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Instant Spring for Android Starter
Instant Spring for Android Starter

Instant Spring for Android Starter: Leverage Spring for Android to create RESTful and OAuth Android apps

By Anthony Dahanne
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Book Jan 2013 72 pages 1st Edition
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Publication date : Jan 25, 2013
Length 72 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781782161905
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Instant Spring for Android Starter

Chapter 1. Instant Spring for Android Starter

Welcome to Instant Spring for Android Starter. This book has been specially created to provide you with all the information that you need to ease your Android development using Spring for Android. You will learn the different features provided by Spring for Android and get started with building your first apps using these features.

This book contains the following sections:

So, what is Spring for Android? describes Spring for Android has an extension of the Spring Framework that helps simplify the development of native Android applications; it currently (Version 1.0.0.RELEASE) features a REST client (RestTemplate) and OAuth support (Spring Social).

Integrating it in an Android app teaches how to integrate Spring for Android with the Eclipse IDE and ADT (Android Development Tools), as well as with Maven.

Quick start – Rest Template will show you how to use some of the core features of the Spring for Android Rest Template module; for example, creating a REST client. By the end of this section you will be able to retrieve, update, create, and delete REST resources using message converters and/or HTTP Basic authentication.

Quick start – OAuth will show you how to use some of the core features of Spring for Android Auth module; for example, creating an OAuth connection to Google+ to read a user profile. By the end of this section you will be able to establish an OAuth connection to authenticate your user and app.

People and places you should get to know – Every open source project is centered around a community. This section provides you with many useful links to the project page and forums, as well as a number of helpful articles, tutorials and blogs, in addition to the Twitter feeds of Spring for Android super-contributors.

So, what is Spring for Android?

In this first section, we will go through the main aspects of Spring for Android: RestTemplate, Auth, and what Spring for Android is not.


The RestTemplate module is a port of the Java-based REST client RestTemplate, which initially appeared in 2009 in Spring for MVC. Like the other Spring template counterparts (JdbcTemplate, JmsTemplate, and so on), its aim is to bring to Java developers (and thus Android developers) a high-level abstraction of lower-level Java API; in this case, it eases the development of HTTP clients.

In its Android version, RestTemplate relies on the core Java HTTP facilities (HttpURLConnection) or the Apache HTTP Client. According to the Android device version you use to run your app, RestTemplate for Android can pick the most appropriate one for you. This is according to Android developers' recommendations.


See This blog post explains why in certain cases Apache HTTP Client is preferred over HttpURLConnection.

RestTemplate for Android also supports gzip compression and different message converters to convert your Java objects from and to JSON, XML, and so on.

Auth/Spring Social

The goal of the Spring Android Auth module is to let an Android app gain authorization to a web service provider using OAuth (Version 1 or 2).

OAuth is probably the most popular authorization protocol (and it is worth mentioning that, it is an open standard) and is currently used by Facebook, Twitter, Google apps (and many others) to let third-party applications access users account.

Spring for Android Auth module is based on several Spring libraries because it needs to securely (with cryptography) persist (via JDBC) a token obtained via HTTP; here is a list of the needed libraries for OAuth:

  • Spring Security Crypto: To encrypt the token

  • Spring Android OAuth: This extends Spring Security Crypto adding a dedicated encryptor for Android, and SQLite based persistence provider

  • Spring Android Rest Template: To interact with the HTTP services

  • Spring Social Core: The OAuth workflow abstraction

While performing the OAuth workflow, we will also need the browser to take the user to the service provider authentication page, for example, the following is the Twitter OAuth authentication dialog:

What Spring for Android is not

SpringSource (the company behind Spring for Android) is very famous among Java developers. Their most popular product is the Spring Framework for Java which includes a dependency injection framework (also called an inversion of control framework). Spring for Android does not bring inversion of control to the Android platform.

In its very first release (1.0.0.M1), Spring for Android brought a common logging facade for Android; the authors removed it in the next version.

Integrating it in an Android app

Spring for Android is contained in multiple JAR libraries which should be linked to the project. These JAR libraries are not part of the standard Android distribution. For example, we will need the following JAR libraries to consume a JSON REST API with Spring For Android RestTemplate:

Minimal dependencies to add or use RestTemplate

You can use the IDE to manually satisfy the dependencies (and their transitive dependencies). The alternative to manual dependency management is automatic project building with Maven. We will explain Maven building later in the section.

Getting started with Eclipse and Spring for Android

Eclipse is certainly the most popular IDE to develop Android apps; one of the reasons why it is so is because the Android Development Tools (ADT), maintained by Google, provides the Eclipse plugins to ease Android development (debugger, custom XML editors, and so on).


IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition provides out of the box support for Android; Netbeans also lets you install the nbandroid plugin which facilitates Android apps development.

We need to perform the following steps to get started with Eclipse:

  1. Download a recent version from (ADT is compatible with Eclipse from the Version 3.6.2; at the time of writing, 4.2 Juno was the most recent). Prefer Eclipse IDE for Java developers rather than the other versions available.

  2. Once you have it downloaded and unpacked on your machine, start it. Choose a workspace location (where your projects will lie) and install the ADT plugin: click on Help | Eclipse Marketplace... and type adt (as shown in the following screenshot) in the textbox before pressing Enter; now select Android Development Tools for Eclipse by clicking on the Install button.


You don't have to select the NDK support feature, which provides support for Native Android Development (using the C or C++ language) since Spring For Android libraries are Java only libraries.

Installing the ADT plugin

Eclipse will prompt you several times about licenses and will eventually ask you to restart it.

  1. When you're back in your workspace, make sure you have an (up-to-date) Android SDK installed on your machine: click on the icon with an Android robot coming out of a box, and install or update the Android SDK (you don't need all Android versions, you can just install the most popular ones such as 2.2 aka Froyo, 2.3.3 aka Gingerbread, 4.0.3 aka Ice Cream Sandwich and 4.1 aka Jelly Bean); restart Eclipse when you're done.

    The Android SDK Manager to manage the Android tools and platforms

  2. If you haven't done so already, you also need to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD) so that you can deploy your Android apps to it (you could also connect your phone or tablet via USB to deploy your apps on it); for that matter, click on the icon representing an Android robot in a device screen and create a new AVD, as shown in the following screenshot:

    Creating a new AVD


    You can find more details on the ADT plugin from the official website:

  3. We finally need to download the Spring for Android JARs, go to the Spring for Android website: and click on the Download button (you can skip the registration in the following screen). Now choose the latest Spring for Android release (at the time of writing: 1.0.1.RELEASE) and unzip it on your machine; we will need the libraries in the next step:

    Spring for Android official download page

First example app

Now we are ready to create our first application with Spring for Android:

  1. Click on File | New... | Android Application, give your project name and accept the defaults in the following dialogs:

  2. A new window named New Android Application will pop up, as shown in thefollowing screenshot:

    Creating an Android app from Eclipse

  3. When asked for a new activity, choose the default BlankActivity, as shown in the following screenshot:

  4. Now copy the JARs spring-android-core-{version}.jar and spring-android-rest-template-{version}.jar from the Spring for Android ZIP file you downloaded before, to the $Project_home/libs folder of your new project; you should have the following project structure:

    First example app

  5. For this first sample app to use Spring for Android to request a web service (we will use, we will just need to perform a GET method on this URL and we will receive the client info: IP, User Agent, and so on. We will then need to declare our intention to access the network. This works by adding the following permission tag just before the application tag in the Android manifest file:

            android:targetSdkVersion="15" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <application (...)


    The Android manifest is found at the root of the project: AndroidManifest.xml.

    Forgetting to do so results in obscure messages in the log cat view (where all the logs are gathered) such as Fatal Exception; see for more information on permissions.

    The HTTP protocol defines methods, or verbs, to indicate the action to be performed on the remote resource: GET to fetch a resource, POST to store a resource, PUT to update a resource, DELETE to delete a resource are examples of HTTP verbs, you can learn more about them by reading this article:

  6. Then, we adjust the activity layout by removing the default "hello world" (android:text="@string/hello_world") and replacing it by an anchor that we will use to print the response of the web service (android:id="@+id/hello_text"):

    <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
        android:layout_height="match_parent" >
            tools:context=".MainActivity" />

    The activity layout is found at res/layout/activity_main.xml.

  7. Finally, we can rework MainActivity itself (only the onCreate() method needs to be updated):

      public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        final TextView resultTextView = 
                (TextView) findViewById(;
        AsyncTask<String, Void, String> simpleGetTask =  
                    new AsyncTask<String, Void, String>() {
          protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
            //executed by a background thread
           //create a new RestTemplate instance
            RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
            //add the String message converter, since the result of
                 // the call will be a String
                         new StringHttpMessageConverter());
            // Make the HTTP GET request on the url (params[0]),
                 // marshaling the response to a String
          protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
            // executed by the UI thread once the background 
                 // thread is done getting the result
        String url = "";
        // triggers the task; it will update the resultTextView once
          // it is done


    If Eclipse complains about missing imports, press simultaneously Shift + Ctrl + O to automatically add the required the imports.

    In this snippet, we first got a reference to our result_text text view, and set it to a final variable named resultTextView (final because we will need to access it through an inner class).

    Next, we created an anonymous inner class, extending AsyncTask to implement all the logic of hitting the web service (creating the RestTemplate instance, adding the String converter and calling getForObject), and setting the result to the text view (using the setText method). When we call simpleGetTask.execute(url), the URL is added to the array of params in doInBackground(String... params) (so params[0] is url in this case).


    If we had directly written the code to hit the web service in the onCreate() method, the application would not have even been able to start since the Android platform prevents the developers from performing HTTP requests in the UI (main) thread (and for a good reason: those network-related operations often take time to complete, and would freeze the UI while the operations were in progress).

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
     TextView resultTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;
     String url = "";
     RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
     RestTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new  StringHttpMessageConverter());
     String result = restTemplate.getForObject(url, String.class);


    Do not do this! You can not perform HTTP-related calls from the UI (main) thread.


    More information about AsyncTasks can be found in the official documentation: and also on threads and processes in Android in general:

  8. We are now ready to launch this first Spring for Android based app!

    Right-click on the project name and select Run as... | Android Application:

  9. Eclipse will start your previously created AVD and will automatically run the app, you should see something similar to the following screenshot:

    MainActivity screenshot from the AVD

Congratulations! You've successfully run your first Spring for Android based app!

Using Maven to build a Spring for Android app

In the previous example, we only added two JARs to the libs folder; but if you need other dependencies, such as MessageConverters (to unmarshall JSON, XML responses), the Auth module, or any other existing libraries in your project, managing your dependencies will soon become a burden!

Maven can help you manage your dependencies (in a nutshell, you specify them in a file called pom.xml and it will get them from the Internet automatically, including their transitive dependencies) and much more: release operations, tests runs, header generation, and so on. Maven is a modular open source build tool with tons of plugins!


When using the Android Maven plugin, you should add to your environment the following variable ANDROID_HOME (linking your Android home directory) and add ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools to your path. This is explained in detailed in

To begin with, let's add the m2e (Maven to Eclipse) plugin to Eclipse: like we did for the ADT plugin, open Help | Eclipse Marketplace and search for maven; choose Maven Integration for Eclipse, click on Install and acknowledge the dialogs; restart your IDE at the end of the process.

Installing Maven Integration for Eclipse

Now import the project named spring-for-android-first-example-maven into your workspace: you can either clone it from GitHub or unzip the archive; and then, from Eclipse, click on File | Import… and choose Existing Maven Projects, and click on Next.

Import existing Maven project

Browse to the directory where you cloned or unzipped the project and click on the Next button:

Browse to your maven project

M2e will show you a list of m2e connectors needed to integrate the Maven-based project into your IDE (basically those connectors tell m2e how to generate and compile sources); click on Finish and accept the following dialogs; restart Eclipse.


The most important connector here is the m2e-android connector : it enables m2e to integrate with ADT, more info on

The project should be imported just fine and you can deploy the project on your AVD in the same way you did with the previous project (right-click on the project, and choose Run as | Android application).

Let's have a look though at the pom.xml file (the only additional file compared to the previous project), right-clicking on it and choosing Open with… | Maven POM Editor; click on the pom.xml tab at the bottom of the view.

                        <!-- platform or api level (api level 4 = platform 1.6)-->

There you can see in the dependencies section; the Android platform and the Spring for Android RestTemplate artifact (no need to specify Spring for Android core! Remember, Maven automatically gets the transitive dependencies) and in the plugins section the Android-Maven plugin (which extends Maven for Android projects, thanks to the extensions=true attribute), configured to require Android 4.0.3 (API level 15).

Maven at its core is a command-line tool, and if you download and unzip Maven on your machine, you could go to the root directory of the Maven project (where pom.xml resides) and type the Maven command with different goals:

  • mvn clean install: To compile, run the tests and package

  • mvn clean install android:run: To start your app in an AVD


To see all the available goals, you can type mvn help:describe

You also can simulate command line Maven from inside Eclipse, right-clicking on the project and choosing Run as | Maven build..., and specifying your goals.

Maven installation instructions can be found online:

To learn more about Maven, I highly recommend to read the free and available online Maven book at which even has a specific Android chapter.

Now we are ready to hack together some richer Spring for Android based apps!

Quick start – RestTemplate

Now that our workspace is set up and we already successfully deployed our first Spring for Android RestTemplate based app, let's explore some more capabilities from RestTemplate.

This section relies on several example apps. We will go through all the important points of each code sample. Feel free to import the projects into your IDE and browse the code.


From now on, I will use Maven to manage dependencies, but you don't have to. Each project has a list of dependencies in its file: download them (or get them from your Spring for Android ZIP archive libs folder), and add them to the libs folder!

Different message converters

In the previous section, we already used a message converter: StringHttpMessageConverter. Each message converter supports reading from and writing to certain media types (often referred to as MIME types); StringHttpMessageConverter supports reading all kinds of documents (MIME */*) and writing to text (MIME text/plain). Let's discover more complex message converters.


MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), is not only used to describe the content of e-mails, it is vastly used to describe the content of documents exchanged through HTTP as well (


JSON messages are very frequent among REST web services. Originally designed for the JavaScript language (JavaScriptObjectNotation); they're lightweight and human readable as well. can return a JSON response, if you use this URL :

In the code from our first example, let's replace StringHttpMessageConverter with MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter:

AsyncTask<String, Void, IfConfigMeJson> simpleGetTask =  
  new AsyncTask<String, Void, IfConfigMeJson>() {
  protected IfConfigMeJson doInBackground(String... params) {
    String url = params[0];
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter jacksonConverter = 
         new MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter();
    return restTemplate.getForObject(url,
  protected void onPostExecute(IfConfigMeJson result) {
    String resultAsString =  new StringBuilder()
                      .append("Your current IP is : ")
    resultTextView.setText(resultAsString );


String url = "";
//triggers the task

As you can see, we also introduced a model class named IfConfigMeJson: this class defines the mapping between the JSON messages properties ({"connection":"keep-alive","ip_addr":"", [..]}) and a POJO (Plain Old Java Object: a simple class with member variables and their accessors), so that we can easily access each property of the response (in the following example: result.getIpAddr()) in our Java code:

public class IfConfigMeJson {
  private String connection;
  private String ipAddr;
  public String getConnection() {
    return connection;
  public void setConnection(String connection) {
    this.connection = connection;
  public String getIpAddr() {
    return ipAddr;
  public void setIpAddr(String opAddr) {
    this.ipAddr = opAddr;


Jackson automatically matches JSON properties with Java fields as long as they are named identically (CamelCase in Java, underscore for JSON). You've certainly noticed that we mapped the JSON property ip_addr with the field ipAddr, to respect Java naming conventions, thanks to Jackson's @JsonProperty annotation before the field definition. On a side note, we could have declared the fields of the class as public and have the accessors removed.

When you run the application, you will only see the following screenshot:

The app using MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter

In this section we added a dependency to jackson-mapper-asl in our pom.xml file:



There is another JSON message converter available, GsonHttpMessageConverter, using the Google Gson library instead of Jackson, that can be used alternatively.


Another message converter worth mentioning is SimpleXmlHttpMessageConverter: it maps XML responses and requests to POJOs the same way MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter did with JSON.

As an example, let's request the XML service:

In the MainActivity class from our previous example, let's replace MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter with SimpleXmlHttpMessageConverter:

AsyncTask<String, Void, IfConfigMeXml> simpleGetTask =  
   new AsyncTask<String, Void, IfConfigMeXml>() {
   protected IfConfigMeXml doInBackground(String... params) {
      String url = params[0];
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
      SimpleXmlHttpMessageConverter xmlConverter = 
           new SimpleXmlHttpMessageConverter();
      return restTemplate.getForObject(url, IfConfigMeXml.class);

   protected void onPostExecute(IfConfigMeXml result) {
       String resultAsString =  new StringBuilder()
                  .append("Your current IP is : ")	
       resultTextView.setText(resultAsString );


String url = "";

Once again, you'll notice we rely on a class, named, to allow SimpleXml to do the mapping between the XML response and the Java code. The following is the XML response:


The following is the Java code:

@Root (name="info")
public class IfConfigMeXml {

  private String forwarded;

  private String ipAddr;

The annotations are similar to the ones we used for the JSON message converter.

The @Root annotation defines what will be the name of the root XML tag: info in this case.

The @Element annotation is added before each field to let SimpleXml know those fields are mapped to XML tags: if required is set to false, it means the tag could be empty; if name is specified, it means the POJO field does not match the XML tag name.

If you run the application, you will get exactly the same output as we had in the previous example.


In this section, we added a dependency to the SimpleXml framework. Unfortunately, this dependency has transitive dependencies to stax and xpp3 which are not needed for Android applications.

We had to explicitly filter some transitive dependencies to let Maven know not to add them to the classpath.

    <!-- StAX is not available on Android -->
    <!-- Provided by Android -->


This message converter is about parsing RSS feeds; as usual we are going to inject it to our RestTemplate instance, but this time we will read entries from a blog feed.

final WebView resultTextView = (WebView) findViewById(;
AsyncTask<String, Void, Channel> simpleGetTask =  new AsyncTask<String, Void, Channel>() {
   protected Channel doInBackground(String... params) {
      RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
      // Configure the RSS message converter.
       RssChannelHttpMessageConverter rssChannelConverter = new RssChannelHttpMessageConverter();

        // Add the RSS message converter to the RestTemplate instance

      // Make the HTTP GET request on the url (params[0]), marshaling //the response to a String
      return restTemplate.getForObject(params[0], Channel.class);

   protected void onPostExecute(Channel result) {
      //get the latest article from the blog
      Item item = (Item) result.getItems().get(0);

      // load the content of the article into the WebView
      resultTextView.loadData(item.getContent().getValue(), "text/html", "UTF-8");
String url = "";

We don't have to create a POJO mapping class here since the result will always be a Channel – a class providing us with methods to access the different property of the feed: items, language, published date, and so on. In this example, we only read the content of the first item – the latest article from my blog!

The feed looks as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
   <title>Anthony Dahanne's blog</title>
   <description>A blog</description>
      <title>Article 1</title>
      <description>content of the article</description>

And the result on the device is as follows:

The content of the first item of an RSS feed


You may have noticed that I switched the previous TextView for a WebView, capable of interpreting HTML code such as hyperlinks.

RssChannelHttpMessageConverter does not have default supported types, that's why we added the media type text/xml as a supported type.


We had to add a dependency on the Android ROME Feed Reader for this RSS feed example; this library is not published on Maven Central, which means we also had to declare the repository where its artifacts are deployed to.


      <name>Android ROME Feed Reader Repository</name>

Gzip encryption

To save bandwidth during transfers, as part of each request you can tell the server that you support gzip encryption. If the server supports gzipping the responses, it will do so.

Spring for Android RestTemplate, relies on Android since Gingerbread (2.3), which defaults in sending the Accept-Encoding : gzip header; so gzip compression is on by default.

Otherwise, you just need to specify in the headers of the request that you can support gzip. Let's have a look at a concrete example – the Jackson example where this time we only show the client supported encoding mechanism:

protected IfConfigMeJson doInBackground(String... params) {

   HttpHeaders requestHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
// Add the gzip Accept-Encoding header   
   HttpEntity<?> requestEntity = 
        new HttpEntity<Object>(requestHeaders);
   RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
   MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter jacksonConverter = 
        new MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter();
   ResponseEntity<IfConfigMeJson> response =[0], HttpMethod.GET, 
                      requestEntity, IfConfigMeJson.class);
   return response.getBody();

Using Identity, we declare that we do not support anything else other than raw text.


When you ask for gzip explicitly or implicitly, will be automatically used to decode the response.

Did you notice that instead of using getForObject(url,Pojo.class) we used exchange(url,GET,requestEntity,Pojo.class)? The exchange() method is a more versatile method that allows for customization of the request.

Let's have a look at the request/response exchanged during the execution of this code:

Request (IDENTITY and then GZIP)

Response (IDENTITY and then GZIP)

GET/all.json HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

Accept-Encoding: identity

Content-Length: 0


Connection: Keep-Alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2012 02:41:04 GMT

Server: Apache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Connection: close

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Content-Type: application/json




GET /all.json HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

Accept-Encoding: gzip

Content-Length: 0

User-Agent: Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.4; sdk Build/MR1)


Connection: Keep-Alive


HTTP/1.1 200 OK —îPq

Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2012 02:42:08 GMT

Server: Apache

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Content-Encoding: gzip

Content-Length: 258

Connection: close

Content-Type: application/json

­ã/%êAOÑ0 ÖÔ˛



It's often handy to analyze the requests and responses that go back and forth the device; you can use the open source software Membrane as an HTTP proxy ( creating a new simple proxy that listens to localhost:2000 and redirects to the web service you target (for example,

In the Android code, just replace your web service URL with computer_ip:2000 (could be you'll then see all the traffic between your Android app and the web service URL.

HTTP Basic authentication

This authentication scheme is, as its name implies it, very basic and unsecured. You just provide a username and a password to access a realm (usually a portion of a website).

As we did for the encoding, we can provide the credentials through a header: the username and the password will be Base64-encoded.


By no means does Base64 encoding provide security. You can decode it as easily as you encode it! See for more information on Base64.

As an example, we'll try to access a web page that displays Hello World; provided you sent the right credentials. The page is, and the credentials are username – s4a and password – s4a (you can try it in your web browser).

Let's try to access this page with Spring for Android's RestTemplate!

AsyncTask<String, Void, String> simpleGetTask =  new AsyncTask<String, Void, String>() {
   protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
      // Set the credentials for creating a Basic Auth request
      HttpAuthentication authHeader = 
          new HttpBasicAuthentication("s4a", "s4a");
      HttpHeaders requestHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
      HttpEntity<?> requestEntity = 
          new HttpEntity<Object>(requestHeaders);

      RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

              .add(new StringHttpMessageConverter());

      try {
          // Make the GET request to the Basic Auth protected URL
          ResponseEntity<String> response = 
      [0], HttpMethod.GET, 
                       requestEntity, String.class);
          return response.getBody();
      } catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
         // Handle 401 Unauthorized response
         return "Wrong credentials";

   protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
      // executed by the UI thread		 


The way we set Accepted-Encoding in the previous example, we set an HttpBasicAuthentication header to the RestTemplate headers.

Let's have a look at the request/response exchanged during the execution of this code:



GET/helloworld HTTP/1.1

Accept: text/plain, */*

Authorization: Basic czRhOnM0YQ==

Content-Length: 0

User-Agent: Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.4; sdk Build/MR1)


Connection: Keep-Alive

Accept-Encoding: gzip

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Vary: Accept-Encoding

Date: Fri, 02 Nov 2012 03:33:06

Server: Google Frontend

Cache-Control: private

Transfer-Encoding: chunked


Hello, world



The string czRhOnM0YQ== is the Base64 encoding of s4a:s4a.

We will cover a better way to authenticate and also authorize a user and the user's app in the next section: Quick Start – OAuth.

The RESTful recipe app

Let's study the case of the RESTful recipe app: an Android app to interact with a RESTful service to create, update, read, and delete recipes.

A recipe is somewhat simple – it is a POJO with the following fields:

  • An ID (Integer)

  • A title (String)

  • A description of the recipe (String)

  • A type: usually an entree, a main dish or a dessert (String)

  • An author (String)

The online web app that we will use as our backend service, is a JAX-RS (the JEE specification for REST services) application based on Jersey (the reference JAX-RS implementation library), and deployed on Google App Engine – it could have been written in Ruby, Python, or any other language.


If you have already studied the Notepad app, part of the Android samples, you will be familiar with the RESTful recipe app: it was written using the Notepad App code as a base, replacing the persistence from an embedded SQLite database to a REST online service.

RecipeList activity: listing all recipes stored on the server

When the user launches the app, the first thing he wants to see is the list of the available recipes.

This activity uses ListView, backed with ListAdapter to display them to the user.

But first, it needs to get them from the server:

  • We need a model (

    public class Recipe {
       private Long id;
       private String title;
       private String description;
       private String type;
       private String author;
  • And a RestTemplate instance nested in an AsyncTask:

    private class GetRecipesTask extends RecipeAbstractAsyncTask <Void, Void, List<Recipe>> {
       protected void onPreExecute() {
          showProgressDialog("Loading recipes. Please wait...");
       protected List<Recipe> doInBackground(Void... params) {
          HttpHeaders requestHeaders =  
          // Populate the headers in an HttpEntity object		
          HttpEntity<?> requestEntity = 
                   new HttpEntity<Object>(requestHeaders);
          // Create a new RestTemplate instance
          RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    .add(new MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter());
          try {
             // Perform the HTTP GET request
             ResponseEntity<Recipe[]> responseEntity = 
                   HttpMethod.GET, requestEntity,
             return Arrays.asList(responseEntity.getBody());
          catch (RestClientException e) {
             Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage(), e);
             exception = e;
             return null;
       protected void onPostExecute(List<Recipe> result) {
          if(result != null) {
             recipes = result;
          } else {
             String message = exception != null ? 
                exception.getMessage() : "unknown reason";
                "A problem occurred during the reception of all recipes
                : " +message , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
              recipes = new ArrayList<Recipe>();
          ListAdapter adapter = new RecipeAdapter(RecipesList.this, 
             R.layout.recipeslist_item, recipes ) ;
          setListAdapter(adapter );

This task will get executed every time we need to get an updated list of recipes:

  • When the activity is created (or resumed): onResume()

  • When we're back from a successful update operation: onActivityResult()

You may have noticed that this AsyncTask extends RecipeAbstractAsyncTask, a class that defines an exception, and a utility method, prepareHeadersWithMediaTypeAndBasicAuthentication():

protected HttpHeaders prepareHeadersWithMediaTypeAndBasicAuthentication() {
      HttpHeaders requestHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
      List<MediaType> acceptableMediaTypes = new ArrayList<MediaType>();
      HttpAuthentication authHeader = new HttpBasicAuthentication("s4a", "s4a");
      return requestHeaders;

As its name implies, it prepares the request headers to include the Basic authentication needed, and the desired MediaType object from the server.

Back to GetRecipesTask: we prepare the request headers, we create a new RestTemplate instance – configured to use Jackson to (un) serialize the messages, and we perform the GET request:

// Perform the HTTP GET request
               ResponseEntity<Recipe[]> responseEntity =, HttpMethod.GET, requestEntity, Recipe[].class);


The R.string.resource_url value is defined in strings.xml and is defined to be equal to:

Since we want to get a list of recipes, the type given to the ResponseEntity object is an array.

Another important thing to note is that the exception handler: RestClientException is, unlike its name, a wrapping server and client exception. If you want to tell your user what went wrong, you'd better catch this exception and keep it until you're back in the UI thread when executing the code in the onPostExecute() method.


Note that RestClientException is a subclass of RuntimeException, that's why you don't need to catch it explicitly. If you don't though, this exception could kill your activity if it is thrown.

Talking about the user interface, this task uses its pre-and post-execute methods to keep the user updated about the status of the loading by using ProgresDialogs and Toasts.


It can be useful to manually debug a REST resource, from outside your application; the cURL application (downloadable at is probably the most popular tool to do so.

For each HTTP request evoked in this section, I will now include its matching cURL command line.

curl --user s4a:s4a  -H "Accept: application/json" -i 
[{"id":0,"title":"Montreal's Poutine","description":"French fries are covered with fresh cheese curds, and topped with brown gravy.","type":"MAIN_DISH","author":"Anthony"},{"id":1,"title":"a title","description":"a description","type":"a type","author":"an author"}]

An overview of the RecipesList activity

RecipeEditor activity

This activity is responsible for getting, updating, creating, and deleting the recipes.

The RecipeEditor activity in update mode

  • GETting a recipe

    When a user taps on the create icon of the RecipeList activity, or on one of the recipe title, he/she is directed to the RecipeEditor activity.

    If the user wants to create a new recipe, he/she will see empty fields, but if he/she wants to see a recipe, they'll first get it from the server before filling the fields; thanks to the internal GetRecipeTask :

    // Perform the HTTP GET request
    Log.i(TAG,"Getting the recipe with id : "+params[0] + " : " +url + params[0]);
    ResponseEntity<Recipe> responseEntity = + params[0], HttpMethod.GET, requestEntity,	Recipe.class);
    return responseEntity.getBody();

    Nothing really new here, we want to get a single recipe, identified by its ID (params[0]).

    curl --user s4a:s4a  -H "Accept: application/json" -i
    {"id":0,"title":"Montreal's Poutine","description":"French fries are covered with fresh cheese curds, and topped with brown gravy.","type":"MAIN_DISH","author":"Anthony"}
  • PUTting a recipe

    To update one recipe, we must request the recipe resource with the PUT HTTP verb.

    For that, we have, once again, a dedicated AsyncTask: UpdateRecipeTask, that will instantiate a RestTemplate instance, carrying the updated recipe (as soon as the user presses the Save button, we call the updateNote() method that syncs the content of the view, with the model of the current recipe).

    // Create a new RestTemplate instance
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
       .add(new MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter());
    // Populate the headers in an HttpEntity object HttpEntity<Recipe> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<Recipe>(recipe,requestHeaders);
    try {
       // Perform the HTTP PUT request
       Log.i(TAG,"Updating the recipe with id : "
          +recipe.getId() + " : " + url);
       ResponseEntity<Void> responseEntity = 
, HttpMethod.PUT, requestEntity,
       if(responseEntity.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.OK) {
          throw new HttpServerErrorException(
    catch (RestClientException e) {
       Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage(), e);
       exception = e;

    You can see the real important part here is RequestEntity, that wraps our recipe: RestTemplate will pass it along to Jackson that will convert it into a JSON string.

    If the server does not respond with the HTTP Status 200 (OK), we can consider something went wrong and keep the exception for the user interface.

    curl --user s4a:s4a  -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json"  -X PUT -d '{"id":"0", "title":"a title","description":"a description","type":"a type","author":"an author"}'  -i
  • POSTing a recipe

    To create one recipe, we must request the recipe resource with the POST HTTP verb.

    In the REST literature, you will also read about the usage of the PUT HTTP verb to create an entity too; but on one condition though – you would have to provide the ID (so that several PUT in a row do not change the resource state. PUT is idempotent just like GET and DELETE, and just as unsafe as DELETE and POST).


    In our case, we create a new resource, so POST reflects well our intention.

    Let's have a look at CreateRecipeTask, which is very similar to UpdateRecipeTask:

    // Populate the headers in an HttpEntity object 
    HttpEntity<Recipe> requestEntity = 
       new HttpEntity<Recipe>(recipe,requestHeaders);
    try {
       // Perform the HTTP POST request
       Log.i(TAG,"Posting the recipe with id : "
          +recipe.getId() + " : to " +url);
       ResponseEntity<Void> responseEntity = 
, HttpMethod.POST, requestEntity,
       if(responseEntity.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.CREATED) {
          throw new HttpServerErrorException(
    catch (RestClientException e) {
       Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage(), e);
       exception = e;
    return null;

    Some interesting things to notice: the recipe does not have any ID set since the user is creating a recipe from nothing. The web service will assign an ID to this recipe (and should return the URI of the created resource); and the expected status is not 200, but 201 (HttpStatus.CREATED).

    curl --user s4a:s4a  -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json"  -X POST -d '{"title":"a title","description":"a description","type":"a type","author":"an author"}'  -i
  • DELETing a recipe

    To delete one recipe, we must request the recipe resource with the DELETE HTTP verb.

    The AsyncTask named DeleteRecipeTask is similar to GetRecipeTask in the way that it only requires the ID of the recipe to be appended to the resource URI (there is no need to carry the whole recipe as we did with PUT and POST).

    try {
       // Perform the HTTP DELETE request
       Log.i(TAG,"Deleting the recipe with id : "
          +recipe.getId() + " : from " +url +recipe.getId() );
       ResponseEntity<Void> responseEntity = 
          HttpMethod.DELETE, requestEntity,	Void.class);
       if(responseEntity.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT) {
          throw new HttpServerErrorException(
    catch (RestClientException e) {
       Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage(), e);
       exception = e;

    This request expects to have a response with a 204 HTTP code, meaning the request was a success, but there is nothing to return (HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT).


    HTTP code 200 would have been fine as a response to a successful DELETE request.

    Check with your web service documentation (or better, experiment with cURL for example) to make the best assumptions about what is supposed to return a web service.

    curl --user s4a:s4a  -H "Accept: application/json" -X DELETE   -i

Android annotations

You may have heard about this project available at that aims at reducing the amount of code needed to inject views, activities, providers, services, and so on in an Android app.

The project leaders have decided to use Spring for Android's RestTemplate as the REST client library backing the REST annotations.


Android annotations is based on the annotations processor tool (apt), now part of the Java 6 compiler; each annotated class will trigger the generation of a subclass (named the same with an _ appended to the filename, for example that will contain all the boilerplate code the annotations saved you from writing!

So, along with @Eactivity (to allow an activity to use Android annotations), @ViewById (to inject your views), you have @Get, @Post, @Put, and so on.

Let's have a look at how we can benefit from Android annotations with the JSON example (getting the IP address from

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

   private IfConfigMeJson all;

   //inject the view to the activity layout
    TextView resultTextView;
    //inject the Rest service that wraps RestTemplate
   IfConfigMeRestClient restClient;
    //Use the Rest Service in a background thread
    void getAllInfo() {
       all = restClient.getAll();
    //wait a few seconds for the service to finish
   @UiThread(delay = 5000)
   void afterViews() {
      resultTextView.setText("Your IP is : "+all.getIpAddr());


There is definitely less code, right?

You may have noticed though that we are using a new class named IfConfigMeRestClient:

@Rest(rootUrl = "", converters = 
      { MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter.class })
public interface IfConfigMeRestClient {

   IfConfigMeJson getAll();


This class configures RestTemplate providing the converter class, the HTTP verb used, the mapping class (IfConfigMeJson), and the accepted media types.

Android annotations provides a good level of support to Spring for Android's RestTemplate (see for the list of RestTemplate based annotations), and I suggest you try it to see if you prefer using it or not in your Spring for Android based project.


If you start a project using Android annotations from scratch, I suggest you carefully follow those environment instructions:

Quick start – OAuth

OAuth is an open standard for authorization as Wikipedia puts it.

OAuth allows users to share their data or resources, hosted on a service provider, with websites or desktop or mobile apps.

Of course, if you gave your credentials (username and password) to those websites or apps, they could access your data on your behalf; but would you trust a third-party app or website to keep your credentials (your key to your digital life) safe? What if this app or website is malicious? Or simply unsecured? How many times have you read about a website getting its users credentials stolen, or keeping passwords in plain text in their databases?

OAuth is just about this; letting third-party apps or websites have a limited access (through a list of authorizations or scopes: access user email, access user profile, can post messages on user behalf, and so on) to your data, hosted on a service provider (the famous OAuth service providers are Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!, GitHub, LinkedIn, and so on) without ever giving them your credentials.

Developing a website or an app relying on a service provider

Have you ever noticed those Login with Facebook or Login with Google buttons on some websites (such as,, and so on), or have you ever had a third-party Twitter app on an Android device (such as Twicca) request your Twitter credentials?

All those websites and apps use OAuth to get access to your data:

  • For one, they are saving you the trouble of having to create and remember yet other credential. They even enrich your user experience by accessing your data (such as your profile picture, activity info, and so on).

  • In addition, they gather a bigger audience (since the users don't have to go through the tedious account creation process) and they don't have to manage authentication credentials (with its risks) nor authorization.

Usually if a website or app creator wants to benefit from a service providing OAuth authorization, he/she has to register it against the OAuth service provider (Google, Facebook, and so on) which in turn will give him/her a Client ID and Client secret value:

Using the Google API Console to register a new application and associate it with a client ID and a client secret

Let's discover how this client ID and client secret enables the app to access the user's data.

The OAuth dance

An Android app (or any other installed app) relies on an OAuth 2.0 service provider such as Google. Let's have a look at the workflow of the OAuth authorization process in the following five simple steps:

  1. The user launches the app for the first time; it will generate the token request – a URL to the service provider, including the app client ID and client secret, and also the several authorizations needed for the app (user info, userinfo e-mail, and so on).

    An example with Google OAuth 2.0 service provider:
  2. This URL is loaded by the Android Chrome browser, most probably embedded in the app thanks to a WebView. The user is asked to accept or deny the authorizations asked by the app.

  3. In return, if the user grants the app, the app will intercept the response from the embedded browser that contains an authorization code.

    An example of the response with Google OAuth 2.0 service provider:

  4. The app will finally exchange this authorization code for a token (if the lifetime of the token is limited, the app will also receive a refresh token and the expire time). This access token will be saved securely by the app.

    An example of a token request/response with Google OAuth 2.0 service provider.


    POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


  5. The app will finally be able to interact with the resource (such as a REST service), provided it sends a valid token along with each of its requests.

    An example of a request with a token with Google OAuth 2.0 service provider:

    GET /oauth2/v1/userinfo HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer 1/fFBGRNJru1FQd44AzqT3Zg


Most, if not all, OAuth 2.0 service providers will only accept authorized service calls on HTTPS, to make sure the token can not be intercepted.

The OAuth workflow to access Google UserInfo Service, from


You can read to know the Google OAuth 2.0 service provider specifics, or to know about Facebook OAuth 2.0 service provider specifics.

It is strongly advised to read the OAuth service provider documentation before starting working on a client app (each of them have some subtle differences such as the parameters of the request token, the callback url, and so on).

Spring for Android Auth module

The Spring for Android Auth module supports both OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0.

In a nutshell:

  • OAuth 2.0 allows for better support of non-webapps (such as an Android app)

  • OAuth 2.0 no longer requires developers to use cryptography

  • OAuth 2.0 access tokens are short-lived (thanks to the refresh tokens)


To know more about OAuth 2.0, you can read several articles from Eran Hammer on his blog:

The Spring for Android Auth module depends on the following:

  • Spring for Android core (common classes: Base64, StringUtils, resource abstractions, and so on)

  • Spring for Android RestTemplate (REST API abstracting the underneath HttpClient)

  • Spring Social Core (OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 API wrapping the OAuth flows: request for authorization code, request for token, and so on)

  • Spring Security Crypto (provides support for symmetric encryption, key generation, and password encoding)

The Auth module itself defines cryptography and SQL classes for Android (to enable you to persist the authorization tokens securely to a SQLite Android database).


Spring for Android's Auth only contains seven classes as of now, that are about support for persisting OAuth tokens on an Android device; all the OAuth code is in Spring Social Core.

To make Twitter, Facebook, and Google apps developers' life easier, Spring Social has extensions, respectively named Spring Social Twitter, Spring Social Facebook, and Spring Social Google. These define APIs to access user's information, posts, contacts, agendas in each of those social networks.

An OAuth example using Google

We are going to build an Android app displaying information about a Google user: we are going to use Spring for Android Auth of course, but more importantly Spring Social and Spring Social Google.


The official documentation examples are about Facebook and Twitter. If you want to create an app interacting with those social networks, have a look at the Spring for Android examples at

Let's have a look at the pom.xml file of this project, in particular the inclusion of Spring Social Google:

    <!-- Exclude in favor of Spring Android RestTemplate -->
  <name>Spring Social Google</name>

You will notice here (in the repository section), this module is not hosted by Spring Source, because it is actually a community project not endorsed by Spring Source.


This pom.xml file contains many exclusions; this is because most of the libraries used were developed with Java SE in mind, this is why they rely on Spring Core, Spring MVC, and so on. Spring for Android Core and RestTemplate provide the necessary dependencies for those modules.

Now let's have a look at the AndroidManifest.xml file:

    android:label="@string/app_name" >
        android:label="@string/title_main" >
        android:noHistory="true" />
    <activity android:name=".GoogleProfileActivity" />

For the first time in our examples, we are going to use an Application class, named here MainApplication.


GoogleWebOAuthActivity will embed a browser and will only be launched for authentication. We don't want this activity to be part of the app history or the user to be able to get back to it; that's why we added android:noHistory="true" and android:excludeFromRecents="true". More info on this is available at

This class will be used to prepare the two most important factories of our app (they will be accessed in all the activities): ConnectionFactoryRegistry and ConnectionRepository:

public class MainApplication extends Application {
  private ConnectionFactoryRegistry connectionFactoryRegistry;
  private SQLiteOpenHelper repositoryHelper;
  private ConnectionRepository connectionRepository;

  // ***************************************
  // Application Methods
  // ***************************************
  public void onCreate() {
    // create a new ConnectionFactoryLocator and populate it with Google ConnectionFactory
    this.connectionFactoryRegistry = new ConnectionFactoryRegistry();
    this.connectionFactoryRegistry.addConnectionFactory(new GoogleConnectionFactory(getClientId(),

    // set up the database and encryption
    this.repositoryHelper = new SQLiteConnectionRepositoryHelper(this);
    this.connectionRepository = new SQLiteConnectionRepository(this.repositoryHelper,
        this.connectionFactoryRegistry, AndroidEncryptors.text("password", "5c0744940b5c369b"));

As you can see, in the onCreate() method we initialize:

  • ConnectionFactoryRegistry: With the client ID and the client secret of the application from ConnectionFactoryRegistry, we'll have access to GoogleConnectionFactory which is the Google services extension of OAuth2ConnectionFactory that gives access to all OAuth operations

  • ConnectionRepository: This will be responsible for persisting ConnectionFactoryRegistry, so that the OAuth token can be retrieved without needing to do the whole OAuth workflow every time


You may have noticed the use of a salt and a password (encryption) during the initialization of the database.

This will prevent a malicious app from being able to access the device database to retrieve the user OAuth token. A brief reminder: the app will never have access to the user's Google password. The authentication to the service provider, Google in this example, is always performed from the device browser.

Let's have a look at the main activity of that project, GoogleActivity that will be launched at startup:

public void onStart() {
  if (isConnected()) {
  } else {

private boolean isConnected() {
  return connectionRepository.findPrimaryConnection(Google.class) != null;

This activity will display a list of entries related to the user profile if he/she is connected or just a Connect button if the user is not connected yet (since GoogleConnectionFactoryRegistry is persisted in a database, just looking up a connection of type Google in ConnectionRepository is enough to know whether or not the access token is already fetched).

The GoogleActivity if the user has not yet logged in

So, in the case that we are not connected, taping on Connect will call displayGoogleAuthorization() which will launch GoogleWebOAuthActivity.

GoogleWebOAuthActivity is certainly the most important activity of this app. It is responsible for the OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  //javascript is mandatory

  // Using a custom web view client to capture the access token
  getWebView().setWebViewClient(new GoogleOAuthWebViewClient());

  this.connectionRepository = getApplicationContext().getConnectionRepository();
  this.connectionFactory = getApplicationContext().getGoogleConnectionFactory();

public void onStart() {

  // display the Google authorization page

// ***************************************
// Private methods
// ***************************************
private String getAuthorizeUrl() {
  String redirectUri = getString(R.string.google_oauth_callback_url);
  String scope = getString(R.string.google_scope);

  // Generate the Google authorization url to be used in the browser 
  OAuth2Parameters params = new OAuth2Parameters();
  return this.connectionFactory.getOAuthOperations().buildAuthorizeUrl(GrantType.AUTHORIZATION_CODE, params);

When this activity is created, it configures the associated WebView (you will notice this activity extends AbstractWebViewActivity that injects a Chrome Browser instance into a WebView) to accept JavaScript ( the service provider and Google OAuth 2.0 requires JavaScript to authenticate the user) and injects a custom WebViewClient object that we will use to intercept OAuth flows (more on that in a moment).

Then, when the activity starts, we ask the WebView (the embedded Chrome browser) to request the authorization code for this app (see step 1 of The OAuth dance section).

This request is built using a callback URL, the scope of the authorizations needed for the app, and the client ID and secret (those two were already given to Spring OAuth when we created ConnectionFactoryRegistry).

    <string name="google_app_id"></string>
    <string name="google_app_secret">RuUyrF5qoGYWTFm1r_o8Gs4F</string>
    <string name="google_oauth_callback_url">http://localhost</string>
    <string name="google_scope"></string>


The callback URL here is http://localhost, because Google OAuth 2.0 service provider gives the choice between http://localhost and urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob.

This will impact the response holding the authorization code; whether it will be part of a query string parameter or in the title bar of the browser. You can read for more details.

If the user has not yet authenticated to any Google web services from his device, he/she should see a dialog inviting him/her to authenticate:

This dialog only appears if the user has not yet been authenticated to any Google services on his device

In all cases though, the user will see this authorization dialog which lists all the scopes the app has requested:

Google OAuth 2.0 service provider authorization dialog


If the user denies the authorization, then, as expected, the authorization process will be terminated.

According to the service provider, this dialog may vary.

Once the user accepts the requested authorizations, GoogleWebOAuthActivity will detect that the web client is being redirected to a localhost (the callback URI), with the authorization code:

private class GoogleOAuthWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {

  private static final String LOCALHOST = "localhost";
  private static final String CODE = "code";

   * The WebViewClient has another method called shouldOverridUrlLoading which does not capture the javascript 
   * redirect to the success page. So we're using onPageStarted to capture the url.
  public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) {
    // parse the captured url
    Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
     // log the url : very interesting for debugging the OAuth workflow
    Log.d(TAG, url);

     * The WebViewClient is launched to load an URL from the provider that will ask the user whether or not he accepts our app to access his data.
     * Once the provider successfully gets the approval from the user, it will redirect this WebViewClient to the callback_uri, with a query parameter named "code" : this is the authorization code
    String host = uri.getHost();
    String code = uri.getQueryParameter(CODE);

    // The WebViewClient is redirected to the callback_uri, let's trade the authorization code for the access token
    if (LOCALHOST.equals(host)) {
      if(!exchangeAuthorizationCodeForAccessToken.getStatus().equals(AsyncTask.Status.RUNNING)) {
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Redirecting you to the app main activity", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        //preparing to quit this activity for the main activity

exchangeAuthorizationCodeForAccessToken.execute(code) will execute the following AsyncTask (we are going to send back the authorization code from our app, using RestTemplate, relying on Java UrlConnection, so we need to code this call from a background thread):

private AsyncTask<String, Void, Void> exchangeAuthorizationCodeForAccessToken =  new AsyncTask<String, Void, Void>() {
  private Exception exception;

  protected Void doInBackground(String... params) {
    // executed by a background thread
    //params[0] should contain the authorization code
    try {
      AccessGrant exchangeForAccess = connectionFactory.getOAuthOperations().exchangeForAccess(params[0], getString(R.string.google_oauth_callback_url), null);
      Connection<Google> connection = connectionFactory.createConnection(exchangeForAccess);
    } catch (DuplicateConnectionException e) {
      Log.e(TAG,"something went wrong when adding the accessToken to the connection repository",e);
      exception = e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Log.e(TAG,"something went wrong when adding the accessToken to the connection repository",e);
      exception = e;
    return null;

  protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
    // executed by the UI thread once the background thread is done getting the result
    if(exception != null) {
      Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), exception.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
      // we go back to the main activity to display the options


Once the exchangeForAccess method is called, we retrieve the user token and we persist it in the ConnectionRepository class.

Our app is finally authorized to access the user's Google profile!

The GoogleActivity if the user has not yet logged in

If the user clicks on Profile, he will launch GoogleProfileActivity, from which, as you may expect, we get the user profile.

To do so we are using an AsyncTask, named FetchProfileTask, that will hit two Google web services: UserOperations (to read the main profile of the user and his/her profile picture) and PersonOperations (to read his/her Google+ profile, here we will just access the about me description):

protected LegacyGoogleProfile doInBackground(Void... params) {

    LegacyGoogleProfile userProfile = google.userOperations().getUserProfile();
    aboutMe = google.personOperations().getGoogleProfile().getAboutMe();
    profileBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new URL(userProfile.getProfilePictureUrl()).openConnection().getInputStream());
    return userProfile;


This information is then injected into the view:

The GoogleProfileActivity displaying the user profile picture, "about me" description and some profile info

People and places you should get to know

If you need help with Spring for Android (or REST or OAuth in general), the following are some people and places which will prove invaluable.

Articles and tutorials


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Key benefits

  • Learn something new in an Instant! A short, fast, focused guide delivering immediate results.
  • Learn what Spring for Android adds to the Android developer toolkit
  • Learn how to debug your Android communication layer observing HTTP requests and responses
  • Use OAuth to authenticate your users and your app against popular service providers (Google, Facebook, Twitter, and so on)


The possibility to connect to remote web services is a key feature for most Android apps. REST (Representational State Transfer) is the most popular architecture to provide web services to mobile devices and others. OAuth has recently become the web's favorite way to authenticate and authorize users and apps, thanks to its capability to re-use popular web platforms accounts (Google, Facebook, Twitter). Spring for Android is an extension of the Spring Framework that aims to simplify the development of native Android applications."Instant Spring for Android Starterr" is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of clear step-by-step exercises, which will help you take advantage of the abstractions offered by Spring for Android with regard to REST (RestTemplate) and OAuth (OAuthTemplate). It will also introduce you to the bases of those architectures and the associated tooling.This book gets you started using Spring for Android, first letting you know how to set up your workspace to include those libraries in your projects (with the Eclipse IDE and also with the popular building tool Maven) and then providing some clear and real life examples of RESTful and OAUth backed Android applications.After introducing the technology, we'll discover the different Message Converters provided (to consume JSON, XML, and Atom web services) and the main HTTP verbs to interact with RESTful webservices: GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE. We'll also mention how to support HTTP Basic Auth, Gzip compression, and finally put in practice the OAuth workflow with a concrete example relying on the Google OAuth service provider to authenticate and authorize an app and users.You will learn everything you need to consume RESTful web services, authenticate your users, and interact with their social platforms profiles from your Android app.

What you will learn

  Set up your Eclipse workspace to include third party libraries (such as Spring for Android) Deal with dependencies using the Android Maven Plugin Use m2e and its m2e-android connector to work with Maven based Android projects in Eclipse Create an app connecting to a RESTful web service: using JSON, XML, and Atom messages Create an app connecting to a RESTful web service: creating, deleting, updating, and retrieving data to and from this service Enable HTTP BasicAuth and Gzip compression in your RESTful client app Use the third party library Android Annotations to simplify your RESTful app code Create an app authenticating the Google OAuth service provider and allowing access to the user basic and Google+ profiles  

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Product Details

Publication date : Jan 25, 2013
Length 72 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781782161905
Vendor :
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Table of Contents

7 Chapters
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