Creating animation clips
Animation clips are small animation sequences in Unity. They can be very small, isolated pieces of motion. For example, walking is a valid animation. Associated animation clips will be walk right, walk left, look up, look down, bounce, and more. Multiple animation clips can make up a single animation.
Unity has internal capabilities to create custom animation clips. This represents a great and relatively quick way of building an animation clip. Perform the following steps to create a short animation clip for our Colt character:
Launch Unity.
Open the Little Farmer Colt project and scene.
In Hierarchy view, select the ThirdPersonController object.
In the Scene view, zoom in as necessary so that you can clearly see the Colt character.
Using the drop-down menu, navigate and select Window | Animation. This will bring up the Animation window. You'll see that the Colt character has a lot of animation clips listed in the window.
You'll notice in the top-left section of the Animation...