The following sections describe solutions to the preceding problems. You can download the example solutions to see additional details and to experiment with the programs at
91. Caesar cipher
This problem is relatively straightforward. Simply loop through the message's letters and shift them by some amount.
The example solution uses the following string extension method to encrypt a string:
// Use a Caesar cipher to encrypt the plaintext. public static string CaesarEncrypt(this string plaintext, int shift) { plaintext = plaintext.StripText(); // Encrypt. char[] chars = new char[plaintext.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < plaintext.Length; i++) { int ch = plaintext[i] - 'A'; ch = (ch + shift + 26) % 26; chars[i] = (char)('A' + ch); } return new string(chars).ToFiveGrams(); }
This method calls the StripText
extension method described shortly to remove...