Control a LED from anywhere in the world
For the first project of this chapter, we are simply going to learn how to control a simple LED from a cloud dashboard.
For this project, you will need a LED and a 330 Ohm resistor. For the connection of the components to the Pi, you can refer to Chapter 4, Control Appliances from the Raspberry Pi Zero of this book, in which you will learn how to connect those components. You need to connect the LED to GPIO14 of the Pi.
This is the final result:
Let's now see how to configure the board, so we can control it from the cloud. To do so, we'll use the aREST framework that we have already used several times in this book. The following is the complete code for this part:
// Required modules var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var piREST = require('pi-arest')(app); // Thing name piREST.set_id('98t52d'); piREST.set_name('pi_zero_cloud'); piREST.set_mode('bcm'); // Connect to piREST.connect(); // Start server var server = app...