Chapter 1. Web Application Testing in the Modern Web
Every software development book tries to explain some important technical aspects of a particular framework, technology, or methodology. This book is not different from this approach, but I'd like that everyone reading these chapters will try not only to think of the technicalities, but also to keep in mind the big picture.
Yes, I'd like it very much that we, that is everyone involved in software development, really start to think about the broader scenario, at least in general terms, as the most important objective of our work.
Every technique we learn, every methodology, analysis, and nonfunctional requirement, should be treated and chosen as a brick to build a comfortable house, for a variety of reasons. Concepts such as the end users, stakeholders, project economics, and so on should be handled as primary elements when deciding to adopt a particular technology.
Throughout this book, you will learn something very important in delivering modern web applications; I hope all of these notions will be used to improve web development awareness and understanding, not personal delight.
In this chapter, you will learn:
Why software testing should be an essential habit
Why the classic jQuery-style development is not the best choice, unless you are developing a general purpose plugin
Why we should consider presentation design patterns as the cornerstone of the client-side web development