- addPOIEvent function
- about / POIs
- Appcelerator
- URL / Official sites
- manual and documentation, URL / Official sites
- WIki URL / Official sites
- blog URL / Official sites
- Appcelerator ArTi example / The basics
- application architecture, augmentedTi
- about / The application architecture
- overview / An overview
- exploring / The application
- arRadarBck
- about / Radar
- arRadarImg
- about / Radar
- Augmented Reality
- about / So, what is Augmented Reality?, Augmented Reality
- Wikipedia link / So, what is Augmented Reality?
- basics / The basics
- device testing / Device testing
- location, getting / Getting the location
- data processing / Data processing
- distance / Distance
- bearing / Bearing
- degree / Degree
- radius / Radius
- sort / Sort
- interface, building / Building the interface
- display, moving / Moving the display
- data, updating / Updating the data
- people and places / People and places you should get to know
- augmentedTi
- about / Installation
- installing / Installation, Step 5 – Get augmentedTi
- requisites / Step 1 – What do I need?
- downloading / Step 5 – Get augmentedTi
- application architecture / The application architecture
- backgroudColor
- about / Radar
- bearing
- calculating / Bearing
- borderRadius
- about / Radar
- buildARData function
- about / Radar, POIs
- buildAROverlay function
- about / Building the interface
- Compass
- about / Moving the display
- Compass Sensor
- about / Moving the display
- controller module
- about / Device testing
- 2DMatrix
- applying / Moving the display
- data
- updating / Updating the data
- data, updating
- height / Height
- dstance / Distance
- about / Data
- data processing
- about / Data processing
- degree
- calculating / Degree
- device testing, Augmented Reality
- about / Device testing
- GPS test / Device testing
- GPRS test / Device testing
- Compass test / Device testing
- Camera test / Device testing
- distance
- calculating / Distance
- Google Places API key
- about / Data processing
- haversine
- about / Distance
- heading event
- about / Moving the display
- installation, augmentedTi
- requisites / Step 1 – What do I need?
- Titanium, downloading / Step 2 – Downloading Titanium Studio
- Apple developer account / Step 3 – Apple developer account
- Google Places API / Step 4 – Google Places API
- interface
- building / Building the interface
- Radar / Radar
- POIs / POIs
- camera view / The camera view
- nextLocationCheck function / Getting the location
- people and places, Augmented Reality
- official sites / Official sites
- articles and tutorials / Articles and tutorials
- Twitter / Twitter
- book links / Book linkspeople and places, Augmented Realitybook links
- Points of Interest (POIs) / The basics
- POIs
- about / POIs
- POIs degree
- about / POIs
- Pythagoras theorem
- about / Distance
- Radar
- about / Radar
- radar.png
- about / Radar
- radius
- calculating / Radius
- removeDirectionHandler function
- about / Moving the display
- resetVars function
- about / The camera view
- retrieveCurrentHeading function
- about / Moving the display
- retrieveCurrentPosition function / Getting the location
- rotateDisplay function
- about / Moving the display
- sorting, by distance
- about / Sort
- Spherical law of Cosines
- about / Distance
- Ti.Geolocation.getCurrentPosition / Getting the location
- Ti.Media.ShowCamera API
- about / The camera view
- Titanium Geolocation API
- about / Getting the location
- toDegree function
- about / Degree
- toRadius function
- about / Radius
- Twitter, augmented reality and titanium / Twitter