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Published inJan 2023
Edition2nd Edition
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Daniele Lacamera
Daniele Lacamera
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Daniele Lacamera

Daniele Lacamera is a software technologist and researcher with vast experience in software design and development on embedded systems for different industries, currently working as freelance software developer and trainer. He is a worldwide expert in TCP/IP and transport protocol design and optimization, with more than 20 academic publications on the topic. He supports free software by contributing to several projects, including the Linux kernel, and his involvement within a number of communities and organizations that promote the use of free and open source software in the IoT.
Read more about Daniele Lacamera

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Memory Management

Handling memory is one of the most important tasks for an embedded system programmer, and surely the most important to take into account in every phase of the development of a system. This chapter is about the models commonly used to manage memory in an embedded system, the geometry and the mapping of the memory, and how to prevent issues that could compromise the stability and safety of the software running on the target.

This chapter is divided into four parts:

  • Memory mapping
  • The execution stack
  • Heap management
  • The memory protection unit

By the end of this chapter, you will have an in-depth knowledge of how to manage the memory in an embedded system.

Technical requirements

Memory mapping

Application software usually benefits from a number of abstractions available in the environment for the handling of memory. In modern operating systems on personal computers, each process can access its own memory space, which can also be relocated by remapping memory blocks to virtual memory addresses. Moreover, dynamic memory allocations are possible through virtual memory pools provided by the kernel. Embedded devices do not rely on these mechanisms, as there is no way to assign virtual addresses to physical memory locations. In all contexts and running modes, all the symbols can be accessed only by pointing at physical addresses.

As we have seen in the previous chapter, booting a bare-metal embedded application requires defining the sections at compile time within the assigned regions in the available address space, using the linker script. In order to properly configure the memory sections in our embedded software, it is important to analyze the properties of...

The execution stack

As seen in the previous chapter, a bare-metal application starts executing with an empty stack area. The execution stack grows backward, from the high address provided at boot to lower addresses every time a new item is stored. The stack keeps track of the chain of function calls at all times by storing the branching point at each function call, but it also serves as temporary storage during function executions. Variables within the local scope of each function are stored inside the stack while the function is executing. For this reason, keeping stack usage under control is one of the most critical tasks while developing an embedded system.

Embedded programming requires us to be aware at all times of stack usage while coding. Placing big objects in the stack, such as communication buffers or long strings, is in general not a good idea, considering that the space for the stack is always very limited. The compiler can be instructed to produce a warning every time...

Heap management

Safety-critical embedded systems are often designed not to implement any dynamic memory allocation. While this may sound extreme, it minimizes the impact of the most common programming mistakes in the application code, which might lead to catastrophic consequences for the running system.

On the other hand, dynamic allocation is a powerful tool because it gives complete control over the lifetime and the size of the memory blocks. Many third-party libraries designed for embedded devices expect an existing implementation of dynamic memory allocation. Dynamic memory is managed through a heap structure in memory, by keeping track of the status and the size for each allocation, incrementing the pointer to the next area of free memory, and reusing blocks that have been freed if new allocation requests are processed.

A standard programming interface for heap allocation consists of two basic functions:

void *malloc(size_t size);
void free(void *ptr);

These function...

The memory protection unit

In a system without virtual address mapping, it is harder to create a separation between sections that can be accessed by the software at runtime. The memory protection unit, often referred to as the MPU, is an optional component present in many ARM-based microcontrollers. The MPU is used to separate sections in memory by setting local permissions and attributes. This mechanism has several uses in real-life scenarios, such as preventing access to memory when the CPU is running in user mode, or preventing fetching code from being executed from writable locations in RAM. When the MPU is enabled, it enforces the rules by triggering a memory exception interrupt when those rules are violated.

While commonly used by operating systems to create process stack separation and enforce privileged access to system memory, the MPU can be useful in a number of other cases, including bare-metal applications.

MPU configuration registers

In the Cortex-M, the control...


Memory management in an embedded system is the source of the most critical bugs, and for this reason, particular attention must be dedicated to designing and implementing the correct solutions for the platform in use and application purposes. The execution stack should be carefully placed, sized, and delimited when possible.

Systems not providing dynamic allocations are safer, but embedded systems with higher complexity benefit from dynamic allocation techniques. Programmers must be aware that errors in memory handling can be critical for a system and very difficult to spot, so extra care is required when code handles dynamically allocated pointers.

The MPU can be a vital tool to enforce access permissions and attributes on memory regions, and it can be used for several purposes. In the example shown, we implemented an MPU-based mechanism to enforce a physical boundary for the stack pointer.

In the next chapter, we will examine other common components included in modern...

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Embedded Systems Architecture - Second Edition
Published in: Jan 2023Publisher: PacktISBN-13: 9781803239545
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Author (1)

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Daniele Lacamera

Daniele Lacamera is a software technologist and researcher with vast experience in software design and development on embedded systems for different industries, currently working as freelance software developer and trainer. He is a worldwide expert in TCP/IP and transport protocol design and optimization, with more than 20 academic publications on the topic. He supports free software by contributing to several projects, including the Linux kernel, and his involvement within a number of communities and organizations that promote the use of free and open source software in the IoT.
Read more about Daniele Lacamera