Building the model car - hardware components
In this section, we will build a model car from scratch, but first, we will list the hardware required.
The following is a list of hardware components, with their required quantities, which are needed to build the model car:
Wheels (4)
L293D motor driver (1)
65 Revolutions per minute (RPM) DC Right Angled motors (2)
Chassis (1)
Photon (1)
Li-Po battery (1)
3-6V DC power supply (1)
Jumper wires (a few)
Breadboard (1)
The following is a brief description of some of these components:
These could be any model car wheels suitable for use with DC motors. The ones we used for our project look like the ones shown in the following image:
L293D motor driver
L293D is an Integrated Circuit (IC) which is used to drive direct current (DC) motors. It is capable of driving the motors in either direction. It is a 16-pin IC, as shown in the following image:
This motor driver can simultaneously and independently control...