Asset packages
In the last chapter, we imported an asset package so that we could create and modify our game's terrain. In this section, we'll look at what these packages are and how we'll use them in Unity and for our game.
Asset packages are bundles of assets grouped together. We can create packages to share our assets with others or to save them for use in another game or Unity application. We can even create asset bundles to sell in Unity's Asset Store.
To create an asset package, you simply select all the assets you want in the package, using the Project view. Then you have two options. Your first option is to right-click and select Export Package. The second option is to navigate to Assets | Export Package. Both options result in the same outcome.
In addition to the ability to export packages from Unity, we can also import asset packages into Unity. To import an asset package, we simply navigate to Assets | Import Package menu option:

When importing asset packages, we can select from one...