In this article by Alex Libby, Gaurav Gupta, and Asoj Talesra, the authors of the book, Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 Essentials we will cover the basic elements of responsive web design (RWD).
If one had to describe Responsive Web Design in a sentence, then responsive design describes how the content is displayed across various screens and devices, such as mobiles, tablets, phablets or desktops. To understand what this means, let's use water as an example. The property of water is that it takes the shape of the container in which it is poured.
It is an approach in which a website or a webpage adjusts the layout according to the size or resolution of the screen dynamically. This ensures that the users get the best experience while using the website.
We develop a single website that uses a single code base. This will contain fluid, flexible images, proportion-based grids, fluid images or videos and CSS3 media queries to work across multiple devices and device resolutions—the key to making them work is the use of percentage values in place of fixed units, such as pixels or ems-based sizes.
The best part of this is that we can use this technique without the knowledge or need of server based/backend solutions—to see it in action, we can use Packt's website as an example. Go ahead and browse to https://www.packtpub.com/web-development/mastering-html5-forms; this is what we will see as a desktop view:
The mobile view for the same website shows this if viewed on a smaller device:
We can clearly see the same core content is being displayed (that is, an image of the book, the buy button, pricing details and information about the book), but element such as the menu have been transformed into a single drop down located in the top left corner. This is what responsive web design is all about—producing a flexible design that adapts according to which device we choose to use in a format that suits the device being used.
Now that we've been introduced to RWD, it's important to understand some of the elements that make up the philosophy of what we know as flexible design. A key part of this is understanding the viewport or visible screen estate available to us—in addition, there are several key elements that make up RWD.
There are several key elements involved—in addition to viewports, these center around viewports, flexible media, responsive text and grids, and media queries. We will cover each in more detail later in the book, but for now, let's have a quick overview of the elements that make up RWD.
A key part of RWD is working with the viewport, or visible content area on a device. If we're working with desktops, then it is usually the resolution; this is not the case for mobile devices.
There is a temptation to reach for JavaScript (or a library, such as jQuery) to set values, such as viewport width or height: there is no need, as we can do this using CSS:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
Or by using this directive:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
This means that the browser should render the width of the page to the same width as the browser window—if, for example, the latter is 480px, then the width of the page will be 480px. To see what a difference not setting a viewport can have, take a look at this example screenshot:
This example was created from displaying some text in Chrome, in iPhone 6 Plus emulation mode, but without a viewport. Now, let's take a look at the same text, but this time with a viewport directive set:
Even though this is a simple example, do you notice any difference? Yes, the title color has changed, but more importantly the width of our display has increased. This is all part of setting a viewport—browsers frequently assume we want to view content as if we're on a desktop PC. If we don't tell it that the viewport area has been shrunken in size, it will try to shoe horn all of the content into a smaller size, which doesn't work very well!
It's critical therefore that we set the right viewport for our design and that we allow it to scale up or down in size, irrespective of the device—we will explore this in more detail.
When designing responsive websites, we can either create our own layout or use a grid system already created for use, such as Bootstrap. The key here though is ensuring that the mechanics of our layout sizes and spacing are set according to the content we want to display for our users, and that when the browser is resized in width, it realigns itself correctly.
For many developers, the standard unit of measure has been pixel values; a key part of responsive design is to make the switch to using percentage and em (or preferably rem) units. The latter scale better than standard pixels, although there is a certain leap of faith needed to get accustomed to working with the replacements!
A key part of our layout is, of course, images and text—the former though can give designers a bit of a headache, as it is not enough to simply use large images and set overflow: hidden to hide the parts that are not visible!
Images in a responsive website must be as flexible as the grid used to host them—for some, this may be a big issue if the website is very content-heavy; now is a good time to consider if some of that content is no longer needed, and can be removed from the website. We can, of course simply apply display: none to any image which shouldn't be displayed, according to the viewport set. This isn't a good idea though, as content still has to be downloaded before styles can be applied; it means we're downloading more than is necessary! Instead, we should assess the level of content, make sure it is fully optimized, and apply percentage values so it can be resized automatically to a suitable size when the browser viewport changes.
With content and media in place, we must turn our attention to media queries—there is a temptation to create queries that suit specific devices, but this can become a maintenance headache.
We can avoid the headache by designing queries based on where the content breaks, rather than for specific devices—the trick to this is to start small and gradually enhance the experience, with the use of media queries:
<link rel="stylesheet" media="(max-device-width: 320px)" href="mobile.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" media="(min-width: 1600px)" href="widescreen.css" />
We should aim for around 75 characters per line, to maintain an optimal length for our content.
For many years, designers have built layouts of different types—they may be as simple as a calling card website, right through to a theme for a content management system, such as WordPress or Joomla. The meteoric rise of accessing the Internet through different devices means that we can no longer create layouts that are tied to specific devices or sizes—we must be flexible!
To achieve this flexibility requires us to embrace a number of changes in our design process – the first being the type of layout we should create. A key part of this is the use of percentage values to define our layouts; rather than create something from ground up, we can make use of a predefined grid system that has been tried and tested, as a basis for future designs.
The irony is that there are lots of grid systems vying for our attention, so without further ado, let's make a start by exploring the different types of layouts, and how they compare to responsive designs.
A problem that has been faced by web designers for some years is the type of layout their website should use—should it be fluid, fixed width, have the benefits of being elastic or a hybrid version that draws on the benefits of a mix of these layouts?
The type of layout we choose use will of course depend on client requirements—making it a fluid layout means we are effectively one step closer to making it responsive: the difference being that the latter uses media queries to allow resizing of content for different devices, not just normal desktops!
To understand the differences, and how responsive layouts compare, let's take a quick look at each in turn:
In comparison, responsive layouts take fluid layouts a step further, by using media queries to not only make our designs resize automatically, but present different views of our content on multiple devices.
Now that we've been introduced to grid layouts as a tenet of responsive design, it's a good opportunity to explore why we should use them. Creating a layout from scratch can be time-consuming, and need lots of testing—there are some real benefits from using a grid layout:
All in all, it makes sense to familiarize ourselves with grid layouts—the temptation is of course to use an existing library. There is nothing wrong with this, but to really get the benefit out of using them, it's good to understand some of the basics around the mechanics of grid layouts, and how this can help with the construction of our website.
Our journey through the basics of adding responsive capabilities to a website has so far touched on how we make our layouts respond automatically to changes – it's time for us to do the same to media!
If your first thought is that we need lots of additional functionality to make media responsive, then I am sorry to disappoint—it's much easier, and requires zero additional software to do it! Yes, all we need is just a text editor and a browser. I'll use my favorite editor, Sublime Text, but you can use whatever works for you.
Over the course of this chapter, we will take a look in turn at images, video, audio and text, and we'll see how with some simple changes, we can make each of them responsive. Let's kick off our journey first, with a look at making image content responsive.
It is often said that images speak a thousand words. We can express a lot more with media than we can using words. This is particularly true for website selling products—a clear, crisp image clearly paints a better picture than a poor quality one!
When constructing responsive websites, we need our images to adjust in size automatically—to see why this is important, go ahead and extract coffee.html from a copy of the code download that accompanies this book, and run it in a browser. Try resizing the window—we should see something akin to this:
It doesn't look great, does it? Leaving aside my predilection for nature's finest bean drink (that is, coffee!), we can't have images that don't resize properly, so let's take a look at what is involved to make this happen:
img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
This time around, our image grows or shrinks automatically, depending on the size of our browser window:
Although our image does indeed fit better, there are a couple of points we should be aware of, when using this method:
This is an easy technique to use, although there is a downside that can trip us up—spot what it is? If we use a high quality image, its file size will be hefty. We can't expect users of mobile devices to download it, can we?
Don't worry though—there is a great alternative that has quickly gained popularity amongst browsers; we can use the <picture> element to control what is displayed, depending on the size of the available window.
In a nutshell, responsive images are images that are displayed their optimal form on a page, depending on the device your website is being viewed from. This can mean several things:
Traditionally, we might have used simple scripting to achieve this, but it is at the risk of potentially downloading multiple images or none at all, if the script loads after images have loaded, or if we don't specify any image in our HTML and want the script to take care of loading images.
Flexible videos are somewhat more complex than images. The HTML5 <video> maintains its aspect ratio just like images, and therefore we can apply the same CSS principle to make it responsive:
video {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto !important;
Until relatively recently, there have been issues with HTML5 video—this is due in the main to split support for codecs, required to run HTML video. The CSS required to make a HTML5 video is very straightforward, but using it directly presents a few challenges:
For many, a better alternative is to host the video through a third-party service such as YouTube—we can let them worry about bandwidth issues and providing a consistent look and feel; we just have to make it fit on the page! This requires a little more CSS styling to make it work, so let's dig in and find out what is involved.
We clearly need a better way to manage responsive images! A relatively new tag for HTML5 is perfect for this job: <picture>. We can use this in one of three different ways, depending on whether we want to resize an existing image, display a larger one, or show a high-resolution version of the image. Implementing the <picture> element.
In a nutshell, responsive images are images that are displayed their optimal form on a page, depending on the device your website is being viewed from. This can mean several things:
Traditionally, we might have used simple scripting to achieve this, but it is at the risk of potentially downloading multiple images or none at all, if the script loads after images have loaded, or if we don't specify any image in our HTML and want the script to take care of loading images.
We clearly need a better way to manage responsive images! A relatively new tag for HTML5 is perfect for this job: <picture>. We can use this in one of three different ways, depending on whether we want to resize an existing image, display a larger one, or show a high-resolution version of the image.
When building websites, it goes without saying but our designs clearly must start somewhere—this is usually with adding text. It's therefore essential that we allow for this in our responsive designs at the same time.
Now is a perfect opportunity to explore how to do this—although text is not media in the same way as images or video, it is still content that has to be added at some point to our pages! With this in mind, let's dive in and explore how we can make our text responsive.
When working on non-responsive websites, it's likely that sizes will be quoted in pixel values – it's a perfectly acceptable way of working. However, if we begin to make our websites responsive, then content won't resize well using pixel values—we have to use something else.
There are two alternatives - em or rem units. The former is based on setting a base font size that in most browsers defaults to 16px; in this example, the equivalent pixel sizes are given in the comments that follow each rule:
h1 { font-size: 2.4em; } /* 38px */
p { line-height: 1.4em; } /* 22px */
Unfortunately there is an inherent problem with using em units—if we nest elements, then font sizes will be compounded, as em units are calculated relative to its parent. For example, if the font size of a list element is set at 1.4em (22px), then the font size of a list within a list becomes 30.8em (1.4 x 22px).
To work around these issues, we can use rem values as a replacement—these are calculated from the root element, in place of the parent element. If you look carefully throughout many of the demos created for this book, you will see rem units being used to define the sizes of elements in that demo.
The rem (or root em) unit is set to be relative to the root, instead of the parent – it means that we eliminate any issue with compounding at a stroke, as our reference point remains constant, and is not affected by other elements on the page.
The downside of this is support—rem units are not supported in IE7 or 8, so if we still have to support these browsers, then we must fall back to using pixel or em values instead. This of course raises the question—should we still support these browsers, or is their usage of our website so small, as to not be worth the effort required to update our code?
If the answer is that we must support IE8 or below, then we can take a hybrid approach—we can set both pixel/em and rem values at the same time in our code, thus:
.article-body {
font-size: 1.125rem; /* 18 / 16 */
font-size: 18px;
.caps, figure, footer {
font-size: 0.875rem; /* 14 / 16 */
font-size: 14px;
Notice how we set rem values first? Browsers which support rem units will use these first; any that don't can automatically fall back to using pixel or em values instead.
Open a browser—let's go and visit some websites.
Now, you may think I've lost my marbles, but stay with me: I want to show you a few examples. Let's take a look at a couple of example websites at different screen widths—how about this example, from my favorite coffee company, Starbucks:
Try resizing the browser window—if you get small enough, you will see something akin to this:
Now, what was the point of all that, I hear you ask? Well, it's simple—all of them use media queries in some form or other; CSS Tricks uses the queries built into WordPress, Packt's website is hosted using Drupal, and Starbuck's website is based around the Handlebars template system.
The key here is that all use media queries to determine what should be displayed—throughout the course of this chapter, we'll explore using them in more detail, and see how we can use them to better manage content in responsive websites. Let's make a start with exploring their make up in more detail.
The developer Bruce Lee sums it up perfectly, when liking the effects of media queries to how water acts in different containers:
"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; you put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."
We can use media queries to apply different CSS styles, based on available screen estate or specific device characteristics. These might include, but not be limited to the type of display, screen resolution or display density. Media queries work on the basis of testing to see if certain conditions are true, using this format:
@media [not|only] [mediatype] and ([media feature]) {
// CSS code;
We can use a similar principle to determine if entire style sheets should be loaded, instead of individual queries:
<link rel="stylesheet" media="mediatype and|only|not (media feature)" href="myStyle.css">
Seems pretty simple, right? The great thing about media queries is that we don't need to download or install any additional software to use or create them – we can build most of them in the browser directly.
Up until now, we've covered how we can use breakpoints to control what is displayed, and when, according to which device is being used. Let's assume you're working on a project for a client, and have created a series of queries that use values such as 320px, 480px, 768px, and 1024px to cover support for a good range of devices.
No matter what our design looks like, we will always be faced with two issues, if we focus on using specific screen viewports as the basis for controlling our designs:
So hold on: we're creating breakpoints, yet this can end up causing us more problems? If we're finding ourselves creating lots of media queries that address specific problems (in addition to standard ones), then we will start to lose the benefits of a responsive website—instead we should re-examine our website, to understand why the design isn't working and see if we can't tweak it so as to remove the need for the custom query.
Ultimately our website and target devices will dictate what is required—a good rule of thumb is if we are creating more custom queries than a standard bunch of 4-6 breakpoints, then perhaps it is time to recheck our design!
As an alternative to working with specific screen sizes, there is a different approach we can take, which is to follow the principle of adaptive design, and not responsive design. Instead of simply specifying a number of fixed screen sizes (such as for the iPhone 6 Plus or a Samsung Galaxy unit), we build our designs around the point at which the design begins to fail.
Why? The answer is simple—the idea here is to come up with different bands, where designs will work between a lower and upper value, instead of simply specifying a query that checks for fixed screen sizes that are lower or above certain values.
The advent of using different devices to access the internet means speed is critical – the time it takes to download content from hosting servers, and how quickly the user can interact with the website are key to the success of any website.
Why it is important to focus on the performance of our website on the mobile devices or those devices with lesser screen resolution? There are several reasons for this—they include:
If we do not consider statistics such as these, then we may go ahead and construct our website, but end up with a customer losing both income and market share, if we have not fully considered the extent of where our website should work. Coupled with this is the question of performance – if our website is slow, then this will put customers off, and contribute to lost sales.
A study performed by San Francisco-based Kissmetrics shows that mobile users wait between 6 to 10 seconds before they close the website and lose faith in it. At the same time, tests performed by Guy Podjarny for the Mediaqueri.es website (http://mediaqueri.es) indicate that we're frequently downloading the same content for both large and small screens—this is entirely unnecessary, when with some simple changes, we can vary content to better suit desktop PCs or mobile devices!
So what can we do? Well, before we start exploring where to make changes, let's take a look at some of the reasons why websites run slowly.
Although we may build a great website that works well across multiple devices, it's still no good if it is slow! Every website will of course operate differently, but there are a number of factors to allow for, which can affect page (and website) speed:
There is one point to consider that we've not covered in this list—the average size of a page has significantly increased since the dawn of the Internet in the mid-nineties. Although these figures may not be 100% accurate, they still give a stark impression of how things have changed:
All is not lost though—there are some tricks we can use to help optimize the performance of our websites.
At this stage, our website would be optimized, and tested for performance—but what about compatibility?
Although the wide range of available browsers has remained relatively static (at least for the ones in mainstream use), the functionality they offer is constantly changing—it makes it difficult for developers and designers to handle all of the nuances required to support each browser.
In addition, the wide range makes it costly to support—in an ideal world, we would support every device available, but this is impossible; instead, we must use analytical software to determine which devices are being used, and therefore worthy of support.
If we test our website on a device such as an iPhone 6, then there is a good chance it will work as well on other Apple devices, such as iPads. The same can be said for testing on a mobile device such as a Samsung Galaxy S4—we can use this principle to help prioritize support for particular mobile devices, if they require more tweaks to be made than for other devices.
Ultimately though, we must use analytical software to determine who visits our website; the information such as browser, source, OS and device used will help determine what our target audience should be. This does not mean we completely neglect other devices; we can ensure they work with our website, but this will not be a priority during development.
A key point of note is that we should not attempt to support every device – this is too costly to manage, and we would never keep up with all of the devices available for sale! Instead, we can use our analytics software to determine which devices are being used by our visitors; we can then test a number of different properties:
Once we've determined which devices we should be supporting, then there are a range of tools available for us to use, to test browser compatibility. These include physical devices (ideal, but expensive to maintain), emulators or online services (these can be commercial, or free). Let's take a look at a selection of what is available, to help us test compatibility.
When we test a mobile or responsive website, there are factors which we need to consider before we start testing, to help deliver a website which looks consistent across all the devices and browsers. These factors include:
To help test our websites, we can use any one of several tools (either paid or free)—a key point to note though is that we can already get a good idea of how well our websites work, by simply using the Developer toolbar that is available in most browsers!
We can easily emulate a mobile device within Chrome, by pressing Ctrl + Shift + M; Chrome displays a toolbar at the top of the window, which allows us to select different devices:
If we click on the menu entry (currently showing iPhone 6 Plus), and change it to Edit, we can add new devices; this allows us to set specific dimensions, user agent strings and whether the device supports high-resolution images:
Although browsers can go some way to providing an indication of how well our website works, they can only provide a limited view – sometimes we need to take things a step further and use commercial solutions to test our websites across multiple browsers at the same time. Let's take a look at some of the options available commercially.
If you've spent any time developing code, then there is a good chance you may already be aware of Browserstack (from https://www.browserstack.com)—other options include the following:
If however all we need to do is check our website for its level of responsiveness, then we don't need to use paid options – there are a number of websites that allow us to check, without needing to installing plugins or additional tools:
We can also use bookmarklets to check to see how well our websites work on different devices – a couple of examples to try are at http://codebomber.com/jquery/resizer and http://responsive.victorcoulon.fr/; it is worth noting that current browsers already include this functionality, making the bookmarklets less attractive as an option.
We have now reached the end of our journey through the essentials of creating responsive websites with nothing more than plain HTML and CSS code. We hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have with writing, and that it helps you make a start into the world of responsive design using little more than plain HTML and CSS.
This article covers the elements of RWD and introduces us to the different flexible grid layouts.