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Metasploit for Beginners
Metasploit for Beginners

Metasploit for Beginners: Create a threat-free environment with the best-in-class tool

By Sagar Rahalkar
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Book Jul 2017 190 pages 1st Edition
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Product Details

Publication date : Jul 21, 2017
Length 190 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781788295970
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Metasploit for Beginners

Introduction to Metasploit and Supporting Tools

Before we take a deep dive into various aspects of the Metasploit framework, let's first lay a solid foundation of some of the absolute basics. In this chapter, we'll conceptually understand what penetration testing is all about and where the Metasploit Framework fits in exactly. We'll also browse through some of the additional tools that enhance the Metasploit Framework's capabilities. In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Importance of penetration testing
  • Differentiating between vulnerability assessment and penetration testing
  • Need for a penetration testing framework
  • A brief introduction to Metasploit
  • Understanding the applicability of Metasploit throughout all phases of penetration testing
  • Introduction to supporting tools that help extend Metasploit's capabilities

The importance of penetration testing

For more than over a decade or so, the use of technology has been rising exponentially. Almost all of the businesses are partially or completely dependent on the use of technology. From bitcoins to cloud to Internet-of-Things (IoT), new technologies are popping up each day. While these technologies completely change the way we do things, they also bring along threats with them. Attackers discover new and innovative ways to manipulate these technologies for fun and profit! This is a matter of concern for thousands of organizations and businesses around the world. Organizations worldwide are deeply concerned about keeping their data safe. Protecting data is certainly important, however, testing whether adequate protection mechanisms have been put to work is also equally important. Protection mechanisms can fail, hence testing them before someone exploits them for real is a challenging task. Having said this, vulnerability assessment and penetration testing have gained high importance and are now trivially included in all compliance programs. With the vulnerability assessment and penetration testing done in the right way, organizations can ensure that they have put in place the right security controls, and they are functioning as expected!

Vulnerability assessment versus penetration testing

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are two of the most common words that are often used interchangeably. However, it is important to understand the difference between the two. To understand the exact difference, let's consider a real-world scenario:

A thief intends to rob a house. To proceed with his robbery plan, he decides to recon his robbery target. He visits the house (that he intends to rob) casually and tries to gauge what security measures are in place. He notices that there is a window at the backside of the house that is often open, and it's easy to break in. In our terms, the thief just performed a vulnerability assessment. Now, after a few days, the thief actually went to the house again and entered the house through the backside window that he had discovered earlier during his recon phase. In this case, the thief performed an actual penetration into his target house with the intent of robbery.

This is exactly what we can relate to in the case of computing systems and networks. One can first perform a vulnerability assessment of the target in order to assess overall weaknesses in the system and then later perform a planned penetration test to practically check whether the target is vulnerable or not. Without performing a vulnerability assessment, it will not be possible to plan and execute the actual penetration.

While most vulnerability assessments are non-invasive in nature, the penetration test could cause damage to the target if not done in a controlled manner. Depending on the specific compliance needs, some organizations choose to perform only a vulnerability assessment, while others go ahead and perform a penetration test as well.

The need for a penetration testing framework

Penetration testing is not just about running a set of a few automated tools against your target. It's a complete process that involves multiple stages, and each stage is equally important for the success of the project. Now, for performing all tasks throughout all stages of penetration testing, we would need to use various different tools and might need to perform some tasks manually. Then, at the end, we would need to combine results from so many different tools together in order to produce a single meaningful report. This is certainly a daunting task. It would have been really easy and time-saving if one single tool could have helped us perform all the required tasks for penetration testing. This exact need is satisfied by a framework such as Metasploit.

Introduction to Metasploit

The birth of Metasploit dates back to 14 years ago, when H.D Moore, in 2003, wrote a portable network tool using Perl. By 2007, it was rewritten in Ruby. The Metasploit project received a major commercial boost when Rapid7 acquired the project in 2009. Metasploit is essentially a robust and versatile penetration testing framework. It can literally perform all tasks that are involved in a penetration testing life cycle. With the use of Metasploit, you don't really need to reinvent the wheel! You just need to focus on the core objectives; the supporting actions would all be performed through various components and modules of the framework. Also, since it's a complete framework and not just an application, it can be customized and extended as per our requirements.

Metasploit is, no doubt, a very powerful tool for penetration testing. However, it's certainly not a magic wand that can help you hack into any given target system. It's important to understand the capabilities of Metasploit so that it can be leveraged optimally during penetration testing.

While the initial Metasploit project was open source, after the acquisition by Rapid7, commercial grade versions of Metasploit also came into existence. For the scope of this book, we'll be using the Metasploit Framework edition.

Did you know? The Metasploit Framework has more than 3000 different modules available for exploiting various applications, products, and platforms, and this number is growing on a regular basis.

When to use Metasploit?

There are literally tons of tools available for performing various tasks related to penetration testing. However, most of the tools serve only one unique purpose. Unlike these tools, Metasploit is the one that can perform multiple tasks throughout the penetration testing life cycle. Before we check the exact use of Metasploit in penetration testing, let's have a brief overview of various phases of penetration testing. The following diagram shows the typical phases of the penetration testing life cycle:

Phases of penetration testing life cycle
  1. Information Gathering: Though the Information Gathering phase may look very trivial, it is one of the most important phases for the success of a penetration testing project. The more you know about your target, the more the chances are that you find the right vulnerabilities and exploits to work for you. Hence, it's worth investing substantial time and efforts in gathering as much information as possible about the target under the scope. Information gathering can be of two types, as follows:
    • Passive information gathering: Passive information gathering involves collecting information about the target through publicly available sources such as social media and search engines. No direct contact with the target is made.
    • Active information gathering: Active information gathering involves the use of specialized tools such as port scanners to gain information about the target system. It involves making direct contact with the target system, hence there could be a possibility of the information gathering attempt getting noticed by the firewall, IDS, or IPS in the target network.
  2. Enumeration: Using active and/or passive information gathering techniques, one can have a preliminary overview of the target system/network. Moving further, enumeration allows us to know what the exact services running on the target system (including types and versions) are and other information such as users, shares, and DNS entries. Enumeration prepares a clearer blueprint of the target we are trying to penetrate.
  3. Gaining Access: Based on the target blueprint that we obtained from the information gathering and enumeration phase, it's now time to exploit the vulnerabilities in the target system and gain access. Gaining access to this target system involves exploiting one or many of the vulnerabilities found during earlier stages and possibly bypassing the security controls deployed in the target system (such as antivirus, firewall, IDS, and IPS).
  4. Privilege Escalation: Quite often, exploiting a vulnerability on the target gives limited access to the system. However, we would want complete root/administrator level access into the target in order to gain most out of our exercise. This can be achieved using various techniques to escalate privileges of the existing user. Once successful, we can have full control over the system with highest privileges and can possibly infiltrate deeper into the target.

  1. Maintaining Access: So far, it has taken a lot of effort to gain a root/administrator level access into our target system. Now, what if the administrator of the target system restarts the system? All our hard work will be in vain. In order to avoid this, we need to make a provision for persistent access into the target system so that any restarts of the target system won't affect our access.
  2. Covering Tracks: While we have really worked hard to exploit vulnerabilities, escalate privileges, and make our access persistent, it's quite possible that our activities could have triggered an alarm on the security systems of the target system. The incident response team may already be in action, tracing all the evidence that may lead back to us. Based on the agreed penetration testing contract terms, we need to clear all the tools, exploits, and backdoors that we uploaded on the target during the compromise.

Interestingly enough, Metasploit literally helps us in all penetration testing stages listed previously.

The following table lists various Metasploit components and modules that can be used across all stages of penetration testing:

Sr. No.
Penetration testing phase
Use of Metasploit
1 Information Gathering Auxiliary modules: portscan/syn, portscan/tcp, smb_version, db_nmap, scanner/ftp/ftp_version, and gather/shodan_search
2 Enumeration smb/smb_enumshares, smb/smb_enumusers, and smb/smb_login
3 Gaining Access All Metasploit exploits and payloads
4 Privilege Escalation meterpreter-use priv and meterpreter-getsystem
5 Maintaining Access meterpreter - run persistence
6 Covering Tracks Metasploit Anti-Forensics Project

We'll gradually cover all previous components and modules as we progress through the book.

Making Metasploit effective and powerful using supplementary tools

So far we have seen that Metasploit is really a powerful framework for penetration testing. However, it can be made even more useful if integrated with some other tools. This section covers a few tools that compliment Metasploit's capability to perform more precise penetration on the target system.


Nessus is a product from Tenable Network Security and is one of the most popular vulnerability assessment tools. It belongs to the vulnerability scanner category. It is quite easy to use, and it quickly finds out infrastructure-level vulnerabilities in the target system. Once Nessus tells us what vulnerabilities exist on the target system, we can then feed those vulnerabilities to Metasploit to see whether they can be exploited for real.

Its official website is The following image shows the Nessus homepage:

Nessus web interface for initiating vulnerability assessments

The following are the different OS-based installation steps for Nessus:


NMAP (abbreviation for Network Mapper) is a de-facto tool for network information gathering. It belongs to the information gathering and enumeration category. At a glance, it may appear to be quite a small and simple tool. However, it is so comprehensive that a complete book could be dedicated on how to tune and configure NMAP as per our requirements. NMAP can give us a quick overview of what all ports are open and what services are running in our target network. This feed can be given to Metasploit for further action. While a detailed discussion on NMAP is out of the scope for this book, we'll certainly cover all the important aspects of NMAP in the later chapters.

Its official website is The following screenshot shows a sample NMAP scan:

A sample NMAP scan using command-line interface

While the most common way of accessing NMAP is through the command line, NMAP also has a graphical interface known as Zenmap, which is a simplified interface on the NMAP engine, as follows:

Zenmap graphical user interface (GUI) for NMAP

The following are the different OS-based installation steps for NMAP:

  • Installation on Windows:
    1. Navigate to site
    2. Under the Microsoft Windows Binaries section, select the latest version (.exe) file.
    3. Install the downloaded file along with WinPCAP (if not already installed).
WinPCAP is a program that is required in order to run tools such as NMAP, Nessus, and Wireshark. It contains a set of libraries that allow other applications to capture and transmit network packets.
  • Installation on Linux (Debian-based): NMAP is by default installed in Kali Linux; however, if not installed, you can use the following command to install it:

root@kali:~#apt-get install nmap


w3af is an open-source web application security scanning tool. It belongs to the web application security scanner category. It can quickly scan the target web application for common web application vulnerabilities, including the OWASP Top 10. w3af can also be effectively integrated with Metasploit to make it even more powerful.

Its official website is We can see the w3af console for scanning web application vulnerabilities in the following image:

w3af console for scanning web application vulnerabilities

The following are the various OS-based installation steps for w3af:

  • Installation on Windows: w3af is not available for the Windows platform
  • Installation on Linux (Debian-based): w3af is by default installed on Kali Linux; however, if not installed, you can use the following command to install it:

root@kali:~# apt-get install w3af


Armitage is an exploit automation framework that uses Metasploit at the backend. It belongs to the exploit automation category. It offers an easy-to-use user interface for finding hosts in the network, scanning, enumeration, finding vulnerabilities, and exploiting them using Metasploit exploits and payloads. We'll have a detailed overview of Armitage later in this book.

Its official website is We can see the Armitage console for exploit automation in the following screenshot:

Armitage console for exploit automation.

The following are the various OS-based installation steps for Armitage:

  • Installation on Windows: Armitage is not supported on Windows
  • Installation on Linux (Debian-based): Armitage is by default installed on Kali Linux; however, if not installed, you can use the following command to install it:

root@kali:~# apt-get install armitage

PostgreSQL, Metasploit, and Java are required to set up and run Armitage. However, these are already installed on the Kali Linux system.


Now that we have got a high-level overview of what Metasploit is all about, its applicability in penetration testing, and supporting tools, we'll browse through the installation and environment setup for Metasploit in the next chapter.


You can try the following exercises:

  • Visit Metasploit's official website and try to learn about the differences in various editions of Metasploit
  • Try to explore more on how Nessus and NMAP can help us during a penetration test.
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Key benefits

  • Carry out penetration testing in highly-secured environments with Metasploit
  • Learn to bypass different defenses to gain access into different systems.
  • A step-by-step guide that will quickly enhance your penetration testing skills.


This book will begin by introducing you to Metasploit and its functionality. Next, you will learn how to set up and configure Metasploit on various platforms to create a virtual test environment. You will also get your hands on various tools and components used by Metasploit. Further on in the book, you will learn how to find weaknesses in the target system and hunt for vulnerabilities using Metasploit and its supporting tools. Next, you'll get hands-on experience carrying out client-side attacks. Moving on, you'll learn about web application security scanning and bypassing anti-virus and clearing traces on the target system post compromise. This book will also keep you updated with the latest security techniques and methods that can be directly applied to scan, test, hack, and secure networks and systems with Metasploit. By the end of this book, you'll get the hang of bypassing different defenses, after which you'll learn how hackers use the network to gain access into different systems.

What you will learn

• Get to know the absolute basics of the Metasploit framework so you have a strong foundation for advanced attacks • Integrate and use various supporting tools to make Metasploit even more powerful and precise • Set up the Metasploit environment along with your own virtual testing lab • Use Metasploit for information gathering and enumeration before planning the blueprint for the attack on the target system • Get your hands dirty by firing up Metasploit in your own virtual lab and hunt down real vulnerabilities • Discover the clever features of the Metasploit framework for launching sophisticated and deceptive client-side attacks that bypass the perimeter security • Leverage Metasploit capabilities to perform Web application security scanning

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Product Details

Publication date : Jul 21, 2017
Length 190 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781788295970
Vendor :
Category :
Concepts :

Table of Contents

11 Chapters
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Introduction to Metasploit and Supporting Tools Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Setting up Your Environment Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Metasploit Components and Environment Configuration Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Information Gathering with Metasploit Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Vulnerability Hunting with Metasploit Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Client-side Attacks with Metasploit Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Web Application Scanning with Metasploit Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Antivirus Evasion and Anti-Forensics Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Cyber Attack Management with Armitage Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Extending Metasploit and Exploit Development Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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