- command-line interface (CLI) / Installing create-react-app
- component
- about / What is React?, Definition of a Component
- first React component, building / Building Our First React Component
- styles, managing / Managing Styles
- CSS, adding / Adding CSS
- shopping cart, defining / Activity: Defining a Shopping Cart
- composing / Composing Components
- combining / Combining Components
- composed cart, defining / Activity: Defining a Composed Cart
- state management, adding to cart component / Activity: Adding State Management to the Cart Component
- component lifecycle events
- about / Component Lifecycle Events
- grouping / Component Lifecycle Events
- items quantities, displaying / Activity: Showing the Quantity of Items Added to the Cart
- conditional rendering / Using JSX
- container component / Container and Presentational Components
- create-react-app
- installing / Installing create-react-app
- application, creating with / Activity: Creating an Application with create-react-app
- create-react-app commands
- npm start command / The npm start Command
- file content, changing / Changing File Content and Viewing the Result
- result, viewing / Changing File Content and Viewing the Result
- adding / Adding CSS
- data propagation
- about / Data Propagation
- cart item component, creating / Activity: Creating a Cart Item Component
- Document Object Model (DOM) / Definition of a Component
- elements / Definition of a Component
- translating, into JSX / Activity: Translating HTML into JSX
- HTML events
- versus React Events / HTML Events versus React Events
- internal state
- managing / Managing the Internal State
- using / Using JSX
- HTML, translating / Activity: Translating HTML into JSX
- minification / The npm run build Command
- nested views / Nested Views
- npm run build command / The npm run build Command
- npm run eject command / The npm run eject Command
- npm start command / The npm start Command
- npm test command / The npm test Command
- path parameters / Path Parameters
- presentational component / Container and Presentational Components
- React
- about / What is React?
- React-Based application, creating / How to Set up a React-Based Application
- first React application, creating / Creating Your First React Application
- application, creating with create-react-app / Activity: Creating an Application with create-react-app
- create-react-app commands / The create-react-app Commands
- React-Based application
- create-react-app, installing / Installing create-react-app
- generated content, exploring / Exploring the Generated Content
- starting / Activity: Starting and Changing the Application
- changing / Activity: Starting and Changing the Application
- npm test command / The npm test Command
- npm run build command / The npm run build Command
- npm run eject command / The npm run eject Command
- React Router / Installing React Router
- router
- using / Using the Router
- routing
- about / Managing Routing
- react router, installing / Installing React Router
- router, using / Using the Router
- views, defining / Defining Views
- route component / Some Notes About the Route Component
- nested views / Nested Views
- path parameters / Path Parameters
- shipping methods, view adding / Activity: Adding a View About Shipping Methods
- state
- changing / Changing the State
- this Keyword / Event Handlers and the this Keyword
- transpilation / The npm run build Command
- UI
- designing / How to Design a UI, Everything Is a Component
- decomposing / Decompose a User Interface
- container and presentational components / Container and Presentational Components
- components, detecting in web user interface / Activity: Detecting Components in a Web User Interface
- user interaction
- managing / Managing User Interaction
- HTML events, versus react events / HTML Events versus React Events
- this Keyword / Event Handlers and the this Keyword
- event handlers / Event Handlers and the this Keyword
- state, changing / Changing the State
- items, adding to shopping cart / Activity: Adding Items to the Shopping Cart
- user interface (UI) / Managing User Interaction
- Virtual DOM / Definition of a Component