Session Border Controllers
Session Border Controllers (SBC) allow SIP calls to traverse network boundaries (firewalls). Because SIP traffic contains IP-specific information, SIP messages need to be modified when they traverse a NAT'd (Network Address Translation) network connection. With the 4.x release of sipXecs, an internal Session Border Controller has been included. SBC functionality is important if you are planning on utilizing ITSP phone system connectivity (SIP Trunks) or if IP phones need to connect to the system across the Internet.
Unmanaged Session Border Controllers from third-party vendors can also be utilized by the system. These SBCs in most cases provide additional security and functionality beyond the integrated SBC.
sipXecs Session Border Controller
To enable internal SBC functionality, the service must first be enabled on the server. To enable the service, select the Servers menu item in the system menu. On the next screen, click on the PBX that will house the SBC and...