About the Authors
Stoyan Stefanov is a web developer and a project manager from Montreal, Canada. He has studied in the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, and McGill University, Montreal. He is a Zend Certified Engineer, with more than five years of professional web-development experience and has worked on award-winning websites for companies of all sizes—from multinational corporations to two-man startups.
He volunteers his spare time administering and programming a Bulgarian-speaking phpBB-powered online community, and contributing to the PHP community through code and articles.
Jeremy Rogers has been developing web-based applications in PHP and other languages for a little more than six years. Shortly after discovering phpBB in early 2002 and deploying it on a video-game website, he began tinkering with and learning about the internal workings of the software. Since then, he has authored dozens of expansions and tutorials related to phpBB. Jeremy currently serves the phpBB community as a phpBBHacks.com Support Team member, a capacity in which he has answered thousands of questions regarding the software, its applications, and related topics.