Home Data Pandas Cookbook

Pandas Cookbook

By Theodore Petrou
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  1. Free Chapter
    Pandas Foundations
About this book
This book will provide you with unique, idiomatic, and fun recipes for both fundamental and advanced data manipulation tasks with pandas 0.20. Some recipes focus on achieving a deeper understanding of basic principles, or comparing and contrasting two similar operations. Other recipes will dive deep into a particular dataset, uncovering new and unexpected insights along the way. The pandas library is massive, and it's common for frequent users to be unaware of many of its more impressive features. The official pandas documentation, while thorough, does not contain many useful examples of how to piece together multiple commands like one would do during an actual analysis. This book guides you, as if you were looking over the shoulder of an expert, through practical situations that you are highly likely to encounter. Many advanced recipes combine several different features across the pandas 0.20 library to generate results.
Publication date:
October 2017


Pandas Foundations

In this chapter, we will cover the following:

  • Dissecting the anatomy of a DataFrame
  • Accessing the main DataFrame components
  • Understanding data types
  • Selecting a single column of data as a Series
  • Calling Series methods
  • Working with operators on a Series
  • Chaining Series methods together
  • Making the index meaningful
  • Renaming row and column names
  • Creating and deleting columns


The goal of this chapter is to introduce a foundation of pandas by thoroughly inspecting the Series and DataFrame data structures. It is vital for pandas users to know each component of the Series and the DataFrame, and to understand that each column of data in pandas holds precisely one data type.

In this chapter, you will learn how to select a single column of data from a DataFrame, which is returned as a Series. Working with this one-dimensional object makes it easy to show how different methods and operators work. Many Series methods return another Series as output. This leads to the possibility of calling further methods in succession, which is known as method chaining.

The Index component of the Series and DataFrame is what separates pandas from most other data analysis libraries and is the key to understanding how many operations work. We will get a glimpse of this powerful object when we use it as a meaningful label for Series values. The final two recipes contain simple tasks that frequently occur during a data analysis.


Dissecting the anatomy of a DataFrame

Before diving deep into pandas, it is worth knowing the components of the DataFrame. Visually, the outputted display of a pandas DataFrame (in a Jupyter Notebook) appears to be nothing more than an ordinary table of data consisting of rows and columns. Hiding beneath the surface are the three components--the index, columns, and data (also known as values) that you must be aware of in order to maximize the DataFrame's full potential.

Getting ready

This recipe reads in the movie dataset into a pandas DataFrame and provides a labeled diagram of all its major components.

How to do it...

  1. Use the read_csv function to read in the movie dataset, and display the first five rows with the head method:
>>> movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv')
>>> movie.head()
  1. Analyze the labeled anatomy of the DataFrame:

How it works...

Pandas first reads the data from disk into memory and into a DataFrame using the excellent and versatile read_csv function. The output for both the columns and the index is in bold font, which makes them easy to identify. By convention, the terms index label and column name refer to the individual members of the index and columns, respectively. The term index refers to all the index labels as a whole just as the term columns refers to all the column names as a whole.

The columns and the index serve a particular purpose, and that is to provide labels for the columns and rows of the DataFrame. These labels allow for direct and easy access to different subsets of data. When multiple Series or DataFrames are combined, the indexes align first before any calculation occurs. Collectively, the columns and the index are known as the axes.

A DataFrame has two axes--a vertical axis (the index) and a horizontal axis(the columns). Pandas borrows convention from NumPy and uses the integers 0/1 as another way of referring to the vertical/horizontal axis.

DataFrame data (values) is always in regular font and is an entirely separate component from the columns or index. Pandas uses NaN (not a number) to represent missing values. Notice that even though the color column has only string values, it uses NaN to represent a missing value.

The three consecutive dots in the middle of the columns indicate that there is at least one column that exists but is not displayed due to the number of columns exceeding the predefined display limits.

The Python standard library contains the csv module, which can be used to parse and read in data. The pandas read_csv function offers a powerful increase in performance and functionality over this module.

There's more...

The head method accepts a single parameter, n, which controls the number of rows displayed. Similarly, the tail method returns the last n rows.

See also


Accessing the main DataFrame components

Each of the three DataFrame components--the index, columns, and data--may be accessed directly from a DataFrame. Each of these components is itself a Python object with its own unique attributes and methods. It will often be the case that you would like to perform operations on the individual components and not on the DataFrame as a whole.

Getting ready

This recipe extracts the index, columns, and the data of the DataFrame into separate variables, and then shows how the columns and index are inherited from the same object.

How to do it...

  1. Use the DataFrame attributes index, columns, and values to assign the index, columns, and data to their own variables:
>>> movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv')
>>> index = movie.index
>>> columns = movie.columns
>>> data = movie.values
  1. Display each component's values:
>>> index
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=5043, step=1)

>>> columns
Index(['color', 'director_name', 'num_critic_for_reviews', ... 'imdb_score', 'aspect_ratio', 'movie_facebook_likes'],

>>> data
array([['Color', 'James Cameron', 723.0, ..., 7.9, 1.78, 33000], ..., ['Color', 'Jon Gunn', 43.0, ..., 6.6, 1.85, 456]],
  1. Output the type of each DataFrame component. The name of the type is the word following the last dot of the output:
>>> type(index)

>>> type(columns)

>>> type(data)
  1. Interestingly, both the types for both the index and the columns appear to be closely related. The built-in issubclass method checks whether RangeIndex is indeed a subclass of Index:
>>> issubclass(pd.RangeIndex, pd.Index)

How it works...

You may access the three main components of a DataFrame with the index, columns, and values attributes. The output of the columns attribute appears to be just a sequence of the column names. This sequence of column names is technically an Index object. The output of the function type is the fully qualified class name of the object.

The fully qualified class name of the object for the variable columns is pandas.core.indexes.base.Index. It begins with the package name, which is followed by a path of modules and ends with the name of the type. A common way of referring to objects is to include the package name followed by the name of the object type. In this instance, we would refer to the columns as a pandas Index object.

The built-in subclass function checks whether the first argument inherits from the second. The Index and RangeIndex objects are very similar, and in fact, pandas has a number of similar objects reserved specifically for either the index or the columns. The index and the columns must both be some kind of Index object. Essentially, the index and the columns represent the same thing, but along different axes. They’re occasionally referred to as the row index and column index.

In this context, the Index objects refer to all the possible objects that can be used for the index or columns. They are all subclasses of pd.Index. Here is the complete list of the Index objects: CategoricalIndex, MultiIndex, IntervalIndex, Int64Index, UInt64Index, Float64Index, RangeIndex, TimedeltaIndex, DatetimeIndex, PeriodIndex.

A RangeIndex is a special type of Index object that is analogous to Python's range object. Its entire sequence of values is not loaded into memory until it is necessary to do so, thereby saving memory. It is completely defined by its start, stop, and step values.

There's more...

When possible, Index objects are implemented using hash tables that allow for very fast selection and data alignment. They are similar to Python sets in that they support operations such as intersection and union, but are dissimilar because they are ordered with duplicates allowed.

Python dictionaries and sets are also implemented with hash tables that allow for membership checking to happen very fast in constant time, regardless of the size of the object.

Notice how the values DataFrame attribute returned a NumPy n-dimensional array, or ndarray. Most of pandas relies heavily on the ndarray. Beneath the index, columns, and data are NumPy ndarrays. They could be considered the base object for pandas that many other objects are built upon. To see this, we can look at the values of the index and columns:

>>> index.values
array([ 0, 1, 2, ..., 4913, 4914, 4915])

>>> columns.values
array(['color', 'director_name', 'num_critic_for_reviews',
'imdb_score', 'aspect_ratio', 'movie_facebook_likes'],

See also


Understanding data types

In very broad terms, data may be classified as either continuous or categorical. Continuous data is always numeric and represents some kind of measurement, such as height, wage, or salary. Continuous data can take on an infinite number of possibilities. Categorical data, on the other hand, represents discrete, finite amounts of values such as car color, type of poker hand, or brand of cereal.

Pandas does not broadly classify data as either continuous or categorical. Instead, it has precise technical definitions for many distinct data types. The following table contains all pandas data types, with their string equivalents, and some notes on each type:

Common data type name NumPy/pandas object Pandas string name Notes




Stored as a single byte.




Defaulted to 64 bits. Unsigned ints are also available - np.uint.




Defaulted to 64 bits.




Rarely seen in data analysis.



O, object

Typically strings but is a catch-all for columns with multiple different types or other Python objects (tuples, lists, dicts, and so on).


np.datetime64, pd.Timestamp


Specific moment in time with nanosecond precision.


np.timedelta64, pd.Timedelta


An amount of time, from days to nanoseconds.




Specific only to pandas. Useful for object columns with relatively few unique values.

Getting ready

In this recipe, we display the data type of each column in a DataFrame. It is crucial to know the type of data held in each column as it fundamentally changes the kind of operations that are possible with it.

How to do it...

  1. Use the dtypes attribute to display each column along with its data type:
>>> movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv')
>>> movie.dtypes
color object director_name object num_critic_for_reviews float64 duration float64 director_facebook_likes float64 ... title_year float64 actor_2_facebook_likes float64 imdb_score float64 aspect_ratio float64 movie_facebook_likes int64 Length: 28, dtype: object
  1. Use the get_dtype_counts method to return the counts of each data type:
>>> movie.get_dtype_counts()
float64 13 int64 3 object 12

How it works...

Each DataFrame column must be exactly one type. For instance, every value in the column aspect_ratio is a 64-bit float, and every value in movie_facebook_likes is a 64-bit integer. Pandas defaults its core numeric types, integers, and floats to 64 bits regardless of the size necessary for all data to fit in memory. Even if a column consists entirely of the integer value 0, the data type will still be int64. get_dtype_counts is a convenience method for directly returning the count of all the data types in the DataFrame.

Homogeneous data is another term for referring to columns that all have the same type. DataFrames as a whole may contain heterogeneous data of different data types for different columns.

The object data type is the one data type that is unlike the others. A column that is of object data type may contain values that are of any valid Python object. Typically, when a column is of the object data type, it signals that the entire column is strings. This isn't necessarily the case as it is possible for these columns to contain a mixture of integers, booleans, strings, or other, even more complex Python objects such as lists or dictionaries. The object data type is a catch-all for columns that pandas doesn’t recognize as any other specific type.

There's more...

Almost all of pandas data types are built directly from NumPy. This tight integration makes it easier for users to integrate pandas and NumPy operations. As pandas grew larger and more popular, the object data type proved to be too generic for all columns with string values. Pandas created its own categorical data type to handle columns of strings (or numbers) with a fixed number of possible values.

See also


Selecting a single column of data as a Series

A Series is a single column of data from a DataFrame. It is a single dimension of data, composed of just an index and the data.

Getting ready

This recipe examines two different syntaxes to select a Series, one with the indexing operator and the other using dot notation.

How to do it...

  1. Pass a column name as a string to the indexing operator to select a Series of data:
>>> movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv')
>>> movie['director_name']
  1. Alternatively, you may use the dot notation to accomplish the same task:
>>> movie.director_name
  1. Inspect the Series anatomy:
  2. Verify that the output is a Series:
>>> type(movie['director_name'])

How it works...

Python has several built-in objects for containing data, such as lists, tuples, and dictionaries. All three of these objects use the indexing operator to select their data. DataFrames are more powerful and complex containers of data, but they too use the indexing operator as the primary means to select data. Passing a single string to the DataFrame indexing operator returns a Series.

The visual output of the Series is less stylized than the DataFrame. It represents a single column of data. Along with the index and values, the output displays the name, length, and data type of the Series.

Alternatively, while not recommended and subject to error, a column of data may be accessed using the dot notation with the column name as an attribute. Although it works with this particular example, it is not best practice and is prone to error and misuse. Column names with spaces or special characters cannot be accessed in this manner. This operation would have failed if the column name was director name. Column names that collide with DataFrame methods, such as count, also fail to be selected correctly using the dot notation. Assigning new values or deleting columns with the dot notation might give unexpected results. Because of this, using the dot notation to access columns should be avoided with production code.

There's more...

Why would anyone ever use the dot notation syntax if it causes trouble? Programmers are lazy, and there are fewer characters to type. But mainly, it is extremely handy when you want to have the autocomplete intelligence available. For this reason, column selection by dot notation will sometimes be used in this book. The autocomplete intelligence is fantastic for helping you become aware of all the possible attributes and methods available to an object.

The intelligence will fail to work when attempting to chain an operation after use of the indexing operator from step 1 but will continue to work with the dot notation from step 2. The following screenshot shows the pop-up window that appears after the selection of the director_name with the dot notation. All the possible attributes and methods will appear in a list after pressing Tab following the dot:

In a Jupyter notebook, when holding down Shift + Tab + Tab with the cursor placed somewhere in the object, a window of the docsstrings will pop out making the method far easier to use. This intelligence again disappears if you try to chain an operation after selecting a column with the indexing operator.

Yet another reason to be aware of the dot notation is the proliferation of its use online at the popular question and answer site Stack Overflow. Also, notice that the old column name is now the name of the Series and has actually become an attribute:

>>> director = movie['director_name']
>>> director.name

It is possible to turn this Series into a one-column DataFrame with the to_frame method. This method will use the Series name as the new column name:

>>> director.to_frame()

See also

  • To understand how Python objects gain the capability to use the indexing operator, see the Python documentation on the __getitem__ special method (http://bit.ly/2u5ISN6)
  • Refer to the Selecting multiple DataFrame columns recipe from Chapter 2, Essential DataFrame operations

Calling Series methods

Utilizing the single-dimensional Series is an integral part of all data analysis with pandas. A typical workflow will have you going back and forth between executing statements on Series and DataFrames. Calling Series methods is the primary way to use the abilities that the Series offers.

Getting ready

Both Series and DataFrames have a tremendous amount of power. We can use the dir function to uncover all the attributes and methods of a Series. Additionally, we can find the number of attributes and methods common to both Series and DataFrames. Both of these objects share the vast majority of attribute and method names:

>>> s_attr_methods = set(dir(pd.Series))
>>> len(s_attr_methods)

>>> df_attr_methods = set(dir(pd.DataFrame))
>>> len(df_attr_methods)

>>> len(s_attr_methods & df_attr_methods)

This recipe covers the most common and powerful Series methods. Many of the methods are nearly equivalent for DataFrames.

How to do it...

  1. After reading in the movies dataset, let's select two Series with different data types. The director_name column contains strings, formally an object data type, and the column actor_1_facebook_likes contains numerical data, formally float64:
>>> movie = pd.read_csv('data/movie.csv')
>>> director = movie['director_name']
>>> actor_1_fb_likes = movie['actor_1_facebook_likes']
  1. Inspect the head of each Series:
>>> director.head()
0 James Cameron 1 Gore Verbinski 2 Sam Mendes 3 Christopher Nolan 4 Doug Walker Name: director_name, dtype: object

>>> actor_1_fb_likes.head()
0 1000.0 1 40000.0 2 11000.0 3 27000.0 4 131.0 Name: actor_1_facebook_likes, dtype: float64
  1. The data type of the Series usually determines which of the methods will be the most useful. For instance, one of the most useful methods for the object data type Series is value_counts, which counts all the occurrences of each unique value:
>>> director.value_counts()
Steven Spielberg 26 Woody Allen 22 Martin Scorsese 20 Clint Eastwood 20 .. Fatih Akin 1 Analeine Cal y Mayor 1 Andrew Douglas 1 Scott Speer 1 Name: director_name, Length: 2397, dtype: int64
  1. The value_counts method is typically more useful for Series with object data types but can occasionally provide insight into numeric Series as well. Used with actor_1_fb_likes, it appears that higher numbers have been rounded to the nearest thousand as it is unlikely that so many movies received exactly 1,000 likes:
>>> actor_1_fb_likes.value_counts()
1000.0 436 11000.0 206 2000.0 189 3000.0 150 ... 216.0 1 859.0 1 225.0 1 334.0 1 Name: actor_1_facebook_likes, Length: 877, dtype: int64

  1. Counting the number of elements in the Series may be done with the size or shape parameter or the len function:
>>> director.size
>>> director.shape
>>> len(director)
  1. Additionally, there is the useful but confusing count method that returns the number of non-missing values:
>>> director.count()
>>> actor_1_fb_likes.count()
  1. Basic summary statistics may be yielded with the min, max, mean, median, std, and sum methods:
>>> actor_1_fb_likes.min(), actor_1_fb_likes.max(), \
actor_1_fb_likes.mean(), actor_1_fb_likes.median(), \
actor_1_fb_likes.std(), actor_1_fb_likes.sum()
(0.0, 640000.0, 6494.488490527602, 982.0, 15106.98, 31881444.0)
  1. To simplify step 7, you may use the describe method to return both the summary statistics and a few of the quantiles at once. When describe is used with an object data type column, a completely different output is returned:
>>> actor_1_fb_likes.describe()
count 4909.000000 mean 6494.488491 std 15106.986884 min 0.000000 25% 607.000000 50% 982.000000 75% 11000.000000 max 640000.000000 Name: actor_1_facebook_likes, dtype: float64

>>> director.describe()
count 4814
unique 2397
top Steven Spielberg
freq 26
Name: director_name, dtype: object

  1. The quantile method exists to calculate an exact quantile of numeric data:
>>> actor_1_fb_likes.quantile(.2)

>>> actor_1_fb_likes.quantile([.1, .2, .3, .4, .5,
.6, .7, .8, .9])
0.1 240.0 0.2 510.0 0.3 694.0 0.4 854.0 ... 0.6 1000.0 0.7 8000.0 0.8 13000.0 0.9 18000.0 Name: actor_1_facebook_likes, Length: 9, dtype: float64
  1. Since the count method in step 6 returned a value less than the total number of Series elements found in step 5, we know that there are missing values in each Series. The isnull method may be used to determine whether each individual value is missing or not. The result will be a Series of booleans the same length as the original Series:
>>> director.isnull()
0 False 1 False 2 False 3 False ... 4912 True 4913 False 4914 False 4915 False Name: director_name, Length: 4916, dtype: bool
  1. It is possible to replace all missing values within a Series with the fillna method:
>>> actor_1_fb_likes_filled = actor_1_fb_likes.fillna(0)
>>> actor_1_fb_likes_filled.count()
  1. To remove the Series elements with missing values, use dropna:
>>> actor_1_fb_likes_dropped = actor_1_fb_likes.dropna()
>>> actor_1_fb_likes_dropped.size

How it works...

Passing a string to the indexing operator of a DataFrame selects a single column as a Series. The methods used in this recipe were chosen because of how frequently they are used in data analysis.

The steps in this recipe should be straightforward with easily interpretable output. Even though the output is easy to read, you might lose track of the returned object. Is it a scalar value, a tuple, another Series, or some other Python object? Take a moment, and look at the output returned after each step. Can you name the returned object?

The result from the head method in step 1 is another Series. The value_counts method also produces a Series but has the unique values from the original Series as the index and the count as its values. In step 5, size and count return scalar values, but shape returns a one-item tuple.

It seems odd that the shape attribute returns a one-item tuple, but this is convention borrowed from NumPy, which allows for arrays of any number of dimensions.

In step 7, each individual method returns a scalar value, and is outputted as a tuple. This is because Python treats an expression composed of only comma-separated values without parentheses as a tuple.

In step 8, describe returns a Series with all the summary statistic names as the index and the actual statistic as the values.

In step 9, quantile is flexible and returns a scalar value when passed a single value but returns a Series when given a list.

From steps 10, 11, and 12, isnull, fillna, and dropna all return a Series.

There's more...

The value_counts method is one of the most informative Series methods and heavily used during exploratory analysis, especially with categorical columns. It defaults to returning the counts, but by setting the normalize parameter to True, the relative frequencies are returned instead, which provides another view of the distribution:

>>> director.value_counts(normalize=True)
Steven Spielberg 0.005401 Woody Allen 0.004570 Martin Scorsese 0.004155 Clint Eastwood 0.004155 ... Fatih Akin 0.000208 Analeine Cal y Mayor 0.000208 Andrew Douglas 0.000208 Scott Speer 0.000208 Name: director_name, Length: 2397, dtype: float64

In this recipe, we determined that there were missing values in the Series by observing that the result from the count method did not match the size attribute. A more direct approach is to use the hasnans attribute:

>>> director.hasnans

There exists a complement of isnull: the notnull method, which returns True for all the non-missing values:

>>> director.notnull()
0 True 1 True 2 True 3 True ... 4912 False 4913 True 4914 True 4915 True Name: director_name, Length: 4916, dtype: bool

See also

  • To call many Series methods in succession, refer to the Chaining Series methods together recipe in this chapter
About the Author
  • Theodore Petrou

    Theodore Petrou is the founder of Dunder Data, a training company dedicated to helping teach the Python data science ecosystem effectively to individuals and corporations. Read his tutorials and attempt his data science challenges at the Dunder Data website.

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