

Who is this book for?

If you are an embedded software developer, an IoT software architect or developer, a technologist, or anyone who wants to learn how to use ESP32 and its applications, this book is for you. A basic understanding of embedded systems, programming, networking, and cloud computing concepts is necessary to get started with the book.

What you will learn

Explore ESP32 with IDE and debugging tools for effective IoT creation Drive GPIO, I2C, multimedia, and storage for seamless integration of external devices Utilize handy IoT libraries to enhance your ESP32 projects Manage WiFi like a pro with STA & AP modes, provisioning, and ESP Rainmaker framework features Ensure robust IoT security with secure boot and OTA firmware updates Harness AWS IoT for data handling and achieve stunning visualization using Grafana Enhance your projects with voice capabilities using ESP AFE and Speech Recognition Innovate with tinyML on ESP32-S3 and the Edge Impulse platform

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Product Details

Publication date :

Nov 30, 2023

Length :

578 pages

Edition :

2nd Edition

Language :


ISBN-13 :


Vendor :

Espressif Systems

Category :

Product Details

Publication date :

Nov 30, 2023

Length :

578 pages

Edition :

2nd Edition

Language :


ISBN-13 :


Vendor :

Espressif Systems

Category :

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Product Details

Publication date :

Nov 30, 2023

Length :

578 pages

Edition :

2nd Edition

Language :


ISBN-13 :


Vendor :

Espressif Systems

Category :

Table of Contents

15 Chapters

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N/A | Feb 6, 2024

Currently I am reading the book and trying the examples. The example I am busy with, does not compile. I am using the Espressif IDE and not Visual Studio + PlatformIO, but that should not cause the compile errors.


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Vedat Ozan Oner
Vedat Ozan Oner is an IoT product developer and software architect with a good blend of technical knowledge and experience. During his career, he participated in many IoT projects in different roles as a developer, architect, technical product manager, which let him see all aspects of developing successful IoT products in highly competitive markets. He specializes in wireless sensor networks and their applications, where he sees many technical challenges, thus, business opportunities. He has a bachelor’s degree from METU/Computer Engineering an...

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