Chapter 8. Dashboard Customization
We have already learned how to create analytics and visualization over the data on Splunk; now, in this chapter, we will learn to create fully customized, dynamic, and user-interactive dashboards. Splunk provides various customizations by default via Splunk Web console, whereas there are various customizations which can be brought into dashboards via some coding tweaks and using external plugins. In this chapter, we will go through various dashboard customization techniques, which can be implemented to make the most of the data on Splunk. We will learn to make more user-interactive, user-friendly, and user-customizable dashboards in this chapter with examples.
The following are the topics which will be covered in this chapter and explained with the help of examples and code snippets:
- Dashboard controls
- Multi-search management
- Tokens
- Null search swapper
- Switcher
Dashboard controls
In this section, we% will learn about various control options related to...