- Arduino code
- used, for moving paddle / Moving the paddle with Arduino code
- brackets
- used, for constructing drawing platform / Constructing a drawing platform using servos and brackets
- Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) / Using pocketsphinx to accept your voice commands
- URL / Using pocketsphinx to accept your voice commands
- digital compass
- connecting, to Raspberry Pi / Connecting a digital compass to the Raspberry Pi
- accessing, programmatically / Accessing the compass programmatically
- DOUT connector / Connecting the laser source and target
- drawing
- platform constructing, servos used / Constructing a drawing platform using servos and brackets
- platform constructing, brackets used / Constructing a drawing platform using servos and brackets
- configurations, URL / Constructing a drawing platform using servos and brackets
- simple drawing, robotic arm used / Simple drawing using the robotic arm
- DroneKit
- URL / Mission planning software
- Electronic Speed Controllers (ESC) / Constructing the platform
- ESCs
- URL / Mission planning software
- eSpeak
- used, for allowing robot speak / Using eSpeak to allow your robot to respond in voice
- game controller
- adding, to remote system / Adding a game controller to your remote system
- gaming application
- URL / Adding a game controller to your remote system
- General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) / Configuring and controlling an RC car with Raspberry Pi
- general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins / Connecting the laser source and target
- GND connector / Connecting the laser source and target
- laser source
- connecting / Connecting the laser source and target
- laser target
- connecting / Connecting the laser source and target
- MAVLink / Mission planning software
- mission planning software
- about / Mission planning software
- URL / Mission planning software
- Raspberry Pi, connecting / Mission planning software
- Pixhawk, accessing from Raspberry Pi / Mission planning software
- installing / Mission planning software
- python code, URL / Mission planning software
- motor control
- basic motor control / Basic motor control and the tracked vehicle
- tracked vehicle / Basic motor control and the tracked vehicle
- National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) / Controlling the paddle using stepper motors
- OpenCV
- used, for seeing puck / Seeing the puck using OpenCV
- downloading / Downloading and installing OpenCV – a fully featured vision library
- installing / Downloading and installing OpenCV – a fully featured vision library
- colour finding with / Color finding with OpenCV
- paddle
- controlling, stepper motors used / Controlling the paddle using stepper motors
- moving, Arduino code used / Moving the paddle with Arduino code
- moving, to strike puck / Moving the paddle to strike the puck
- path planning
- for robot / Dynamic path planning for your robot
- basic path planning / Basic path planning
- obstacles, avoiding / Avoiding obstacles
- Pixhawk
- URL / Constructing the platform
- about / Mission planning software
- platform
- constructing / Constructing the platform
- PlayStation 3 (PS3) Eye camera / Constructing the platform
- pocketsphinx
- about / Using pocketsphinx to accept your voice commands
- used, for accepting voice commands / Using pocketsphinx to accept your voice commands
- PodSixNet library
- URL / Adding a game controller to your remote system
- Pololu software
- URL / Constructing a drawing platform using servos and brackets, Configuring the software
- downloading / Configuring the software
- puck
- seeing, OpenCV used / Seeing the puck using OpenCV
- tracking / Tracking the puck
- pygame library
- URL / Adding a game controller to your remote system
- Python
- program, creating to control mobile platform / Creating a program in Python to control the mobile platform
- drawing program / A simple Python drawing program
- quadcopter
- constructing / Constructing the platform
- URL / Constructing the platform
- Raspberry Pi
- configuring / Configuring Raspberry Pi – The brain of your projects
- used, for controlling RC car / Configuring and controlling an RC car with Raspberry Pi
- used, for configuring RC car / Configuring and controlling an RC car with Raspberry Pi
- used, for controlling RC car in Python / Controlling the RC car using Raspberry Pi in Python
- using in Python, to control tracked vehicle / Controlling the tracked vehicle using Raspberry Pi in Python
- connecting, to USB sonar sensor / Connecting Raspberry Pi to a USB sonar sensor
- digital compass, connecting / Connecting a digital compass to the Raspberry Pi
- USB camera, installing / Installing a USB camera on Raspberry Pi
- RaspiRobot Board V2 / Basic motor control and the tracked vehicle
- RC car
- controlling/configuring, with Raspberry Pi / Configuring and controlling an RC car with Raspberry Pi
- controlling, Raspberry Pi in Python used / Controlling the RC car using Raspberry Pi in Python
- accessing, remotely / Accessing the RC car remotely
- remote computer
- robot, controlling from / Controlling your robot from a remote computer
- remote system
- game controller, adding / Adding a game controller to your remote system
- RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield (RAMPS)
- URL / Controlling the paddle using stepper motors
- robot
- voice commands, providing / Giving your robot voice commands
- WowWee Roboraptor toy / Giving your robot voice commands
- giving voice commands / Giving your robot voice commands
- commands, interpreting / Interpreting commands and initiating actions
- actions, initiating / Interpreting commands and initiating actions
- dynamic path planning / Dynamic path planning for your robot
- controlling, robot library used / Using the robot library to programmatically control your robot
- controlling, from remote computer / Controlling your robot from a remote computer
- drawing platform, constructing / Constructing a drawing platform using servos and brackets
- robotic arm
- used, for simple drawing / Simple drawing using the robotic arm
- robot library
- used, for controlling robot / Using the robot library to programmatically control your robot
- servos
- used, for constructing drawing platform / Constructing a drawing platform using servos and brackets
- stepper motors
- used, for controlling paddle / Controlling the paddle using stepper motors
- URL / Controlling the paddle using stepper motors
- unipolar / Controlling the paddle using stepper motors
- bipolar / Controlling the paddle using stepper motors
- three-dimensional printed parts
- URL / Constructing the platform
- tracked vehicle
- about / Basic motor control and the tracked vehicle
- controlling, Raspberry Pi used / Controlling the tracked vehicle using Raspberry Pi in Python
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) / Mission planning software
- USB-ProxSonar-EZ sensor / Connecting Raspberry Pi to a USB sonar sensor
- USB camera
- installing, on Raspberry Pi / Installing a USB camera on Raspberry Pi
- USB sonar sensor
- Raspberry Pi, connecting to / Connecting Raspberry Pi to a USB sonar sensor
- VCC connector / Connecting the laser source and target
- wheeled vehicle
- building / Building and controlling a basic wheeled vehicle
- controlling / Building and controlling a basic wheeled vehicle
- URL / Building and controlling a basic wheeled vehicle
- board specifics, URL / Building and controlling a basic wheeled vehicle