Assets are defined as useful or valuable things. In Unity, assets are useable game objects. There are three basic types of assets: Unity, user-created, and third party. As the names suggest, they are based on how the asset is created. Unity comes with free assets and offers a library of premium (not free) assets. User-created assets are those that you create yourself. We will create our own assets later in this chapter. The final asset type is third party, which indicates that someone other than you or Unity created it.
When we select the Assets drop-down menu, we see several functions available to us. The functions we'll cover in this chapter are Create, Import New Asset…, and Import Package, as shown in the following screenshot:

Navigating to Assets | Create reveals several types of assets we can create directly from within Unity. You'll notice that assets can be scripts, shaders, prefabs, materials, animations, and more. Assets are essentially any item we use in our game. We'll use...