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The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit
The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit

The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit: Continuous Deployment to Kubernetes: Continuously deploying applications with Jenkins to a Kubernetes cluster

By Viktor Farcic
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Publication date : Nov 28, 2019
Length 398 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781838643546
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The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit

Deploying Stateful Applications at Scale

Stateless and stateful application are quite different in their architecture. Those differences need to be reflected in Kubernetes as well. The fact that we can use Deployments with PersistentVolumes does not necessarily mean that is the best way to run stateful applications.

Most of the applications are deployed to Kubernetes using Deployments. It is, without a doubt, the most commonly used controller. Deployments provide (almost) everything we might need. We can specify the number of replicas when our applications need to be scaled. We can mount volumes through PersistentVolumeClaims. We can communicate with the Pods controlled by Deployments through Services. We can execute rolling updates that will deploy new releases without downtime. There are quite a few other features enabled by Deployments. Does that mean that Deployments are the preferable way to run all types of applications? Is there a feature we might need that is not already available through Deployments and other resources we can associate with them?

When running stateful applications in Kubernetes, we soon realize that Deployments do not offer everything we need. It's not that we require additional features, but that some of those available in Deployments do not behave just as we might want them to. In many cases, Deployments are an excellent fit for stateless applications. However, we might need to look for a different controller that will allow us to run stateful applications safely and efficiently. That controller is StatefulSet.

If we are to implement continuous delivery or deployment processes across the whole organization, we cannot ignore the fact that not all the applications are stateless. Having a state is unavoidable, and we need to be sure that we know how to handle stateful applications.

Let's experience some of the problems behind stateful applications, and the benefits StatefulSets bring to the table. To do that, we need a cluster.

This chapter assumes that you are already familiar with Namespaces, Ingress, Services, and Deployments. If you're not, please refer to The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes ( for more info.

We'll skip the theory (for now), and dive straight into examples. To do that, we need a cluster.

Creating a cluster

We'll start the hands-on walk-through by cloning the vfarcic/k8s-specs repository that contains all the example definitions we'll use throughout the book.

A note to Windows users
Please run all the examples from GitBash (installed through Git). That way the commands you'll see throughout the book will be same as those executed on MacOS or any Linux distribution. If you're using Hyper-V instead of VirtualBox, you may need to run the GitBash window as an Administrator.
All the commands from this chapter are available in the ( Gist.
 1  git clone \
4 cd k8s-specs

Now that you have a repository with the examples we'll use throughout the book, we should create a cluster unless you already have one.

For this chapter, I'll assume that you are running a cluster with Kubernetes version 1.9 or higher. Further on, I'll assume that you already have an nginx Ingress Controller deployed, that RBAC is set up, and that your cluster has a default StorageClass. If you are unsure about some of the requirements, I prepared a few Gists with the commands I used to create different clusters. Feel free to choose whichever suits you the best, or be brave and roll with your own. Ideally, you'll run the commands from every chapter on each of the Kubernetes flavors. That way, you'll not only learn the main subject but also gain experience in running Kubernetes in different combinations and, hopefully, make a more informed decision which flavor to use for your local development as well as for production.

The Gists with the commands I used to create different variations of Kubernetes clusters are as follows.

The purpose of those Gists is to serve as guidance, not necessarily as a set of steps you should execute blindly. I assume that you already know how to create a cluster with the specified requirements.

Using StatefulSets to run Stateful applications

Let's see a StatefulSet in action and see whether it beings any benefits. We'll use Jenkins as the first application we'll deploy. It is a simple application to start with since it does not require a complicated setup and it cannot be scaled. On the other hand, Jenkins is a stateful application. It stores all its state into a single directory. There are no "special" requirements besides the need for a PersistentVolume.

A sample Jenkins definition that uses StatefulSets can be found in sts/jenkins.yml.

 1 cat sts/jenkins.yml

The definition is relatively straightforward. It defines a Namespace for easier organization, a Service for routing traffic, and an Ingress that makes it accessible from outside the cluster. The interesting part is the StatefulSet definition.

The only significant difference, when compared to Deployments, is that the StatefulSet can use volumeClaimTemplates. While Deployments require that we specify PersistentVolumeClaim separately, now we can define a claim template as part of the StatefulSet definition. Even though that might be a more convenient way to define claims, surely there are other reasons for this difference. Or maybe there isn't. Let's check it out by creating the resources defined in sts/jenkins.yml.

A note to minishift users
OpenShift does not allow setting fsGroup in the security context, it uses Routes instead of Ingress, and Services accessible through Routes need to be the LoadBalancer type. Due to those changes, I had to prepare a different YAML specification for minishift. Please execute oc apply -f sts/jenkins-oc.yml --record instead of the command that follows.
 1  kubectl apply \
 2      -f sts/jenkins.yml \
 3      --record

We can see from the output that a Namespace, an Ingress, a Service, and a StatefulSet were created. In case you're using minishift and deployed the YAML defined in sts/jenkins-oc.yml, you got a Route instead Ingress.

A note to GKE users
GKE uses external load balancer as Ingress. To work properly, the type of the service related to Ingress needs to be NodePort. We'll have to patch the service to change its type. Please execute the command that follows.
kubectl -n jenkins patch svc jenkins -p '{"spec":{"type": "NodePort"}}'

Let's confirm that the StatefulSet was rolled out correctly.

 1  kubectl -n jenkins \
 2      rollout status sts jenkins

Now that jenkins StatefulSet is up and running, we should check whether it created a PersistentVolumeClaim.

 1  kubectl -n jenkins get pvc

The output is as follows.

jenkins-home-jenkins-0 Bound  pvc-... 2Gi      RWO          gp2        2m

It comes as no surprise that a claim was created. After all, we did specify volumeClaimTemplates as part of the StatefulSet definition. However, if we compare it with claims we make as separate resources (for example, with Deployments), the format of the claim we just created is a bit different. It is a combination of the claim name (jenkins-home), the Namespace (jenkins), and the indexed suffix (0). The index is an indication that StatefulSets might create more than one claim. Still, we can see only one, so we'll need to stash that thought for a while. Similarly, we might want to confirm that the claim created a PersistentVolume.

 1  kubectl -n jenkins get pv
A note to minishift users
You'll see a hundred volumes instead of one. Minishift does not (yet) uses default storage classes. Instead, we have a hundred volumes without a storage class so that enough volumes are available for testing purposes. Only one of them will be with the status Bound.

Finally, as the last verification, we'll open Jenkins in a browser and confirm that it looks like it's working correctly. But, before we do that, we should retrieve the hostname or the IP assigned to us by the Ingress controller.

A note to GKE users
Please change hostname to ip in the command that follows. The jsonpath should be {.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}. Please note that GKE Ingress spins up an external load balancer and it might take a while until the IP is generated. Therefore, you might need to repeat the command that follows until you get the IP.
A note to minikube users
Please change the following command to CLUSTER_DNS=$(minikube ip).
A note to minishift users
Please change the following command to CLUSTER_DNS=jenkins-jenkins.$(minishift ip)

 1  CLUSTER_DNS=$(kubectl -n jenkins \
 2      get ing jenkins \
 3      -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}")
4 5 echo $CLUSTER_DNS

We retrieved the hostname (or IP) from the Ingress resource, and now we are ready to open Jenkins in a browser.

 1  open "http://$CLUSTER_DNS/jenkins"
A note to Windows users
Git Bash might not be able to use the open command. If that's the case, replace the open command with echo. As a result, you'll get the full address that should be opened directly in your browser of choice.
In some cases (for example, GKE), it might take a few minutes until the external load balancer is created. If you see 40x or 50x error message, please wait for a while and try to open Jenkins in the browser again.

You might see browser's message that the connection is not private. That's normal since we did not specify an SSL certificate. If that's the case, please choose to proceed. In Chrome, you should click the ADVANCED link, followed by Proceed to... for the rest of the browsers... Well, I'm sure that you already know how to ignore SSL warnings in your favorite browser.

You should see a wizard. We won't use it to finalize Jenkins setup. All we wanted, for now, is to explore StatefulSets using Jenkins as an example. There are a few things we're missing for Jenkins to be fully operational and we'll explore them in later chapters. For now, we'll remove the whole jenkins Namespace.

 1  kubectl delete ns jenkins

From what we experienced so far, StatefulSets are a lot like Deployments. The only difference was in the volumeClaimTemplates section that allowed us to specify PersistentVolumeClaim as part of the StatefulSet definition, instead of a separate resource. Such a minor change does not seem to be a reason to move away from Deployments. If we limit our conclusions to what we observed so far, there are no good arguments to use StatefulSets instead of Deployments. The syntax is almost the same, and the result as well. Why would we learn to use a new controller if it provides no benefits?

Maybe we could not notice a difference between a StatefulSet and a Deployment because our example was too simple. Let's try a slightly more complicated scenario.

Using Deployments to run Stateful applications at scale

We'll use go-demo-3 application throughout this book. It consists of a backend API written in Go that uses MongoDB to store its state. With time, we'll improve the definition of the application. Once we're happy with the way the application is running inside the cluster, we'll work on continuous deployment processes that will fully automate everything from a commit to the vfarcic/go-demo-3 GitHub repository, all the way until it's running in production.

We need to start somewhere, and our first iteration of the go-demo-3 application is in the sts/go-demo-3-deploy.yml directory.

 1  cat sts/go-demo-3-deploy.yml

Assuming that you are already familiar with Namespaces, Ingress, PersistentVolumeClaims, Deployments, and Services, the definition is fairly straightforward. We defined a Namespace go-demo-3 in which all the other resources will reside. Ingress will forward external requests with the base path /demo to the Service api. The PersistentVolumeClaim does not have a storageClassName, so it will claim a PersistentVolume defined through the default StorageClass.

There are two Deployments, one for the API and the other for the database. Both have a Service associated, and both will create three replicas (Pods).

Now that we have a very high-level overview of the go-demo-3 definition, we can proceed and create the resources.

 1  kubectl apply \
 2      -f sts/go-demo-3-deploy.yml \
 3      --record
4 5 kubectl -n go-demo-3 \ 6 rollout status deployment api

We created the resources defined in sts/go-demo-3-deploy.yml and retrieved the rollout status of the api Deployment. The API is designed to fail if it cannot access its databases, so the fact that it rolled out correctly seems to give us a reasonable guarantee that everything is working as expected. Still, since I am skeptical by nature, we'll double-check that all the Pods are running. We should see six of them (three for each Deployment) in the go-demo-3 Namespace.

 1  kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods

The output is as follows.

api-... 1/1 Running 2 55s api-... 1/1 Running 2 55s api-... 1/1 Running 2 55s db-... 1/1 Running 0 55s db-... 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 2 55s db-... 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 1 55s

A disaster befell us. Only one of the three db Pods is running. We did expect a few restarts of the api Pods. They tried to connect to MongoDB and were failing until at least one db Pod started running. The failure of the two db Pods is a bit harder to explain. They do not depend on other Pods and Services so they should run without restarts.

Let's take a look at the db logs. They might give us a clue what went wrong.

A note to GKE users
GKE will not be able to mount a volume to more than one Pod. Two of the db- Pods with have ContainerCreating status. If you describe one of those Pods, you'll see Multi-Attach error for volume "pvc-..." Volume is already exclusively attached to one node and can't be attached to another. That's a typical behavior since the default PersistentVolumeClass used in GKE creates volumes that can be attached only to one Pod at a time. We'll fix that soon. Until then, remember that you will not be able to see the logs of those Pods.

We need to know the names of the Pods we want to peek into, so we'll use a bit of "creative" formatting of the kubectl get pods output.

 1  DB_1=$(kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods \
 2      -l app=db \
 3      -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
4 5 DB_2=$(kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods \ 6 -l app=db \ 7 -o jsonpath="{.items[1]}")

The only difference between the two commands is in jsonpath. The first result (index 0) is stored in DB_1, and the second (index 1) in DB_2. Since we know that only one of the three Pods is running, peeking into the logs of two will guarantee that we'll look into at least one of those with errors.

 1  kubectl -n go-demo-3 logs $DB_1

The last lines of the output of the first db Pod are as follows.

2018-03-29T20:51:53.390+0000 I NETWORK  [thread1] waiting for connections on port 27017
2018-03-29T20:51:53.681+0000 I NETWORK  [thread1] connection accepted from #1 (1 
connection now open)
2018-03-29T20:51:55.984+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #2 (2 connections now open) 2018-03-29T20:51:59.182+0000 I NETWORK [thread1] connection accepted from #3 (3 connections now open)

Everything seems OK. We can see that the database initialized and started waiting for connections. Soon after, the three replicas of the api Deployment connected to MongoDB running inside this Pod. Now that we know that the first Pod is the one that is running, we should look at the logs of the second. That must be one of those with errors.

1  kubectl -n go-demo-3 logs $DB_2 

The output, limited to the last few lines, is as follows.

2018-03-29T20:54:57.362+0000 I STORAGE  [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 98 Unable to lock file: /data/db/mongod.lock 
Resource temporarily unavailable. Is a mongod instance already running?, terminating
2018-03-29T20:54:57.362+0000 I NETWORK [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets... 2018-03-29T20:54:57.362+0000 I NETWORK [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog... 2018-03-29T20:54:57.362+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] now exiting 2018-03-29T20:54:57.362+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] shutting down with code:100

There's the symptom of the problem. MongoDB could not lock the /data/db/mongod.lock file, and it shut itself down. Let's take a look at the PersistentVolumes.

 1  kubectl get pv

The output is as follows.

pvc-... 2Gi RWO Delete Bound go-demo-3/mongo
gp2 3m

There is only one bound PersistentVolume. That is to be expected. Even if we'd want to, we could not tell a Deployment to create a volume for each replica. The Deployment mounted a volume associated with the claim which, in turn, created a PersistentVolume. All the replicas tried to mount the same volume.

MongoDB is designed in a way that each instance requires exclusive access to a directory where it stores its state. We tried to mount the same volume to all the replicas, and only one of them got the lock. All the others failed.

If you're using kops with AWS, the default StorageClass is using the provisioner. Since EBS can be mounted only by a single entity, our claim has the access mode set to ReadWriteOnce. To make things more complicated, EBS cannot span multiple availability-zones, and we are hoping to spread our MongoDB replicas so that they can survive even failure of a whole zone. The same is true for GKE which also uses block storage by default.

Having a ReadWriteOnce PersistentVolumeClaims and EBS not being able to span multiple availability zones is not a problem for our use-case. The real issue is that each MongoDB instance needs a separate volume or at least a different directory. Neither of the solutions can be (easily) solved with Deployments.

Figure 1-1: Pods created through the deployment share the same PersistentVolume (AWS variation)

Now we have a good use-case that might show some of the benefits of StatefulSet controllers.

Before we move on, we'll delete the go-demo-3 Namespace and all the resources running inside it.

 1  kubectl delete ns go-demo-3

Using StatefulSets to run Stateful applications at scale

Let's see whether we can solve the problem with PersistentVolumes through a StatefulSet. As a reminder, our goal (for now) is for each instance of a MongoDB to get a separate volume.

The updated definition is in the sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml file.

 1  cat sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml

Most of the new definition is the same as the one we used before, so we'll comment only on the differences. The first in line is StatefulSet that replaces the db Deployment. It is as follows.

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: StatefulSet
  name: db
  namespace: go-demo-3
  serviceName: db
  replicas: 3
      app: db
        app: db
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
      - name: db
        image: mongo:3.3
          - mongod
          - "--replSet"
          - rs0
          - "--smallfiles"
          - "--noprealloc"
          - containerPort: 27017
            memory: "100Mi"
            cpu: 0.1
            memory: "50Mi"
            cpu: 0.01
        - name: mongo-data
          mountPath: /data/db
  - metadata:
      name: mongo-data
      - ReadWriteOnce
          storage: 2Gi

As you already saw with Jenkins, StatefulSet definitions are almost the same as Deployments. The only important difference is that we are not defining PersistentVolumeClaim as a separate resource but letting the StatefulSet take care of it through the specification set inside the volumeClaimTemplates entry. We'll see it in action soon.

We also used this opportunity to tweak mongod process by specifying the db container command that creates a ReplicaSet rs0. Please note that this replica set is specific to MongoDB and it is in no way related to Kubernetes ReplicaSet controller. Creation of a MongoDB replica set is the base for some of the things we'll do later on.

Another difference is in the db Service. It is as follows.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: db
  namespace: go-demo-3
  - port: 27017
  clusterIP: None
    app: db

This time we set clusterIP to None. That will create a Headless Service. Headless service is a service that doesn't need load-balancing and has a single service IP.

Everything else in this YAML file is the same as in the one that used Deployment controller to run MongoDB.

To summarize, we changed db Deployment into a StatefulSet, we added a command that creates MongoDB replica set named rs0, and we set the db Service to be Headless. We'll explore the reasons and the effects of those changes soon. For now, we'll create the resources defined in the sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml file.

 1  kubectl apply \
 2      -f sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml \
 3      --record
4 5 kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods

We created the resources and retrieved the Pods. The output of the latter command is as follows.

api-... 0/1   Running           0        4s
api-... 0/1   Running           0        4s
api-... 0/1   Running           0        4s
db-0    0/1   ContainerCreating 0        5s

We can see that all three replicas of the api Pods are running or, at least, that's how it seems so far. The situation with db Pods is different. Kubernetes is creating only one replica, even though we specified three.

Let's wait for a bit and retrieve the Pods again.

1  kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods

Forty seconds later, the output is as follows.

api-... 0/1   CrashLoopBackOff  1        44s
api-... 0/1   CrashLoopBackOff  1        44s
api-... 0/1   Running           2        44s
db-0    1/1   Running           0        45s
db-1    0/1   ContainerCreating 0        9s  

We can see that the first db Pod is running and that creation of the second started. At the same time, our api Pods are crashing. We'll ignore them for now, and concentrate on db Pods.

Let's wait a bit more and observe what happens next.

1  kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods

A minute later, the output is as follows.

api-... 0/1   CrashLoopBackOff  4        1m
api-... 0/1   Running           4        1m
api-... 0/1   CrashLoopBackOff  4        1m
db-0    1/1   Running           0        2m
db-1    1/1   Running           0        1m
db-2    0/1   ContainerCreating 0        34s

The second db Pod started running, and the system is creating the third one. It seems that our progress with the database is going in the right direction.

Let's wait a while longer before we retrieve the Pods one more time.

1  kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods

The output is as follows.

api-... 0/1   CrashLoopBackOff 4        3m
api-... 0/1   CrashLoopBackOff 4        3m
api-... 0/1   CrashLoopBackOff 4        3m
db-0    1/1   Running          0        3m
db-1    1/1   Running          0        2m
db-2    1/1   Running          0        1m

Another minute later, the third db Pod is also running but our api Pods are still failing. We'll deal with that problem soon.

What we just observed is an essential difference between Deployments and StatefulSets. Replicas of the latter are created sequentially. Only after the first replica was running, the StatefulSet started creating the second. Similarly, the creation of the third began solely after the second was running.

Moreover, we can see that the names of the Pods created through the StatefulSet are predictable. Unlike Deployments that create random suffixes for each Pod, StatefulSets create them with indexed suffixes based on integer ordinals.

The name of the first Pod will always end suffixed with -0, the second will be suffixed with -1, and so on. That naming will be maintained forever. If we'd initiate rolling updates, Kubernetes would replace the Pods of the db StatefulSet, but the names would remain the same.

The nature of the sequential creation of Pods and formatting of their names provides predictability that is often paramount with stateful applications. We can think of StatefulSet replicas as being separate Pods with guaranteed ordering, uniqueness, and predictability.

How about PersistentVolumes? The fact that the db Pods did not fail means that MongoDB instances managed to get the locks. That means that they are not sharing the same PersistentVolume, or that they are using different directories within the same volume.

Let's take a look at the PersistentVolumes created in the cluster.

1  kubectl get pv

The output is as follows.

pvc-... 2Gi      RWO          Delete         Bound  go-demo-3/mongo-data-db-0 gp2                 9m
pvc-... 2Gi      RWO          Delete         Bound  go-demo-3/mongo-data-db-1 gp2                 8m
pvc-... 2Gi      RWO          Delete         Bound  go-demo-3/mongo-data-db-2 gp2                 7m

Now we can observe the reasoning behind using volumeClaimTemplates spec inside the definition of the StatefulSet. It used the template to create a claim for each replica. We specified that there should be three replicas, so it created three Pods, as well as three separate volume claims. The result is three PersistentVolumes.

Moreover, we can see that the claims also follow a specific naming convention. The format is a combination of the name of the claim (mongo-data), the name of the StatefulSet db, and index (0, 1, and 2).

Judging by the age of the claims, we can see that they followed the same pattern as the Pods. They are approximately a minute apart. The StatefulSet created the first Pod and used the claim template to create a PersistentVolume and attach it. Later on, it continued to the second Pod and the claim, and after that with the third. Pods are created sequentially, and each generated a new PersistentVolumeClaim.

If a Pod is (re)scheduled due to a failure or a rolling update, it'll continue using the same PersistentVolumeClaim and, as a result, it will keep using the same PersistentVolume, making Pods and volumes inseparable.

Figure 1-2: Each Pod created through the StatefulSet gets a PersistentVolume (AWS variation)

Given that each Pod in a StatefulSet has a unique and a predictable name, we can assume that the same applies to hostnames inside those Pods. Let's check it out.

 1  kubectl -n go-demo-3 \
 2      exec -it db-0 -- hostname

We executed hostname command inside one of the replicas of the StatefulSet. The output is as follows.

 1  db-0

Just as names of the Pods created by the StatefulSet, hostnames are predictable as well. They are following the same pattern as Pod names. Each Pod in a StatefulSet derives its hostname from the name of the StatefulSet and the ordinal of the Pod. The pattern for the constructed hostname is [STATEFULSET_NAME]-[INDEX].

Let's move into the Service related to the StatefulSet. If we take another look at the db Service defined in sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml, we'll notice that it has clusterIP set to None. As a result, the Service is headless.

In most cases we want Services to handle load-balancing and forward requests to one of the replicas. Load balancing is often "round-robin" even though it can be changed to other algorithms. However, sometimes we don't need the Service to do load-balancing, nor we want it to provide a single IP for the Service. That is certainly true for MongoDB. If we are to convert its instances into a replica set, we need to have a separate and stable address for each. So, we disabled Service's load-balancing by setting spec.clusterIP to None. That converted it into a Headless Service and let StatefulSet take over its algorithm.

We'll explore the effect of combining StatefulSets with Headless Services by creating a new Pod from which we can execute nslookup commands.

nslookup does not work in all Kubernetes clusters. If you experience errors, please ignore them and follow the logic from the books' output.
 1  kubectl -n go-demo-3 \
 2      run -it \
 3      --image busybox dns-test \
 4      --restart=Never \
 5      --rm sh

We created a new Pod based on busybox inside the go-demo-3 Namespace. We specified sh as the command together with the -ti argument that allocated a TTY and standard input (stdin). As a result, we are inside the container created through the dns-test Pod, and we can execute our first nslookup query.

 1  nslookup db

The output is as follows.

Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
Name: db Address 1: db-0.db.go-demo-3.svc.cluster.local Address 2: db-2.db.go-demo-3.svc.cluster.local Address 3: db-1.db.go-demo-3.svc.cluster.local

We can see that the request was picked by the kube-dns server and that it returned three addresses, one for each Pod in the StatefulSet.

The StatefulSet is using the Headless Service to control the domain of its Pods.

The domain managed by this Service takes the form of [SERVICE_NAME].[NAMESPACE].svc.cluster.local, where cluster.local is the cluster domain. However, we used a short syntax in our nslookup query that requires only the name of the service (db). Since the service is in the same Namespace, we did not need to specify go-demo-3. The Namespace is required only if we'd like to establish communication from one Namespace to another.

When we executed nslookup, a request was sent to the CNAME of the Headless Service (db). It, in turn, returned SRV records associated with it. Those records point to A record entries that contain Pods IP addresses, one for each of the Pods managed by the StatefulSet.

Let's do nslookup of one of the Pods managed by the StatefulSet.

The Pods can be accessed with a combination of the Pod name (for example, db-0) and the name of the Service. If the Pods are in a different Namespace, we need to add it as a suffix. Finally, if we want to use the full CNAME, we can add svc.cluster.local as well. We can see the full address from the previous output (for example, db-0.db.go-demo-3.svc.cluster.local). All in all, we can access the Pod with the index 0 as db-0.db, db-0.db.go-demo-3, or db-0.db.go-demo-3.svc.cluster.local. Any of the three combinations should work since we are inside the Pod running in the same Namespace. So, we'll use the shortest version.

 1  nslookup db-0.db

The output is as follows.

Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local
Name: db-0.db Address 1: db-0.db.go-demo-3.svc.cluster.local

We can see that the output matches part of the output of the previous nslookup query. The only difference is that this time it is limited to the particular Pod.

What we got with the combination of a StatefulSet and a Headless Service is a stable network identity. Unless we change the number of replicas of this StatefulSet, CNAME records are permanent. Unlike Deployments, StatefulSets maintain sticky identities for each of their Pods. These pods are created from the same spec, but they are not interchangeable. Each has a persistent identifier that is maintained across any rescheduling.

Pods ordinals, hostnames, SRV records, and A records are never changed. However, the same cannot be said for IP addresses associated with them. They might change. That is why it is crucial not to configure applications to connect to Pods in a StatefulSet by IP address.

Now that we know that the Pods managed with a StatefulSet have a stable network identity, we can proceed and configure MongoDB replica set.

 1  exit
2 3 kubectl -n go-demo-3 \ 4 exec -it db-0 -- sh

We exited the dns-test Pod and entered into one of the MongoDB containers created by the StatefulSet.

 1  mongo
2 3 rs.initiate( { 4 _id : "rs0", 5 members: [ 6 {_id: 0, host: "db-0.db:27017"}, 7 {_id: 1, host: "db-1.db:27017"}, 8 {_id: 2, host: "db-2.db:27017"} 9 ] 10 })

We entered into mongo Shell and initiated a ReplicaSet (rs.initiate). The members of the ReplicaSet are the addresses of the three Pods combined with the default MongoDB port 27017.

The output is { "ok" : 1 }, thus confirming that we (probably) configured the ReplicaSet correctly.

Remember that our goal is not to go deep into MongoDB configuration, but only to explore some of the benefits behind StatefulSets.

If we used Deployments, we would not get stable network identity. Any update would create new Pods with new identities. With StatefulSet, on the other hand, we know that there will always be db-[INDEX].db, no matter how often we update it. Such a feature is mandatory when applications need to form an internal cluster (or a replica set) and were not designed to discover each other dynamically. That is indeed the case with MongoDB.

We'll confirm that the MongoDB replica set was created correctly by outputting its status.

 1  rs.status()  

The output, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

  "members" : [
      "_id" : 0,
      "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
      "_id" : 1,
      "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
      "syncingTo" : "db-0.db:27017",
      "_id" : 2,
      "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
      "syncingTo" : "db-0.db:27017",
  "ok" : 1

We can see that all three MongoDB Pods are members of the replica set. One of them is primary. If it fails, Kubernetes will reschedule it and, since it's managed by the StatefulSet, it'll maintain the same stable network identity. The secondary members are all syncing with the primary one that is reachable through the db-0.db:27017 address.

Now that the database is finally operational, we should confirm that the api Pods are running.

 1  exit
2 3 exit
4 5 kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods

We exited MongoDB Shell and the container that hosts db-0, and we listed the Pods in the go-demo-3 Namespace.

The output of the latter command is as follows.

api-... 1/1   Running 8        17m
api-... 1/1   Running 8        17m
api-... 1/1   Running 8        17m
db-0    1/1   Running 0        17m
db-1    1/1   Running 0        17m
db-2    1/1   Running 0        16m

If, in your case, api Pods are still not running, please wait for a few moments until Kubernetes restarts them.

Now that the MongoDB replica set is operational, api Pods could connect to it, and Kubernetes changed their statuses to Running. The whole application is operational.

There is one more StatefulSet-specific feature we should discuss.

Let's see what happens if, for example, we update the image of the db container.

The updated definition is in sts/go-demo-3-sts-upd.yml.

 1  diff sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml \
 2      sts/go-demo-3-sts-upd.yml

As you can see from the diff, the only change is in the image. We'll update mongo version from 3.3 to 3.4.

 1  kubectl apply \
 2      -f sts/go-demo-3-sts-upd.yml \
 3      --record
4 5 kubectl -n go-demo-3 get pods

We applied the new definition and retrieved the list of Pods inside the Namespace.

The output is as follows.

api-... 1/1   Running           6        14m
api-... 1/1   Running           6        14m
api-... 1/1   Running           6        14m
db-0    1/1   Running           0        6m
db-1    1/1   Running           0        6m
db-2    0/1   ContainerCreating 0        14s

We can see that the StatefulSet chose to update only one of its Pods. Moreover, it picked the one with the highest index.

Let's see the output of the same command half a minute later.

api-... 1/1   Running           6        15m
api-... 1/1   Running           6        15m
api-... 1/1   Running           6        15m
db-0    1/1   Running           0        7m
db-1    0/1   ContainerCreating 0        5s
db-2    1/1   Running           0        32s

StatefulSet finished updating the db-2 Pod and moved to the one before it.

And so on, and so forth, all the way until all the Pods that form the StatefulSet were updated.

The Pods in the StatefulSet were updated in reverse ordinal order. The StatefulSet terminated one of the Pods, and it waited for its status to become Running before it moved to the next one.

All in all, when StatefulSet is created, it, in turn, generates Pods sequentially starting with the index 0, and moving upwards. Updates to StatefulSets are following the same logic, except that StatefulSet begins updates with the Pod with the highest index, and it flows downwards.

We did manage to make MongoDB replica set running, but the cost was too high. Creating Mongo replica set manually is not a good option. It should be no option at all.

We'll remove the go-demo-3 Namespace (and everything inside it) and try to improve our process for deploying MongoDB.

 1  kubectl delete ns go-demo-3

Using sidecar containers to initialize applications

Even though we managed to deploy MongoDB replica set with three instances, the process was far from optimum. We had to execute manual steps. Since I don't believe that manual hocus-pocus type of intervention is the way to go, we'll try to improve the process by removing human interaction. We'll do that through sidecar containers that will do the work of creating MongoDB replica set (not to be confused with Kubernetes ReplicaSet).

Let's take a look at yet another iteration of the go-demo-3 application definition.

 1  cat sts/go-demo-3.yml

The output, limited to relevant parts, is as follows.

apiVersion: apps/v1beta2
kind: StatefulSet
  name: db
  namespace: go-demo-3
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
      - name: db-sidecar
        image: cvallance/mongo-k8s-sidecar
          value: "app=db"
        - name: KUBE_NAMESPACE
          value: go-demo-3
          value: db

When compared with sts/go-demo-3-sts.yml, the only difference is the addition of the second container in the StatefulSet db. It is based on cvallance/mongo-k8s-sidecar ( Docker image. I won't bore you with the details but only give you the gist of the project. It creates and maintains MongoDB replica sets.

The sidecar will monitor the Pods created through our StatefulSet, and it will reconfigure db containers so that MongoDB replica set is (almost) always up to date with the MongoDB instances.

Let's create the resources defined in sts/go-demo-3.yml and check whether everything works as expected.

 1  kubectl apply \
 2    -f sts/go-demo-3.yml \
 3    --record
4 5 # Wait for a few moments
6 7 kubectl -n go-demo-3 \ 8 logs db-0 \ 9 -c db-sidecar

We created the resources and outputted the logs of the db-sidecar container inside the db-0 Pod.

The output, limited to the last entry, is as follows.

Error in workloop { [Error: [object Object]]
   { kind: 'Status',
     apiVersion: 'v1',
     metadata: {},
     status: 'Failure',
     message: 'pods is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:go-demo-3:default" cannot list pods in the namespace "go-demo-3"',
     reason: 'Forbidden',
     details: { kind: 'pods' },
     code: 403 },
  statusCode: 403 }

We can see that the db-sidecar container is not allowed to list the Pods in the go-demo-3 Namespace. If, in your case, that's not the output you're seeing, you might need to wait for a few moments and re-execute the logs command.

It is not surprising that the sidecar could not list the Pods. If it could, RBAC would be, more or less, useless. It would not matter that we restrict which resources users can create if any Pod could circumvent that. Just as we learned in The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes, how to set up users using RBAC, we need to do something similar with service accounts. We need to extend RBAC rules from human users to Pods. That will be the subject of the next chapter.

A note to Docker for Mac or Windows users
On Docker for Mac (or Windows), the db-sidecar can list the Pods even with RBAC enabled. Even though Docker for Mac or Windows supports RBAC, it allows any internal process inside containers to communicate with Kube API. Be aware that even though the sidecar could list the Pods in Docker for Mac or Windows, it will not work in any other cluster with RBAC enabled.

To StatefulSet or not to StatefulSet

StatefulSets provide a few essential features often required when running stateful applications in a Kubernetes cluster. Still, the division between Deployments and StatefulSets is not always clear. After all, both controllers can attach a PersistentVolume, both can forward requests through Services, and both supports rolling updates. When should you choose one over the other? Saying that one is for stateful applications and the other isn't would be an oversimplification that would not fit all the scenarios. As an example, we saw that we got no tangible benefit when we moved Jenkins from a Deployment into a StatefulSet. MongoDB, on the other hand, showcases essential benefits provided by StatefulSets.

We can simplify decision making with a few questions.

  • Does your application need stable and unique network identifiers?
  • Does your application need stable persistent storage?
  • Does your application need ordered Deployments, scaling, deletion, or rolling updates?

If the answer to any of those questions is yes, your application should probably be managed by a StatefulSet. Otherwise, you should probably use a Deployment. All that does not mean that there are no other controller types you can use. There are a few. However, if the choice is limited to Deployment and StatefulSet controllers, those three questions should be on your mind when choosing which one to use.

What now?

We're finished with the exploration of StatefulSets. They will be essential since they will enable us to do a few things that will be critical for our continuous deployment processes. For now, we'll remove the resources we created and take a break before we jump into Service accounts in an attempt to fix the problem with the MongoDB sidecar. Who knows? We might find the usage of Service Account beyond the sidecar.

 1  kubectl delete ns go-demo-3

We deleted the go-demo-3 Namespace and, with it, all the resources we created. We'll start the next chapter with a clean slate. Feel free to delete the whole cluster if you're not planning to explore the next chapter right away. If it's dedicated to this book, there's no need to waste resources and money on running a cluster that is not doing anything.

Before you leave, please consult the following API references for more information about StatefulSets.

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Key benefits

  • The fifth book of DevOps expert Viktor Farcic’s bestselling DevOps Toolkit series, with a discussion of the difference between continuous delivery vs. continuous deployment, and which is best for the user
  • Guides readers through the continuous deployment process using Jenkins in a Kubernetes cluster
  • Provides an overview of the best practices for building, testing, and deploying applications through fully automated pipelines.


Building on The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes, Viktor Farcic brings his latest exploration of the Docker technology as he records his journey to continuously deploying applications with Jenkins into a Kubernetes cluster. The DevOps 2.4 Toolkit: Continuously Deploying Applications with Jenkins to a Kubernetes Cluster is the latest book in Viktor Farcic’s series that helps you build a full DevOps Toolkit. This book guides readers through the process of building, testing, and deploying applications through fully automated pipelines. Within this book, Viktor will cover a wide-range of emerging topics, including an exploration of continuous delivery and deployment in Kubernetes using Jenkins. It also shows readers how to perform continuous integration inside these clusters, and discusses the distribution of Kubernetes applications, as well as installing and setting up Jenkins. Work with Viktor and dive into the creation of self-adaptive and self-healing systems within Docker.

What you will learn

Gain an understanding of continuous deployment Learn how to build, test, and deploy applications into Kubernetes Execute continuous integration inside containers

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Product Details

Publication date : Nov 28, 2019
Length 398 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781838643546
Vendor :
Concepts :

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Table of Contents

12 Chapters
1. Deploying Stateful Applications at Scale Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Enabling Process Communication with Kube API Through Service Accounts Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Defining Continuous Deployment Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. Packaging Kubernetes Applications Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Distributing Kubernetes Applications Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. Installing and Setting Up Jenkins Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
7. Creating a Continuous Deployment Pipeline with Jenkins Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Continuous Delivery with Jenkins and GitOps Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. Now It Is Your Turn Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
10. Other Books You May Enjoy Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Appendix A: Installing kubectl and Creating a Cluster with minikube Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Appendix B: Using Kubernetes Operations (kops) Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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