There's been talk lately of using React as the view within Angular's MVC architecture. Angular, as we all know, uses dirty checking. As I'll touch on later, it accepts the fact of (minor) performance loss to gain the great two-way data binding it has. React, on the other hand, uses a virtual DOM and only renders the difference. This results in very fast performance.
So, how do we leverage React's performance from our Angular application? Can we retain two-way data flow? And just how significant is the performance increase?
The nrg module and demo code can be found over on my GitHub.
To demonstrate communication between the two frameworks, let's build a reusable Angular module (nrg[Angular(ng) + React(r) = energy(nrg)!]) which will render (and re-render) a React component when our model changes. The React component will be composed of aninputandpelement that will display our model and will also update the model on change. To show this, we'll add aninputandpto our view bound to the model. In essence, changes to either input should result in all elements being kept in sync. We'll also add a button to our component that will demonstrate component unmounting on scope destruction.
;(function(window, document, angular, undefined) {
'use strict';
angular.module('app', ['nrg'])
.controller('MainController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.text = 'This is set in Angular';
$scope.destroy = function() {
})(window, document, angular);
data-component specifies the React component we want to mount.data-ctrl (optional) specifies the controller we want to inject into the directive—this will allow specific components to be accessible onscope itself rather than scope.$parent.data-ng-model is the model we are going to pass between our Angular controller and our React view.
<div data-ng-controller="MainController">
<!-- React component -->
<div data-component="reactComponent" data-ctrl="" data-ng-model="text">
<!-- <input /> -->
<!-- <button></button> -->
<!-- <p></p> -->
<!-- Angular view -->
<input type="text" data-ng-model="text" />
As you can see, the view has meaning when using Angular to render React components.<div data-component="reactComponent" data-ctrl="" data-ng-model="text"></div> has meaning when compared to<div id="reactComponent"></div>,which requires referencing a script file to see what component (and settings) will be mounted on that element.
The main functions of this reusable Angular module will be to:
The skeleton of our module looks like this:
;(function(window, document, angular, React, undefined) {
'use strict';
angular.module('nrg', [])
To keep our code modular and extensible, we'll create a factory that will house our component functions, which are currently justrender and unmount .
.factory('ComponentFactory', [function() {
return {
render: function() {
unmount: function() {
This will be injected into our directive.
.directive('component', ['$controller', 'ComponentFactory', function($controller, ComponentFactory) {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
If a controller has been specified on the elements viadata-ctrl , then inject the$controller service. As mentioned earlier, this will allow scope variables and functions to be used within the React component to be accessible directly onscope , rather thanscope.$parent (the controller also doesn't need to be declared in the view withng-controller ).
controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs){
return ($attrs.ctrl)
? $controller($attrs.ctrl, {$scope:$scope, $element:$element, $attrs:$attrs})
: null;
Here’s an isolated scope with two-way-binding ondata-ng-model .
scope: {
ngModel: '='
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
// Calling ComponentFactory.render() & watching ng-model
})(window, document, angular, React);
Fleshing out theComponentFactory , we'll need to know how to render and unmount components.
ReactComponent component,
DOMElement container,
[function callback]
As such, we'll need to pass the component we wish to mount (component), the container we want to mount it in (element) and any properties (attrsandscope) we wish to pass to the component. This render function will be called every time the model is updated, so the updated scope will be pushed through each time.
According to the React documentation, "If the React component was previously rendered into container, this (React.renderComponent) will perform an update on it and only mutate the DOM as necessary to reflect the latest React component."
.factory('ComponentFactory', [function() {
return {
render: function(component, element, scope, attrs) {
// If you have name-spaced your components, you'll want to specify that here - or pass it in via an attribute etc
scope: scope,
attrs: attrs
}), element[0]);
unmount: function(element) {
Back in our directive, we can now set up when we are going to call these two functions.
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
// Collect the elements attrs in a nice usable object
var attributes = {};
angular.forEach(element[0].attributes, function(a) {
attributes[a.name.replace('data-','')] = a.value;
// Render the component when the directive loads
ComponentFactory.render(attrs.component, element, scope, attributes);
// Watch the model and re-render the component
scope.$watch('ngModel', function() {
ComponentFactory.render(attrs.component, element, scope, attributes);
}, true);
// Unmount the component when the scope is destroyed
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
This implements dirty checking to see if the model has been updated. I haven't played around too much to see if there's a notable difference in performance between this and using a broadcast/listener. That said, to get a listener working as expected, you will need to wrap the render call in a $timeout to push it to the bottom of the stack to ensure scope is updated.
scope.$on('renderMe', function() {
$timeout(function() {
ComponentFactory.render(attrs.component, element, scope, attributes);
We can now build our React component, which will use the model we defined as well as inform Angular of any updates it performs.
/** @jsx React.DOM */
;(function(window, document, React, undefined) {
'use strict';
window.reactComponent = React.createClass({
This is the content that will be rendered into the container. The properties that we passed to the component ({ scope: scope, attrs: attrs }) when we called React.renderComponent back in our component directive are now accessible via this.props.
render: function(){
return (
<input type='text' value={this.props.scope.ngModel} onChange={this.handleChange} />
<button onClick={this.deleteScope}>Destroy Scope</button>
Via the on Change event, we can call for Angular to run a digest, just as we normally would, but accessing scope via this.props :
handleChange: function(event) {
var _this = this;
this.props.scope.$apply(function() {
_this.props.scope.ngModel = event.target.value;
Here we deal with the click event deleteScope . The controller is accessible via scope.$parent . If we had injected a controller into the component directive, its contents would be accessible directly on scope , just as ngModel is.
deleteScope: function() {
})(window, document, React);
Putting this code together (you can view the completed code on GitHub, or see it in action) we end up with:
Pretty cool. But where is my perf increase!? This is obviously too small an application for anything to be gained by throwing your view over to React. To demonstrate just how much faster applications can be (by using React as the view), we'll throw a kitchen sink worth of randomly generated data at it. 5000 bits to be precise.
Now, it should be stated that you probably have a pretty questionable UI if you have this much data binding going on. Misko Hevery has a great response regarding Angular's performance on StackOverflow. In summary:
Humans are:
Basically, know Angular's limits and your user's limits!
That said, the following performance test was certainly accentuated on mobile devices. Though, on the flip side, UI should be simpler on mobile.
;(function(window, document, angular, undefined) {
'use strict';
.controller('NumberController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.numbers = [];
($scope.numGen = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < 5000; i++) {
$scope.numbers[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * (999999999999999 - 1)) + 1;
})(window, document, angular);
<div data-ng-controller="NumberController">
<button ng-click="numGen()">Refresh Data</button>
<tr ng-repeat="number in numbers">
There was definitely lag felt as the numbers were loaded in and refreshed. From start to finish, this took around 1.5 seconds.
<div data-ng-controller="NumberController">
<button ng-click="numGen()">Refresh Data</button>
<div data-component="numberComponent" data-ng-model="numbers"></div>
;(function(window, document, React, undefined) {
window.numberComponent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var rows = this.props.scope.ngModel.map(function(number) {
return (
return (
})(window, document, React);
So that just happened. 270 milliseconds start to finish. Around 80% faster!
So, should you go rewrite all those Angular modules as React components? Probably not. It really comes down to the application you are developing and how dependent you are on OSS. It's definitely possible that a handful of complex modules could put your application in the realm of “feeling a tad sluggish”, but it should be remembered that perceived performance is all that matters to the user. Altering the manner in which content is loaded could end up being a better investment of time.
Users will definitely feel performance increases on mobile websites sooner, however, and is certainly something to keep in mind.
The nrg module and demo code can be found over on my GitHub.
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A guest post by Patrick Marabeas, a freelance frontend developer who loves learning and working with cutting edge web technologies. He spends much of his free time developing Angular modules, such as ng-FitText, ng-Slider, ng-YouTubeAPI, and ng-ScrollSpy. You can follow him on Twitter: @patrickmarabeas.