Game design
A game's design is like a blueprint for a house. You would not consider building a house without a blueprint and it is an equally bad idea to develop a game without designing it first. Our game design will document the look of our game, what the player's objectives are, what the gameplay will be, supported user actions, the required artificial intelligence, and game flow.
Designing a game is significantly more complex than simply considering these six elements. We do not have time to go through the entire game design process, so you'll see the primary areas of the game designed in this chapter.
Our game will be called Little Farmer Colt. It will feature a young farmer named Colt, who has to manage a farm. Let's look at the elements of game look, player objectives, gameplay, user actions, artificial intelligence, and end state.
Game look
All games have a look to them. For a game that takes place in space, the game look might be a futuristic/mechanical. If it is a children's math game...