Home Application-development Android User Interface Development: Beginner's Guide

Android User Interface Development: Beginner's Guide

By Jason Morris
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  1. Free Chapter
    Developing a Simple Activity
About this book

There are over 30,000 applications for Android that have been downloaded over a million times already. What makes yours any different? Building a compelling user-interface that people understand and enjoy is vital for the survival of a new application in an environment where look and feel may be the only thing between a user purchasing your application; or deleting it forever.

Working through examples, code-snippets, and screenshots this book introduces the fundamentals of good user-interface design from a developer's point of view. This book will put you above the rest by showing you how to build striking user interfaces to grasp your app users' attention enough to make them shell out some bucks to buy your application.

The Android User Interface Development Beginner's Guide will tell you everything you need to know to style your applications from bottom up. Given the importance of user-interface design on a touch-screen device, this book aims to equip its reader with the knowledge required to build killer Android applications. Starting simply, and keeping things easy, this book will take you on a step-by-step journey to understanding the principals of good user-interface design, and how to implement the best user interfaces on an Android mobile device. It aims at building design understanding on a chapter-by-chapter basis, while introducing platform knowledge through examples.

Publication date:
February 2011


Chapter 1. Developing a Simple Activity

In the world of Android, an Activity is the point at which you make contact with your users. It's a screen where you capture and present information to the user. You can construct your Activity screens by using either: XML layout files or hard-coded Java.

To begin our tour of Android user interfaces, we need a user interface to start with. In this chapter, we will begin with a simple Activity. We will:

  • Create a new Android project

  • Build the Activity layout in an application resource file

  • Tie the resource file to an Activity class

  • Dynamically populate the Activity with a series of multiple-choice questions


Developing our first example

For our first example, we're going to write a multiple-choice question and answer Activity. We could use it for applications such as "Who wants to be a millionaire?", or "What type of a monkey are you?". This example will pose questions in order to answer a very important question: "What should I have to eat?" As the user answers the questions, this application will filter a database of food ideas. The user can exit the process at any time to view a list of suggested meals, or just wait until the application runs out of questions to ask them.

Since it's a user interface example, we'll skip building filters and recipe databases. We'll just ask our user food preference-related questions. For each question, we have a list of preset answers which the user can select from (that is, multiple-choice questions). Each answer they give will allow us to narrow the list of suitable recipes.


Creating the project structure

Before we can start writing code, we need a project structure. An Android project is made up of far more than just its Java code—there are also manifest files, resources, icons, and more. In order to keep things easy, we use the default Android toolset and project structure.

You can download the latest version of the Android SDK for your favorite operating system from http://developer.android.com. A single Android SDK may be used to develop against any number of target Android versions. You will need to follow the installation instructions on the website at http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html to install the latest SDK "starter package" and one or more platform targets. Most of the examples in this book will work on Android 1.5 and higher. The Android website also maintains a very useful chart where you can see what the most popular versions of Android are.


Time for action – setting up the Android SDK

Once you have downloaded the Android SDK archive for your operating system, you'll need to install it and then download at least one Android Platform package. Open a command-line or console and complete the following steps:

  1. Extract the Android SDK archive.

  2. Change directory to the root of the unpackaged Android SDK.

  3. Change directory to the tools directory of the Android SDK.

  4. Update the SDK by running the following command:

    android update sdk
  5. Create a new Virtual Device by going to the Virtual Devices screen and clicking on the New button. Name the new Virtual Device default.

  6. Specify its target as the most recent version of Android downloaded by the SDK. Set the size of the SD Card to 4096 MiB. Click on the Create AVD button.

What just happened?

The above command tells the new Android SDK installation to look for available packages and install them. This includes installing a Platform Package. Each Platform Package that you install can be used to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD). Each AVD you create is much like buying a new device on which tests can be performed, each with its own configuration and data. These are virtual machines that the Android emulator will run your software on when you wish to test.


Time for action – starting a new project

The Android SDK provides a handy command-line tool named android which can be used to generate the skeleton of a new project. You'll find it under the tools directory of your Android SDK. It's capable of creating a basic directory structure and a build.xml file (for Apache Ant) to help get you started with your Android application development. You will need to make sure that the tools directory is in your executable path for this to work. Open a command-line or console.

  1. Create a new directory in your home directory or desktop named AndroidUIExamples. You should use this directory for each of the examples in this book.

  2. Change the directory to the new AndroidUIExamples.

  3. Run the following command:

    android create project -n KitchenDroid -p KitchenDroid -k com.packtpub.kitchendroid -a QuestionActivity -t 3

What just happened

We just created a skeleton project. In the preceding command line, we used the following options to specify the structure of the new project:




Gives the project a name, in our case, KitchenDroid. This is really just an internal identifier for the project.


Gives the base directory for the project. In this case use the same name as that of the project. The android tool will create this directory for you.


Specifies the root Java package for the application. This is a fairly important concept since it defines our unique namespace on the Android client devices.


Gives the tool a name for a "main" Activity class. This class will be populated with a skeleton layout XML, and serves as a base point to build your application from. The skeleton project will be pre-configured to load this Activity when it's started.

If you run the command android list targets and it presents you with an empty list of possible targets, then you have not downloaded any of the Android Platform packages. You can generally run the android tool by itself and use its graphical interface to download and install Android Platform packages. The previous example uses API Level 3 which corresponds to Android Platform version 1.5.

Examining the Android project layout

A typical Android project has almost as many directories and files as an enterprise Java project. Android is as much of a framework as it is an operating environment. In some ways, you can think of Android as an application container designed for running on phones and other limited devices.

As part of the new project structure, you will have the following important files and directories:

Folder name



Your binary files will be placed in this directory by the compiler.


Source code generated by various Android tools.


Application resources go here, to be compiled and packaged with your application.


The default Java source code directory, where the build script will look for source code to compile.


Your application descriptor, similar to a web.xml file.


Resource Types and Files

Most types of application resources (placed in the res directory) receive special handling by the Android application packager. This means these files consume less space than they usually would (since XML is compiled into a binary format instead of being left as plain text). You access resources in various ways, but always through an Android API (which decodes them into their original form for you).

Each subdirectory of res indicates a different file format. Therefore, you cannot put files directly into the root res directory since the package tool won't know how to handle it (and you'll get a compile error). If you need to access a file in its raw state, put it in the res/raw directory. Files in the raw directory are copied byte-for-byte into your application package.


Time for action – running the example project

The android tool has given us a minimal example of an Android project, basically a "Hello World" application.

  1. In your console or command-line, change directory to KitchenDroid.

  2. To build and sign the project, run:

    ant debug
  3. You will need to start the emulator with the default AVD you created earlier:

    emulator -avd default
  4. Now install your application in the emulator:

    ant install
  5. In the emulator, open the Android menu and, you should see an icon named QuestionActivity in the menu. Click on this icon.

What just happened?

The Android emulator is a full hardware emulator including the ARM CPU, hosting the entire Android operating system stack. This means software running under the emulator will run exactly how it will on bare-metal hardware (although the speed may vary).

When you use Ant to deploy your Android applications, you will need to use the install Ant target. The install Ant target looks for a running emulator and then installs the application archive on its virtual memory. It's useful to note that Ant will not start the emulator for you. Instead, it will emit an error and the build will fail.


Application Signatures

Every Android application package is digitally signed. The signature is used to identify you as a developer of the application, and establish permissions for the application. It's also used to establish permissions between applications.

You will generally use a self-signed certificate, since Android doesn't require that you use a certificate authority. However, all applications must be signed in order for them to be run by the Android system.


The screen layout

While Android allows you to create a screen layout in either Java code, or by declaring the layout in an XML file, we will declare the screen layout in an XML file. This is an important decision for several reasons. The first is that, using the Android widgets in Java code requires several lines of code for each widget (a declaration/construction line, several lines invoking setters, and finally adding the widget to its parent), while a widget declared in XML takes up only one XML tag.

The second reason for keeping layouts as XML is that it's compacted into a special Android XML format when it's stored in the APK file. Therefore your application uses less space on the device, takes less time to download, and its in-memory size is also smaller since less byte code needs to be loaded. The XML is also validated by the Android resource packing tool during compilation, and so is subject to the same type safety as Java code.

The third reason XML layouts are a "good idea" is that they are subject to the same resource selection process as all the other external resources. This means that a layout can be varied based on any of the defined properties, such as language, screen orientation and size, and even the time of day. This means that you can add new variations on the same layout in the future, simply by adding new XML files, and without the need to change any of your Java code.

The layout XML file

All XML layout files must be placed in the /res/layout directory of your Android project in order for the Android packaging tools to find them. Each XML file will result in a resource variable of the same name. For example, if we name our file /res/layout/main.xml, then we can access it in Java as R.layout.main.

Since we are building the screen layout as a resource file, it will be loaded by the application resource loader (having been compiled by the resource compiler). A resource is subject to a selection process, so while there is only one resource that the application loads, there may be multiple possible versions of the same resource available in the application package. This selection process is also what Android internationalization is built on top of.

If we wanted to build a different version of the user interface layout for several different types of touchscreens, Android defines three different types of touchscreen properties for us: notouch, stylus, and finger. This roughly translates to: no touchscreen, resistive touchscreen, and capacitive touchscreen. If we wanted to define a more keyboard-driven user interface for devices without a touchscreen (notouch), we write a new layout XML file named /res/layout-notouch/main.xml. When we load the resource in our Activity code, the resource selector will pick the notouch version of the screen if the device we're running on doesn't have a touchscreen.

Resource selection qualifiers

Here is a list of commonly used qualifiers (property names) that will be taken into account when Android selects a resource file to load. This table is ordered by precedence, with the most important properties at the top.




API Level


The mobile-country-code (MCC) and mobile-network-code (MNC). These can be used to determine which mobile operator and country the SIM card in the device is tied to.

The mobile-network-code optionally follows the mobile-country-code, but cannot be used on its own (you must always specify country-code first).







Language and region codes

Language and region codes are probably the most commonly used resource properties. This is generally how you localize your application to the user language preferences.

These values are standard ISO language and region codes, and are not case-sensitive. You cannot specify a region without a country code (similar to java.util.Locale).







Screen size

There are only three variations of this property: small, medium, and large. The value is based on the amount of screen space that can be used:

  • Small: QVGA (320×240 pixel) low-density type screens;

  • Medium: WQVGA low-density, HVGA (480x360 pixels) medium-density, and WVGA high-density type screens;

  • Large: VGA (640x480 pixels) or WVGA medium-density type screens





Screen aspect

This is the aspect type of the screen, based on the way the device would "normally" be used. This value doesn't change based on the orientation of the device.




Screen orientation

Used to determine whether the device is currently in portrait (port) or landscape (land) mode. This is only available on devices that can detect their orientation.




Night mode

This value simply changes with the time of day.




Screen density (DPI)

The DPI of the device screen. There are four possible values for this property:

  • ldpi: Low-density, approximately 120dpi;

  • mdpi: Medium-density, approximately 160dpi;

  • hdpi: High-density, approximately 240dpi;

  • nodpi: Can be used for bitmap resources that shouldn't be scaled to match the screen density






Keyboard status

What sort of keyboard is available on this device? This attribute shouldn't be used to determine whether the device has a hardware keyboard, but instead whether a keyboard (or software keyboard) is currently visible to the user.






Time for action – setting up the question activity

To kick things off we're going to be working with Android's simplest layout called: LinearLayout. Unlike Java AWT or Swing, Android layout managers are defined as specific container types. Thus a LinearLayout is much like a Panel with a built-in LayoutManager. If you've worked with GWT, you'll be quite familiar with this concept. We'll lay out the screen in a simple top-to-bottom structure (which LinearLayout is perfect for).

  1. Open the file in the /res/layout directory of your project named main.xml in you favorite IDE or text editor.

  2. Delete any template XML code.

  3. Copy the following XML code into the file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

What just happened?

We just removed the "Hello World" example, and put in an entirely empty layout structure which will serve as the platform for us to build the rest of the user interface upon. As you can see, Android has a special XML namespace for its resources.


All resource types in Android use the same XML namespace.

We declare our root element as LinearLayout. This element corresponds directly to the class android.widget.LinearLayout. Each element or attribute prefixed with the Android namespace corresponds to an attribute that is interpreted by the Android resource compiler.

The AAPT (Android Asset Packaging Tool) will generate an R.java file into your root (or primary) package. This file contains all of the Java variables used to reference your various application resources. In our case, we have the main.xml package in the /res/layout directory. This file becomes an R.layout.main variable with a constant value assigned as its identification.


Populating a View and a ViewGroup

A widget in Android is called a View, while a container (such as LinearLayout) is a ViewGroup. We have an empty ViewGroup now, but we need to start populating it in order to build up our user interface. While it is possible to nest a ViewGroup inside another ViewGroup object, an Activity has only one root View—so a layout XML file may have only one root View.


Time for action – asking a question

In order to ask our user a question, you will need to add a TextView to the top of your layout. A TextView is a bit like a Label or JLabel. It's also the base class for many other Android View widgets that display text. We want it to take up all of the available horizontal space, but only enough vertical space for our question to fit. We populate the TextView with Please wait... as its default text. Later, on we will replace this with a dynamically selected question.

  1. Go back to your main.xml file.

  2. Between the <LinearLayout...> and </LinearLayout> create a <TextView /> element, ending it with the empty element /> syntax since elements representing View objects are not allowed to have child elements.

  3. Give the TextView element an ID attribute:

  4. Change the layout width and height attributes to fill_parent and wrap_content respectively (the same as the LinearLayout element):

  5. Give the TextView some placeholder text so we can see it on the screen:

    android:text="Please wait..."
  6. Reinstall the application using Apache Ant from your project root folder:

    ant install
  7. Run the application again in the emulator and it should look like the following screenshot:

The code for the TextView should end up looking something like this:

<TextView android:id="@+id/question"
          android:text="Please wait..."

What just happened

In the preceding example, we used fill_parent and wrap_content as values for the layout width and height attributes. The fill_parent value is a special value that is always equal to the parent size. If it's used as the value for the android:layout_width attribute (as in our example), then it's the width of the parent view. If it's used in the android:layout_height attribute, it would be equal to the height of the parent view instead.

The value wrap_content can be used much like a preferred size in Java AWT or Swing. It says to the View object, "Take as much space as you need to, but no more". The only valid place to use these special attribute values is in the android:layout_width and android:layout_height attributes. Anywhere else will result in a compiler error.

We will need to access this TextView in our Java code later, in order to invoke its setText method (which directly corresponds to the android:text attribute we used for the placeholder text). A Java reference to a resource variable is created by assigning the resource an ID. In this example, the ID is declared here as @+id/question. The AAPT will generate an int value as an identifier for each resource of id as part of your R class. The ID attribute is also needed for accessing resources from another resource file.


Time for action – adding a space for answers

While posing a question to the user is all very fine and well, we need to give them some way to answer that question. We have several possibilities at our disposal: We could use a RadioGroup with a RadioButton for each possible answer, or a ListView with an item for each answer. However, to minimize the required interaction, and make things as clear as possible, we use one Button for each possible answer. However, this complicates things slightly, since you can't declare a variable number of Button objects in your layout XML file. Instead, we will declare a new LinearLayout and populate it with Button objects in the Java code.

  1. Under the TextView where we pose our question, you will need to add a <LinearLayout /> element. While this element would normally have child elements, in our case, the number of possible answers is varied, so we leave it as an empty element.

  2. By default, a LinearLayout will place its child View objects horizontally alongside each other. However, we want each child View to be vertically below each other, so you'll need to set the orientation attribute of the LinearLayout:

  3. We will need to populate the new ViewGroup (LinearLayout) later in our Java code, so give it an ID: answers:

  4. Like our TextView and root LinearLayout, make the width fill_parent:

  5. Make the height wrap_content so that it doesn't take up more space than all the buttons it will be populated with:


The resulting code should look like this:

<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/answers"

What just happened?

You may have noticed that for this example, we have no content in our new LinearLayout. This may seem a little unusual, but in this case, we want to populate it with a variable number of buttons—one for each possible answer to our multiple-choice questions. However, for the next part of the example we need some simple content Button widgets in this LinearLayout so that we can see the entire screen layout in action. Use the following code in your layout resource file to add Yes!, No!, and Maybe? Button widgets to the LinearLayout:

<LinearLayout android:id="@+id/answers"

    <Button android:id="@+id/yes"
            android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

    <Button android:id="@+id/no"
            android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

    <Button android:id="@+id/maybe"
            android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

In Android XML layout resources, any View classes extending from the ViewGroup class are considered containers. Adding widgets to them is as simple as nesting those View elements inside the element of your ViewGroup (as opposed to closing it with no child XML elements).

The following is a screenshot of the preceding Yes!, No!, Maybe? options:


Time for action – adding more buttons

We have two additional buttons to add to the screen layout. One will allow the user to skip the current question; the other will allow them to look at the short list of meals that we have filtered through so far (based on the questions they have already answered).

  1. Start by creating an empty <Button /> element below our answers ViewGroup <LinearLayout /> (but still within the root LinearLayout element). Assign it the ID skip, so that we can reference it in Java:

  2. Create some padding between the answers and the new button by using a margin:

  3. Give it the display label Skip Question:

    android:text="Skip Question"
  4. Like all of the previous widgets, the width should be fill_parent and the height should be wrap_content:

  5. Now create another empty <Button /> element below the Skip Question button

  6. The ID for the new button should be view:

  7. We want this button to display the text: Feed Me!:

    android:text="Feed Me!"
  8. Again, put a little space between the Skip Question button, and the new Feed Me! button:

  9. Finally, set the width and height of the Feed Me! button as with the other elements we've created so far:


When you've completed these two buttons, your layout XML file should now end with:

    <Button android:id="@+id/skip"
            android:text="Skip Question"

    <Button android:id="@+id/view"
            android:text="Feed Me!"

What just happened

Separation of unrelated user interface objects is a very important part of user interface design. Groups of items can be separated by whitespace, a border, or a box. In our case, we chose to use whitespace, as space also helps make the user interface feel cleaner.

We created our whitespace by using a margin above each of the buttons. Margins and padding work exactly the same way as they (should) do in CSS. A margin is spacing outside of the widget, while padding is spacing inside the widget. In Android, a margin is the concern of the ViewGroup, and so its attribute name is prefixed with layout_. Because padding is the responsibility of a View object, the padding attribute has no such prefix:

<Button android:id="@+id/view"
        android:text="Feed Me!"

The previous code would create extra space between the edge of the Button and the text in the middle of it, as well as retaining the margin above the button.

All of the measurements in the preceding example are specified in the sp unit, which is short for "scale independent pixels". Much like CSS, you suffix your measurement numbers with the unit of size that you are specifying the measurement in. Android recognizes the following measurements:

Unit suffix

Full name

Description and uses



Exactly one pixel of the device screen. This unit is the most common when writing desktop applications, but with the wide variety of phone screen sizes, it becomes much harder to use.



One inch (or the closest approximation). This is based on the physical size of the screen. This is great if you need to work with real world measurements, but again, because of the variations in the size of a device screen, it is not always very useful.



Another real world measurement, made to the closest approximation. This is just a metric version of inches: 25.4 millimeters in 1 inch.



Points are 1/72 of an inch in size. Much like millimeters and inches, they are very useful for sizing things against real-world sizes. They are also commonly used for sizing fonts, and so work well relative to font sizes.

dp or dip


A single DP is the same size as a single pixel is for a 160 dpi screen. This size is not always a direct ratio, not always precise, but is a best approximation for the current screen.


Scale-independent pixels

Much like the dp unit, it is a pixel scaled according to the user selected font size. This is possibly the best unit to use, as it's based on a user-selected parameter. The user may have increased the font size because they find the screen hard to read. Using an sp unit ensures that your user interface scales with it.

Defining common dimensions

Android also allows you to define your own dimension values as resource constants (note: dimensions, not measurements). This can be useful when you want several view widgets to be the same size, or to define a common font size. Files containing dimension declarations are placed in the /res/values directory in your project. While the actual file name isn't significant, a common name is dimens.xml. Dimensions can technically be included with other value types (that is, strings), but this is not recommended since it makes it harder to trace the dimension that are being applied at runtime.

One advantage of having your dimensions in their own file as opposed to being declared inline) is that you can then localize them based on the size of the screen. This makes screen-resolution-significant scales (such as pixels) much more useful. For example, you can place a dimens.xml file with different values into /res/values-320x240 and another version of the same dimensions into /res/values-640x480.

A dimensions resource file is a simple values file (much like strings.xml), but dimensions are defined with the <dimen> tag:

    <dimen name="half_width">160px</dimen>

To access this as a size in a layout XML file, you use a resource reference (much the same way as you access a resource string):

<TextView layout_width="@dimen/half_width" />

Building a list of common dimensions comes in handy when you want to build complex layouts that will look good on many different screens since it avoids the need to build several different layout XML files.

Have a go hero – improve the styling

Now we have the most basic structure for this user interface, but it doesn't really look too great. Other than the margins between the answer buttons, and the Skip Question and Feed Me! buttons, you can't really tell them apart. We need to let the user know that these buttons all do different things. We also need to draw more attention to the question, especially if they don't have a lot of time to squint at their screen. You may need the Android documentation, which can be found online at http://developer.android.com/reference/.

We have a question at the top of our screen, but as you can see in the previous screenshots, it doesn't stand out much. Therefore, it's not really very clear to the user what they need to do (especially the first time they use the application).

Try making the following styling changes to the question TextView at the top of our screen. These will only require you to add some attributes to its XML element:

  1. Center the text.

  2. Make the text bold.

  3. Change the text size to 24sp.

  4. Add 12sp spacing between the bottom of the question and the answer buttons

The Feed Me! button is also very important. This is the button that gives the user access to the list of suggested recipes that the application has filtered based on their answers, so it should look good.

The following styling should help the Feed Me! button to stand out nicely (hint: Button extends TextView):

  1. Make the text size 18sp.

  2. Change the text color to a nice red #9d1111.

  3. Style the text as bold.

  4. Add a text shadow: x=0, y=-3, radius=1.5, and color=white ("#fff").

When you've finished styling the screen, it should look like the following screenshot:


Limitations of the layout XML format

One of the most obvious limitations of the layout XML format is that you can't dynamically populate part of the Activity based on external variables—there are no loops or methods in the XML file.

In our example, this limitation shows itself in the form of our empty LinearLayout. Because each question has any number of possible answers, we need a varying number of buttons in the group. For our purposes, we will create the Button objects and put them into the LinearLayout as part of the Java code.

The other place the XML layout format falls down is dynamically referencing external resources. This can be seen in our example, where we put placeholder text in the android:text attribute on the TextView element—question. We could have referenced an external string using the following syntax:

<TextView android:id="@+id/question"

This will effectively reference a static variable from the strings.xml file. It's not suitable for a dynamically selected question, which will change each time we initialize the Activity.

Pop quiz

  1. What reason do you have for writing your layouts in XML instead of in pure Java code?

    a. Android can read the layout file externally for optimization.

    b. The layout becomes part of the resource selection process.

    c. Your users could download new layouts from the App Store.

    d. The layout can have custom themes applied to it.

  2. How would we make the text of the Next Question button bold?

    a. Use the android:typeface attribute.

    b. Create a custom Button implementation.

    c. Add a CSS attribute: style="font-weight: bold".

    d. Use the android:textStyle attribute.

  3. What would happen if we changed the LinearLayout from vertical orientation, to horizontal?

    a. The layout would turn on its side.

    b. All of the widgets would be squashed together on the screen.

    c. Only the question TextView would be visible on the screen.

    d. The question, and possibly some other View objects may be visible on the screen depending on the number of pixels available.

    e. The layout would overflow, causing the widgets to appear next to each other, over several lines.


Populating the QuestionActivity

We have a basic user interface, but right now, it's static. We may want to ask our user many different questions, each of which have different answers. We may also want to vary which questions we ask in some way or another. In short, we need some Java code to populate the layout with a question and some possible answers. Our questions are made up of two parts:

  • The question

  • A list of possible answers

In this example, we will make use of string array resources to store all of the question and answer data. We will use one string array to list the question identifiers, and then one string array for each question and its answers. The advantages of this approach are very similar to the advantages of using a layout XML file instead of hard-coding it. The res/values directory of your project will have an auto-generated strings.xml file. This file contains string and string-array resources that you want your application to use. Here is the start of our strings.xml file, with two questions to ask the user:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <string name="app_name">Kitchen Droid</string>

    <string-array name="questions">
    <string-array name="vegetarian">
        <item>Are you a Vegetarian?</item>
        <item>I\'m a vegan</item>
    <string-array name="size">
        <item>How much do you feel like eating?</item>
        <item>A large meal</item>
        <item>Just a nice single serving of food</item>
        <item>Some finger foods</item>
        <item>Just a snack</item>

The first item of each question array (vegetarian and size) is the question itself, while each following item is an answer.


Time for action – writing more Java code

  1. Open the QuestionActivity.java file in an editor or IDE.

  2. Import the Android Resources class below the package declaration:

    import android.content.res.Resources;
  3. In order to start asking the questions from your strings.xml file, you'll need a method to look in the questions <string-array> and find the name of the array that contains the current question. This is not normally something you need to do with application resources—their identifiers are generally known to you through the R class. In this case however, we want to work in the order defined in the questions <string-array>, making things a little bit more difficult:

    private int getQuestionID(Resources res, int index) {
  4. We can now look at the questions string-array, which contains the identifying name of each question (our index string-array):

    String[] questions = res.getStringArray(R.array.questions);
  5. We have the array of questions, and we need to find the identifier value. This is much like using R.array.vegetarian for the vegetarian question, except that it's a dynamic lookup, and therefore much slower than normal. In general, the following line is not recommended, but in our case it's very useful:

    return res.getIdentifier(
  6. The QuestionActivity class will display several questions to the user. We want the application to "play nice" with the phone and its environment. For that reason, each question will be posed in a new instance of QuestionActivity (allowing the device to control the display of our Activity). However, this method raises an important question: How do we know the index of the question to pose to the user? The answer: Our Intent. An Activity is started with an Intent object, and each Intent object may carry any amount of "extra" information (similar to request attributes in the HttpServletRequest interface) for the Activity to use, sort of like arguments to a main method. So, an Intent is also like a HashMap, containing special data for the Activity to use. In our case we use an integer property named KitchenDroid.Question:

    private int getQuestionIndex() {
        return getIntent().getIntExtra("KitchenDroid.Question", 0);

These two methods form the basis for populating our question screen and navigating our way through a defined list of questions. When complete, they should look like this:

private static int getQuestionID(
        final Resources res,
        final int index) {

    final String[] questions = res.getStringArray(R.array.questions);

    return res.getIdentifier(

private int getQuestionIndex() {
    return getIntent().getIntExtra("KitchenDroid.Question", 0);

What just happened

The getQuestionID method is pretty straight forward. In our code we use R.array.questions to access the <string-array> which identifies all of the questions we are going to ask the user. Each question has a name in the form of a String, and a corresponding resource identification number in the form of an int.

In the getQuestionID method, we make use of the Resources.getIdentifier method, which looks for the resource identifier (the integer value) for a given resource name. The second parameter of the method is the type of resource to look up. This parameter is normally an inner class to the generated R class. Finally, we pass the base package that the resource is found in. Instead of all three of these parameters, you could also look up the resource by its full resource name:

return res.getIdentifier(
        "com.packtpub.kitchendroid:array/" + questions[index],

The getQuestionIndex method tells us where in the questions <string-array> we currently are, and thus, which question to ask the user. This is based on the "extra" information in the Intent that triggered the Activity. The getIntent() method provides you with access to the Intent that triggered your Activity. Each Intent may have any amount of "extra" data, and that data may be any "primitive" or "serializable" type. Here we fetch the KitchenDroid.Question extra integer value from our Intent, substituting a value of 0 if it has not been set (that is, the default value). If the user taps our icon in the menu, Android won't have specified that value, so we start from the first question.


Dynamically creating widgets

Up to this point we've only used the layout XML file to populate our screen. In some cases, this is just not enough. In this simple example, we want the user to have a list of buttons that they can touch to answer the questions posed to them. We could pre-create some buttons and name them button1, button2, and so on, but that means limiting the number of possible answers.

In order to create buttons from our <string-array> resources, we need to do it in Java. We created a ViewGroup earlier (in the form of the LinearLayout that we named answers). This is where we will add our dynamically created buttons.


Time for action – putting the questions on the screen

Your application now knows where to find the questions to ask, and knows which question it should be asking. Now it needs to put the question on the screen, and allow the user to select an answer.

  1. Open the main.xml file in your editor or IDE.

  2. Remove the Yes!, No!, and Maybe? Button elements from the layout resource.

  3. Open the QuestionActivity.java file in an editor or IDE.

  4. We will need a new class field to hold the dynamically-created Button objects (for reference):

    private Button[] buttons;
  5. In order to keep things neat, create a new private method to put the questions on the screen: initQuestionScreen:

    private void initQuestionScreen() {
  6. In this method, we assume that the layout XML file has already been loaded into the Activity screen (that is, it will be invoked after we setContentView in onCreate). This means that we can look up parts of the layout as Java objects. We'll need both the TextView named question and the LinearLayout named answers:

    TextView question = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.question);
    ViewGroup answers = (ViewGroup)findViewById(R.id.answers);
  7. These two variables need to be populated with the question and its possible answers. For that we need the <string-array> (from our strings.xml file) which contains that data, so we need to know the resource identifier for the current question. Then we can fetch the actual array of data:

    int questionID = getQuestionID(resources, getQuestionIndex());
    String[] quesionData = resources.getStringArray(questionID);
  8. The first element of a question string array is the question to pose to the user. The following setText call is exactly the same as specifying an android:text attribute in your layout XML file:

  9. We then need to create an empty array to store references to our Button objects:

    int answerCount = quesionData.length – 1;
    buttons = new Button[answerCount];
  10. Now we're ready to populate the screen. A for loop over each of the answer values indexed according to our arrays:

    for(int i = 0; i < answerCount; i++) {
  11. Get each answer from the array, skipping the question string at index zero:

    String answer = quesionData[i + 1];
  12. Create a Button object for the answer and set its label:

    Button button = new Button(this);
  13. Finally, we add the new Button to our answers object (ViewGroup), and reference it in our buttons array (where we'll need it later):

    buttons[i] = button;
  14. Having done that, just after the setContentView calls in onCreate, we need to invoke our new initQuestionScreen method.

What just happened?

The findViewById method traverses the tree of View objects looking for a specific identifying integer value. By default, any resource declared with an android:id attribute in its resource file will have an associated ID. You could also assign an ID by hand using the View.setId method.

Unlike many other user interface APIs, the Android user interface API is geared towards XML development than pure Java development. A perfect example of this fact is that the View subclasses have three different constructors, two of which are designed for use with the XML parsing API. Instead of being able to populate the Button label in a constructor (as with most other UI APIs), we are forced to first construct the object, and then use setText to define its label.

What you do pass into the constructor of every View object is a Context object. In the preceding example you pass the Activity object into the constructor of the answer Button objects as this. The Activity class inherits from the Context class. The Context object is used by the View and ViewGroup objects to load the application resources and services that they require in order to function correctly.

You can now try running the application, in which case you'll be greeted with the following screen. You may have noticed that there is additional styling in this screenshot. If you don't have this, you may want to backtrack a little to the previous Have a go hero section.


Handling events in Android

Android user interface events work in much the same way as a Swing event-listener or a GWT event-handler. Depending on the type of event you wish to receive, you implement an interface and pass an instance to the widget you wish to receive events from. In our case we have Bu tton widgets that fire click-events when they are touched by the user.

The event-listener interfaces are declared in many of the Android classes, so there isn't a single place you can go look for them. Also, unlike most event-listener systems, many widgets may only have one of any given event-listeners. You can identify an event-listener interface by the fact that their class names are prefixed with On (much like HTML event attributes). In order to listen for click-events on a widget, you would set its OnClickListener using the V iew.setOnClickListener method.

The following code snippet shows how a click-listener might be added to a Button object to show a Toast. A Toast is a small pop-up box which is displayed briefly to give the user some information:

button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View clicked) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Button Clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).

The preceding event-listener is declared as an anonymous inner class, which is okay when you are passing similar event-listeners to many different widgets. However, most of the time you'll want to be listening for events on widgets you've declared in an XML layout resource. In these cases it's better to either have your Activity class implement the required interfaces, or create specialized classes for different event-driven actions. While Android devices are very powerful, they are still limited when compared to a desktop computer or laptop. Therefore, you should avoid creating unnecessary objects in order to conserve memory. By placing as many event-listener methods in objects that will already be created, you lower the overhead required.

Pop quiz

  1. When you declare an object in a layout XML file, how do you retrieve its Java object?

    a. The object will be declared in the R class.

    b. Using the Activity.findViewById method.

    c. By using the Resources.getLayout method.

    d. The object will be injected into a field in the Activity class.

  2. What is the "best" way of listening for events in an Android application?

    a. Declaring the listeners as anonymous inner classes.

    b. Create a separate event listener class for each Activity.

    c. Implement the event-listening interfaces in the Activity class.

  3. Why do you pass this Activity into the constructors of View objects (that is, new Button(this)).

    a. It defines the Activity screen they will be displayed on.

    b. It's where event messages will be sent to.

    c. It's how the View will reference its operating environment.



Android comes with some great tools to create and test applications, even if you don't have an Android device handy. That said, there's no replacement for actually touching your application. It's part of what makes Android such a compelling platform, the way it feels and responds (and the emulator just doesn't convey that).

One of the most important tools in an Android developer's arsenal is the resource selection system. With it you can build highly dynamic applications that respond to changes in the devices, and thus, the user environment. Changing the screen layout based on the orientation of the device, or when the user slides out the phone's QWERTY keyboard, lets them know that you've taken their preferences into account when building your application.

When building user interfaces in Android, it's strongly recommended to build at least the layout structure in an XML file. The XML layout files are not only considered as application resources, but Android also strongly favors building XML user interfaces over writing Java code. Sometimes, however, a layout XML file isn't enough, and you need to build parts of the user interface in Java. In this case it's a good idea to define at least a skeleton layout as XML (if possible), and then place the dynamically created View objects into the layout by using marker IDs and containers (much like dynamically adding to an HTML document in JavaScript).

When building a user interface, think carefully about the look and feel of the outcome. In our example, we use Button objects for the answers to questions. We could have used RadioButton objects instead, but then the user would have needed to select an option, and then touch a Next Question button, requiring two touches. We could also have used a List (which interacts nicely with the fact that it needs to be dynamically populated), however, a List doesn't indicate an "action" to the user quite the way a Button does.

When coding layouts, be careful with the measurement units that you use. It's strongly recommend that you stick to using sp for most purposes—if you can't use one of the special fill_parent or wrap_content values. Other values are highly dependent on the size of screen, and won't respond to the user preferences. You can make use of the resource selection process to build different screen designs for small, medium, or large screens. You could also define your own measurement unit and base it on the screen size.

Always think about how your user will interact with your application, and how much (or little) time they are likely to have with it. Keeping each screen simple and responsive keeps your users happy.

Now that we've learned how to create a skeleton Android project, and a simple Activiy, we can focus on the more subtle problems and solutions of Android user interface design. In the next chapter, we will focus on working with data-driven widgets. Android has several widgets designed specifically for displaying and selecting from more complex data structures. These widgets form the basis of data-driven applications such as an address book or a calendar application.

About the Author
  • Jason Morris

    Jason Morris is a systems and research engineer with over 19 years of experience in system architecture, research engineering, and large data analysis. His primary focus is machine learning with TensorFlow, CUDA, and Apache Spark.

    Jason is also a speaker and a consultant for designing large-scale architectures, implementing best security practices on the cloud, creating near real-time image detection analytics with deep learning, and developing serverless architectures to aid in ETL. His most recent roles include solution architect, big data engineer, big data specialist, and instructor at Amazon Web Services. He is currently the Chief Technology Officer of Next Rev Technologies and his favorite command line program is netcat

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Es un libro un poco viejo. Por lo tanto muchas de las cuestiones tratadas ya se pueden gestionar de diferente manera.
Loved it, even for an intermediate Android programmer, I learned a few tips and was reminded of some features I should be doing and ned to add into my existing apps.
Android User Interface Development: Beginner's Guide
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